stop overreacting!!!

"Doctor! Doctor!" Mr Oliver and Mrs Laurette shouted in unison.

The doctor entered the room, followed by three nurses in white scrubs.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked.

"I don't know, she just started screaming," Mrs Laurette explained.

"You and your husband will have to excuse us," the doctor said, turning his attention to Amber as the nurses did the same.

Mrs Laurette continued to pace restlessly.

"Honey, please come and sit down, the doctor and nurses are already looking after her," Mr Oliver tried to calm Mrs Laurette down, but it didn't seem to be working.

"How the hell do you expect me to calm down?" Mrs Laurette shouted, then almost instantly stopped in her tracks as if she had just remembered something.

"Why did she ask us who we were?" she whispered, but it was loud enough for Mr Oliver to hear.

"Oh about that, I'm sure she was just in shock, don't over think it, OK?" Mr Oliver stood up, he held out his hand wide then wrapped it around his wife.

"It's all right baby, let's ho
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