
“Oh, I see now, all you did was to make that young man suffer right?“ One of the policemen asked.

“Uh—who said so?“ Mrs Emilia stuttered.

“Oh, you're accusing me of lies now right? You know what? your detention is being increased to forty eight hours, and just in case your old bellies are empty from your evil act, we will provide food for you in a few hours time, so that we wouldn't make your death faster than it is supposed to be,” the police officer said.

“I hope you like cell foods?“ The other cops teased, as both police men laughed.

“Oh! I'm finished, Wayne has finished me! That boy had made my old age miserable,” Mrs Emilia fell to the floor and began to cry.

Mr Cooper shook his head.

“You're not serious, you're crying that you're finnish when you nearly killed that boy when he was once Amber's husband, had it been you weren't stupid enough to belittle him all because he was poor, we would have benefited from him by now, and we would have been swimming in more wealth ,” Mr Coope
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