The property.

Mr Oliver angrily walked to his room, as Mrs Laurette followed behind him, closing the door gently behind her.

“My Darling, please you need to calm down,” Mrs Laurette mumbled, trying to calm Mr Oliver down as Mr Oliver paced around the room restlessly.

“I can't believe my mother would do such a thing, I believe she can be so cruel, so fucking cruel,” Mr Oliver lamented, still Pacing around.

“I know how you feel, but being angry right now isn't going to change anything, it's not going to change the fact that your mother poisoned your father, and it's not going to change the fact that i told you so. I warned you earlier, when Amber had told me what Mrs Emilia did to her, i fucking told you, but you wouldn't listen. right from the day we were Called by a strange doctor, to come to the hospital, and that Amber was dead. remember we got there and she wasn't. I told you right from that day that something was wrong, possibly before then, but you choose to
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