
“Amber? But Amber left with you, Matilda, how come she's missing,” Mr Nathan mumbled. Aunt Matilda shut her eyes close.

“Nathan, W—What did you just say?“ Mrs Laurette asked.

“You heard right, I'm not here to get myself involved in any of your problems, I'm going to bed,” Mr Nathan said and he left. Aunt Matilda on the other hand froze on her track, she felt like digging herself up, Anything to avoid Mrs Laurette and Mr Oliver asking her any question. What would she tell them?

“Matilda, what do you have to say to this?“ Mr Oliver asked. Just as Ain't Matilda feared. Her stupid inquisitive brother was always the one to throw the first question.

She turned back to them.

“Can't you see how drunk Nathan was, he told you guys that i went out with Amber, yet I am awake, restlessly looking for her,” Aunt Matilda lied, at least she was so good at lying, and she was sure lying to this dumb fuckers in front of her will get her out of this Amber's missing case.

Mr Nathan drew his brows together
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