
“Br-Bruce Wayne, what Bruce Wayne?“ Mr Oliver asked.

“Come over to the station for more information, have a good day,”

“B—b—but Sir, sir? Hello?“ Mr Oliver stuttered, but the Cop had ended the call.

“What did the officer say?“ Mrs Laurette asked, pretending not to know what was going on.

“It's my mother, and my sister, they are both in the station,”

“What? When? Why?“ I asked, feigning concern. He shook his head.

“I don't know Laurette, he said nothing, he only asked me to cone over to the station, I don't know why this family keeps being involved in trouble, I am so tired, so fucking tired,” Mr Oliver sat on the edge side of his bed.

“Let's not think too much about it, it could be a minor case, okay?“ Mrs Laurette asked, she walked back to the bed, sitting beside Mr Oliver.

“Sometimes I just want to abandon this family, and leave, I just want to go far far away, I don't want to be the one who would take care of all this mess, now that father is gone, it's all left to me, and it scar
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