Five hundred and ten million dollars!


Mrs Emilia came down from the SUV. Firstly, she was wearing a long black silky gown, then the rest of the family followed.

They were all seated at the living room, Mrs Emilia still kept weeping, it's been two hours since Mr Cooper got buried.

“Mum, please calm down, none of this is your fault,” Aunt Matilda said. She sat beside her mother so that she could hug and cinsike her every now and then.

“But, why didn't he tell anyone about his heart disease? It's really unfair, living us like this,” Bailey mumbled, cleaning up the tear that rolled down from her cheek.

Amber was quiet, she has been quiet, from the station, to the hospital, to the cemetery, and now. Amber didn't remember much about Mr Cooper, but the few months she could remember, she couldn't understand him in those short amounts of time.

.she appeared to be cold most of the time, normal a few times, unpredictable sometimes, stronger than he should be, but she never seemed to be sick. No one was expecting it.

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