Gun shot

“Are you selling your body for money, just like your mother used to do?“ I wasn't sure I heard him right, so I took a step back.

How could one be so stupid and quick to judge someone? I had a cut on my lips, a cut on my forehead which I had managed to cover so that the Cop we met earlier wouldn't ask me unnecessary questions.

But at that, Amber stood outside with Mr Nathan, with the wind blowing through her hair, revealing the big cut Mr Benjamin had given to her earlier. Mr Nathan didn't think of asking her what was wrong with her hair, all he could think of was her being a prostitute, he didn't ask her if she was okay. Because a few hours ago, she wasn't.

Amber parted her lips to speak, but something made her tongue cease. Something deep inside of her made her realize Mr Nathan was nothing but a fool, a bastard. And explaining anything to him would mean nor change anything for her.

So Instead, she walked away from him, because there is a saying that “Silence is the best Answer for
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