The Vengeance Of Ludex

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The Vengeance Of Ludex

By: Black Diamond OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 397

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After running out of the family due to fear of his adversaries, Ludex Brian patronized the other side of life, which was not favorable because both his wife and in-laws became the greatest threat to his peace. Upon being betrayed by the love of his life, he was stirred to reconsider the golden and flowering life he left behind. He finally accepted his fate but this time, would have to confront the demons that stood heavily prepared against him. Thus, in his mission to seek revenge on those who hurt him, he was now ready to be stabbed at and also, stab all those warring with him. Would he survive on this adventure, or would he be consumed by the fires of vengeance?

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29 chapters
Chapter 1
The wind blew the chaff across the building as the charming and cosy ambiance came into view. The building had a warm and inviting colour, large windows and a welcoming sign at the front door. The only man in front of the bookstore sighed in distress as he stepped foot inside the building with a letter in one hand. Ludex Bryan took a glimpse of the features the bookshop boost. His eyes flickered between his favourite spots. His attention was fixed on the book shelves. Ludex was an avid reader. He knew he was going to miss this place. With his gaze low, he approached his boss and bowed. Ludex stretched out the letter without raising his head. He wouldn't dare look his boss in the eyes because he knew quite well that in a few minutes, the man's fragile heart would be shattered.Mr. Clement raised his head and glanced at the figure right in front of him. Confusion was written all over him as he reached for the letter Ludex had offered. He widened his eyes in disbelief when the word, “Re
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Chapter 2
The day went by and the moon clouded the sky. Ludex groaned in pain, dragging his feet on the ground as he reached for the doorknob. The man was finally back from all that trauma but his attention fell on a strange woman, Clara Joseph, his wife's assistant, and besties, so they called themselves. The young lady was seated on the couch in the living room with both legs crossed. Ludex narrowed his eyes at the woman. He found it strange to be in one's home at this hour of the day. Clara had no right to be here. Ludex glanced at the corners of the living room hoping to see his wife in view. But Angela was nowhere in the room. What is going on? The atmosphere seemed odd to him. An awkward silence filled the air. He wondered why the house was so quiet. Angela was a lover of rock and roll. That was usually his welcoming note and of course, the disrespect that came along with it. He moved closer to Clara and squinted his eyes at the woman. Clara had no care in the world and placed both legs
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Chapter 3
The night wore out and the morning dew filled the air. Ludex stretched to the side and let out a deep yawn. He looked around the living room and blinked his eyes. There was still a stench of dried blood on him. He was unable to access his bedroom and have a good bath. He looked at his torn shirt and sighed deeply. If only those security guards would let him through to get changed. “Please can I just get changed,” Ludex pleaded with the security guards. “I promise I won't touch anything in there.” One of the guards felt pity for the man and went inside the bedroom. He came out with a shirt and a pair of trousers and tossed them to his face without saying anything. “Thank you so much,” Ludex bowed slightly and changed his clothes by the side of the living room. He paced the corners of the living room and could feel his stomach grumbling. He turned his neck to the left and then to the right and yawned deeply. He wondered where everyone went. Not a sight of his in-laws, that felt
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Chapter 4
Ludex, depressed and unable to walk, sighed deeply as he dragged his legs along the ground reluctantly. He finally got home after forty minutes of distress but to his greatest surprise, he could see his belongings scattered on the ground outside his house. Ludex moved closer to have a clearer view. He thought maybe he was mistaken but to his disappointment, it was all real. His clothes were everywhere and the neighbours looked from their windows with a smirk on their faces. He was never respected anyway. “Serves him right, what a useless fellow,” an older man said at the top of his voice watching from his window. A cold laughter filled the air and Ludex buried his head in shame. He went on his knees and picked them up one at a time. “There you go boy, pick them up,” the other residents laughed out loud. Ludex was mute to all the mockery. There was nothing weird about it, he had been living that way since he married Angela. But again, he wondered who could be responsible for such
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Chapter 5
The Stone family stood by the door outside the apartment, hoping it was the police. It was the perfect timing to kick that good-for-nothing son-in-law out of their property. Mary scoffed and crossed both arms. She thought Ludex had committed a crime worthy of punishment. How thrilling!“It's about time,” Mary furrowed her brows at Ludex.Ludex, stunned by the event that unfolded right in front of him, took a step back on instinct. He squinted his eyes at the lead car, with an attempt to have a clearer view. Charlie alighted from the lead car with his sunglasses on. The man stole the show with his charisma. As he moved closer to Ludex fiercely, everyone watched his advances but the man's actions amazed them.“Greetings, young master,” Charlie bowed before Ludex. Ludex rolled his eyes at his dramatic entrance. Charlie had been with the Brian family for decades, he was Ludex's arrogant cousin. A thorn in his flesh but actually, in a good way.“On behalf of the Brian Empire, accept my
