Zane looked at the two brothers and his ex-girlfriend with a cold expression on his face, catching a glimpse of the letter in Brandon's hand. The sight of the letter brought a surge of emotions, but he kept his demeanor calm and unyielding.

Brandon, who had just arrived, was shocked to see two strong bodyguards lying on the ground, writhing in pain. One of them even seemed to have a broken arm.

'What happened here, did Zane beat them?' he wondered, his mind racing. 'The plan was for them to fight Zane, not get defeated. Or did my brother ask them to fake being beaten by him?' He questioned himself, confused about why everything didn’t go as planned.

Nevertheless, he kept a cold grin on his face as he observed Zane’s expression.

"I was shocked when I heard you were back so early. It made me wonder if my guards didn't do a good job beating you," Brandon laughed, his eyes narrowing with malice.

"How do you feel now that your woman is mine?" Saying this, Brandon revealed a smirk as he d
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