Rise Of The God Of War

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Rise Of The God Of War

By: Dark Crafter OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 221

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Zane is an average nerd who gets bullied daily and had his girlfriend stolen by his worst bully. Nevertheless, when all hope seems lost, light appears in the form of a phone that grants Zane the power to travel to other worlds and accumulate money, supernatural power, and charm. With this phone, Zane strives to reach the top but soon discovers there are more mysteries surrounding the phone than plain world traveling.

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  • Chessman



    2024-06-22 17:12:45
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9 chapters
Richland University.At one of the biggest halls on the school premises, a grand party was underway. Today marked the birthday of one of the most popular girls in school, and the air buzzed with excitement and chatter."Shentelia, here is a limited edition Rolex watch. Happy birthday!""Happy birthday! I have transferred a sum of one hundred thousand dollars to your Cash App. Enjoy.""You look so beautiful today! Happy birthday."One after another, students approached the celebrant, Shentelia Wright, who stood gracefully in the middle of the dance floor. She accepted the gifts with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling under the twinkling lights of the hall.Shentelia was one of the most beautiful girls at Richland University, and her popularity extended far beyond the campus. A social media influencer, model, and actress, she captivated everyone with her long blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and luscious pink lips that made her irresistible. Her beauty was undeniable, a magnetic charm
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Zane's eyes opened in a new room. He looked around and couldn't understand why he was in this place."Where am I?" he asked himself as he raised his upper torso to get a better look at the room he was in.The room was big and wide. There were several stretchers, and on those stretchers were people who seemed to be in a bad state. Some even had fractured legs and broken arms wrapped in bandages."It seems I am in a hospital," he thought inwardly."Where is Julius?" He recalled what had happened at his girlfriend's party—or rather, his ex-girlfriend, since they were no longer together.Although he was saddened by that fact, he knew it would be useless to be sad about losing a pretentious girlfriend.He was more worried about his buddy."Hey, nurse?" he called out, trying to get the attention of any nurse around."Hey, keep your voice down!" two men yelled at him almost simultaneously.They were patients on the stretcher close to him. One looked really sick with a pale face, while the ot
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Zane lived in the old dorm building meant for poor students who couldn't afford the luxury of living in the school's expensive accommodations. Thus, after making his way down from the hospital, he decided to rest in his room.Nevertheless."Look over there, that is the poorest kid in school who is so poor he can't even keep a girl," Zane heard one of the upper-class students pointing at him and laughing. He was with his group of friends, who were dressed in expensive clothing, signifying their high class."Such a loser. He deserves to die for even trying to challenge Brandon.""Why is he even here? Does he want to receive another beating?""Leave him be; he has learned his lesson and wouldn't dare to challenge anyone in this university.""Yeah, he should know that Richland isn't for poor rats like him."The boys kept tormenting him verbally, but he chose to pay them no heed. He was already used to such torturous words.Zane first rushed to the school infirmary, where he saw Julius res
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It is said that one's fate can change with just one encounter, even if the encounter is unplanned and often unknown. History has proven this through the stories of many people who either experienced incredible luck or devastating misfortune as a result of these encounters.As for Zane, he didn't know if his experience was good luck or bad luck. He was worried and sad, his eyes fixed on the notification on his phone, studying it with growing intrigue and apprehension.[Welcome Zane, since you have received the reward, now it's time to further introduce you to the magic tech..][You may have been intrigued by the word 'magic' in the state and I am here to tell you that you indeed have a reason to be intrigued.][With this magic tech, you can travel through different worlds, venture into different realities, different dimensions. In these places, you can become wealthy by acquiring treasures like the nest of a dragon who has stored up gold and jewels for years.][You can also venture int