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Chapter 6
Ludex walked into the dimly lit room and in an instant, the golden glove beside the study lit up the room. Ludex could see his grandfather seated on his executive chair in his home office with his fingers interlocked.“Good to have you back, Ludex,” Wade Brian’s thick voice echoed through the room. “Charlie will have the board together first thing in the morning.”“And why would you do that?” Ludex narrowed his brows and moved closer to his grandfather.“You should know that you're my heir, Ludex. And everyone needs to know that as well.”“Mmm,” Ludex exhaled and put his hands behind him. “That won't be necessary.”“But,” Grandpa Wade hesitated before saying anything. “What about the company?” “I haven't refused the position yet but, if you want me around here, you have to let me do things my way. I'm fully aware of the difficulties that plague the company and the people behind them. I need you to trust my judgment. No announcement, no celebration of any kind. Let me work in your sha
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Chapter 7
The next morning, Ludex arrived at the bank to claim his inheritance. The bank manager had called a few minutes back. Ludex slid into his SUV and in a few minutes, he arrived at Mega Bank. He alighted from his car, ducked into a well-tailored suit looking breathtaking and dashing. “Welcome Mister Ludex,” the manager shook hands with Ludex and led the way. Not only did Ludex inherit $800,000,000, but his grandfather had made him the successor of his empire.Ludex smirked at the luxury he had left behind. He left because of the struggle of power and his parents' unpleasant death but now he is back and out to seek revenge and take back what belongs to him.**** Sampson Brian had crafted a plan to clear out his desk the moment he pulled through with the deals he signed with some business tycoons. $10,000,000 fraud financed from the company's fund. He reached for the intercom, pressed the button, and spoke through the speakers.“Get me the approved loans and inform the clients to come
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Chapter 8
Ludex was getting bored in his office. He swiveled on his executive chair and dialed his assistant's number and it connected. “Hello boss,” Jeremy said in a way of greeting. “Tell me about today's schedule, Jeremy,” Ludex interlocked his fingers on his desk and listened through the speaker on the intercom. “Sir,” Jeremy started, “We have a meeting scheduled for 2 pm today with the management of Brian shopping mall concerning the expansion of sales and other subsidiary branches. According to the report,” Jeremy was interrupted by his boss out of the blue. “Get the car ready, we leave in five.” “B-But, sir,” Jeremy stammered, unable to find his voice. He wasn't done with his report. He gulped down his saliva and gave a quick reply, “Alright, sir.” “Good,” the call disconnected. Ludex stood up from his seat and stretched sideways, he yawned and straightened his suit. Jeremy arrived at the boss's office and bowed slightly. “Your ride is ready, sir.” He made way for Ludex as he
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Chapter 9
The security guards tossed Angela and Sebastian outside and Angela groaned in frustration. She couldn't understand what happened at the mall. “What just happened, Sebastian?” Angela snapped, her expression a bit confused. What happened back there? What is going on? Who is Ludex to the manager? Angela had so many questions popping inside her head. Sebastian was mute for quite some time, he was trying hard to comprehend what happened back there. He glanced at Angela with a low scowl on his face, unable to answer her question. “I don't know,” Sebastian said in reply. “You know what, let's get out of here to avoid any further embarrassment.” “Aahh!” Angela screamed, clenching her fist tightly. “And you,” she pointed at him, “You couldn't even protect me.” “What do you mean?” Sebastian asked, his eyes widened. “You're such a coward. You couldn't even defend me out there but you let them toss us out like fucking peasants. And that bitch,” Angela groaned. “I bet she's been waiting fo
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Chapter 10
“Thanks for your kindness,” Mia said to Ludex with a broad smile on her face.Mia’s gaze was low so she didn't see Roberto there at first.What the hell is she doing here? Roberto felt a pang of jealousy flush through him.Mia was once betrothed to Roberto but their relationship collapsed due to Roberto’s nasty behaviour towards her.“Mia,” Roberto called out, “What are you doing here?”Mia jolted at the sight of Roberto. A surge of fear ran through her body. She wasn't expecting to see him there, Mia took a step back, and her body shook uncontrollably.Ludex was watching the scene the whole time. He squinted his eyes at her.What is going on? Why is she acting strange? He wondered.Roberto approached Mia and grabbed her wrist with a low scowl on his face.“What are you doing here?” He asked, his brows furrowed. “I-I,” Mia stammered, unable to say a word.The sight of Roberto infuriated her so much. Memories of the past flooded her mind and she shivered slightly. “Let go of me,” she
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