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What appeared in front of Zane resembled a large television, yet it lacked the usual solid parts like the black glass screen or the plastic backing. Instead, the screen floated in front of him[ Choose from these weapons ][ Sword, shield, spear, knife, dagger, handglove, pole, rapier, hammer, axe, pickaxe, sickle, scythe ]Zane had never used any weapon before. He was familiar with a knife, but only for chopping vegetables and cooking. He had never wielded a weapon for its intended purpose: to kill. The thought of using a weapon for combat sent a shiver down his spine. However, if he was going to engage in combat with monsters, he would definitely need a weapon.Having no choice, Zane picked his weapon.[ You picked sword ]A small portal, about three times smaller than the one which appeared in his room, formed in front of him. The swirling vortex of colors and lights was mesmerizing. Zane stretched out his hand and grabbed the shiny steel sword. It was heavier than he expected, a
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Goblins are short, green-skinned monsters that mostly appear in movies and games. They are ugly and have long ears, known for their dubious acts of stealing and setting traps. These creatures thrive on chaos and trickery, making them formidable adversaries despite their small size.Never in his wildest dreams had Zane thought he would be going up against one. "HEI HEI!"The goblin laughed as it looked at Zane, a cunning look easily visible on its face. Its beady eyes glimmered with malicious intent, and its crooked teeth were bared in a sneer.[ Zane, you are lucky, you found the strange beast disturbing the village lord. It is a Low Rank goblin, slay it. ]The MAGICTECH vibrated as he read Alice's message. The familiar hum of the device was a small comfort amidst the growing tension."I am fortunate to be facing a goblin as my first foe. What if it was a hobgoblin? I would have been dead the moment I stepped into the room," Zane thought. His heart raced at the thought of facing a mo
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"Please save me, the goblin wants to eat my head off! Waaaa!"Zane heard the cry, and it seemed to be coming from a little girl. Judging by her frantic tone, she had been kidnapped by a crafty goblin and was about to get hurt. The urgency in her voice sent a chill down his spine.[ You can't let the village lord's daughter get hurt, hurry! ] Alice's message flashed urgently.Zane nodded with determination, grabbing his sword and sprinting towards the staircase. His heart pounded as he realized the gravity of the situation. Before, he thought there were only two floors, but now, with the girl's cry coming from another level, he understood there was more to this place than he initially perceived.Upon reaching the third floor, he was greeted by the constant cries of the young girl. She was clearly terrified of the goblin, as any normal child would be.In fact, even an adult would be scared when faced with such a creature. Now on the third floor, Zane looked left and right before using
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"Break the door, I heard the poor bastard is back. It is my turn to teach him a lesson for having the guts to insult my brother," a familiar voice came from the door, dripping with malice and entitlement."Yes, young master," replied two hoarse voices, belonging to the strong bodyguards of the speaker. They pushed against the door with brute strength, their muscles straining visibly as they worked."Benjamin, brandon's twin," Zane muttered to himself, recognizing the owner of the voice. The mere mention of Benjamin's name brought back a flood of unpleasant memories in his mind.THUMP!!The guards applied more force from outside, causing a loud sound that reverberated throughout the dormitory, making the walls shudder."Quickly open the door before I lose my cool," Benjamin barked at the bodyguards, his impatience and anger evident in his tone."He must be sleeping right now. Once I get him, I will give him the beating of his life and make sure his handsome face becomes unrecognizable,
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Zane looked at the two brothers and his ex-girlfriend with a cold expression on his face, catching a glimpse of the letter in Brandon's hand. The sight of the letter brought a surge of emotions, but he kept his demeanor calm and unyielding.Brandon, who had just arrived, was shocked to see two strong bodyguards lying on the ground, writhing in pain. One of them even seemed to have a broken arm. 'What happened here, did Zane beat them?' he wondered, his mind racing. 'The plan was for them to fight Zane, not get defeated. Or did my brother ask them to fake being beaten by him?' He questioned himself, confused about why everything didn’t go as planned.Nevertheless, he kept a cold grin on his face as he observed Zane’s expression. "I was shocked when I heard you were back so early. It made me wonder if my guards didn't do a good job beating you," Brandon laughed, his eyes narrowing with malice."How do you feel now that your woman is mine?" Saying this, Brandon revealed a smirk as he d
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