The Lone Son in-law

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The Lone Son in-law

By: Geowriter Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 40 views: 155

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Gill O Gillaed rediscovers his path and destiny in life after his family and home was taken over by another man. The woman he loved,despised and threw him out at his lowest. His attempts to save his sick daughter,was misjudged. His whole life crashed right in his face. The humiliation and insults from his in-laws and the community around him was getting out of hand. His destiny called. But Gill was busy looking for help outside not knowing that all he needed was inside. His bloodline and race already preordained him “Great and Mighty “. The rise and reign of the lone son in-law. What will be the faith of his oppressors and enemies? Follow the story and life of Gill as it takes you through this spontaneous and interesting read, Full of real life relatable experiences and happenings.

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40 chapters
Chapter one
Give it your best Gill,shine those wheels,let them glitter”Anita Wellington gloated at him.Gill just wanted to make extra cash to suffice his income.He doubled up on several jobs just to meet up with the expectations of the Wellington’s family.The insults,ridicule and resentment was getting out of hand.He has been made to believe over the years that the poor doesn’t deserve any self respect.Here he is washing his sister inlaw’s car.Maybe is karma or he is destined to lick the Wellington family’s butt all his life.Gill,A high school chemistry teacher by day and a car wash supervisor by night had only one wish in life.To make the love of his life Nancy Wellington and her only daughter Nancy jr. happy and comfortable in this life.“Nancy never told us you also wash cars” Anita said with a smirk on her face.“Junior must be happy to have a dad like you”she said sarcastically.Gill knew she was making fun of him as usual but he still replied her.”Nancy doesn’t know I do this,it’s ju
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Chapter 2
An Exotic autobiography Range Rover SUV pulled up in front of Gill’s apartment and she got the call…“Hello babe,am outside just in front of the play ground”Oscar Rodriguez voiced on the phone.“Okay babe,I will be there”Nancy she ran out dressed in her red prom gown.Oscar, the first son of the Rodriguez family has always wanted Nancy,from their university days.He is a tall Caucasian male,black hair,thick neck,long nose,with a well built frame,he had that classy look every lady would admire.The Rodriguez Family controlled more than half of the total dividend shares of the biggest pharmaceutical in San Jose California.The Rodrig Pharmaceutical.Oscar Rodriguez Snr was the grand patron of the family’s conglomerate.At the center of all the wealth,was this leader,Oscar Snr,he controlled and called the shots,he was politically connected and well respected in the community.Oscar jr was his direct next of kin and heir to inherit all these wealth he has amersed all his life.G
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Chapter 3
Ring ring ring…..It’s 5 a.m the alarm clock rang.Gill is awake but was weak from the events of the previous day.He knew he had to kick start the new day because he had a lot to do.It’s a Monday morning,so he had his regular teaching job to do.He was to round up on time from school so he could get to the bank to fill out the loan request form.Getting to school Gill noticed his students were all guessing at him and giggling,it was kind of strange because he didn’t understand….was he wearing his cloth inside out?or was he wearing a tag that says he is a punk.Why were his pupils laughing at him.“All hail master Car washer,do you want those wheels to sparkle?get it to prof car washer.”Dexter Olga Anounced to the class holding a vivid coloured picture of Gill washing her sister in-laws car at the car wash.His students made mockery of him,Although he didn’t care.Dexter was Anita’s boyfriend,she must have told him their little encounter and handed him the corresponding picture evid
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Chapter 4
He packed the few clothes he had into the old suitcase.Most of the clothes are faded and worn out.He had no house now,it is only a matter of time before they evict him,he would rather leave on his own than publicly being thrown out. But then,he had no place to go.Maybe he could stay a few days to figure out his next step, as was expected.Nancy and Oscar came back from wherever they went….“Gill,Gill,you this good for nothing man,your time is up.It's time to leave our lives alone,”Nancy bellowed.“Oscar has bought the house.We have also taken it upon ourselves with the influence of Oscar, a real man you know,to get you the divorce papers from the marriage registry office,”she went on bragging over her new man.“We know you can’t get anything done by yourself so if you would Mr Gill kindly pen your signature here and leave our house.”Nancy was overly happy to terminate every connection she had with Gill.Oscar gave a Piercing look at Gill as Nancy flung the papers at him.“Mr Gi
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Chapter 5
“For when the centre can no longer hold,things fall apart.Once every Lunar year you shall find yourself”Gill was in a trance,He has seen this exact dream over and over.Growing up he would always see himself at the end of a long hallway,every other person seemed to want one thing or the other from him.He could point out the deficiencies and ills of everyone he came in contact with,and he was able to make them whole.Gill had this dream every four years just about his birth date.Now he blacked out in front of his grandfather’s grave and got the same premonition.The last thing he remembered was him kneeling in front of the grave.The dream was in the exact same sequence of the ones he had before now.Waking up to see the old book open to the exact chapter that says the same words he often hears in his trance.“When the center can no longer hold,things fall apart.Once every lunar year you shall find your self”Could this be a message?He looked closer at the old book,Now on the
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Chapter 6
It is an ultra modern complex.A state of the art life saving system,made up of units of sophisticated life supporting machines.A refill and succour point where humans came to get recharged.The best of its kind.San Jose Memorial.The hospital ranked amongst the top 5 best in the world, had the best of nurses and specialists doctors.Its modern buildings and scenery made it a sight to behold.Standing at the emergency ward with his suitcase and old family book,Gill was amazed at the level of technology and organisation his eyes was seeing.Everyone seemed to be busy doing something.The beeps, instructions and calls on the radio was audible yet not loud.The nurses were dressed in white like angels,name tags,signages and display screens made it easy to access every department and ward you wanted to.“Hello,am Gill and I was called to see the chief physician”he told the lady at the reception.“Just a moment Sir”she replied.tapping her computer keyboard.Almost immediately a young lad
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Chapter 7
It is already night.The night shift workers in the hospital were already clocking in,as the day shift guys clocked out.How did time fly this fast.He has spent hours with Dr Suptra,Who seems to know all about him even before meeting him in person.It was time to retire for the night.He didn’t have a place to lay his head,After all the talks,he is back to his present reality.He is a homeless man,who has lost all he cared about to another man.How will he tell the good doc,he doesn’t have a place to sleep.Should he open up to him?“I bet you haven’t had anything to eat this evening,maybe we stop by a kings restaurant down the road, they make good meals.”Dr Suptra said to him.Surely he is in luck,he said to himself.How did the good doc know he was starving,he hasn’t had food for the past 48hrs.His life has been a roller coaster.The past few hours has been unpredictable.“Sure that will be good” he replied Dr Suptra.They took the lift down the tall building of the hospital.It
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Chapter 8
Gill slipped under the fluffy duvet.The air conditioner was on,his body was weak.It was a well deserved rest.He slept like a baby.Daddy,daddy,daddy……his daughter was calling out to him.She was walking past the graves of her ancestors,Gill could see the names written on the grave slabs as his daughter was fast disappearing into the mists and fogs in the cemetery.The crows were already gathered waiting for the corns to wither so they can feast.Gill tried to keep up with her daughter’s pace to stop her.Suddenly Nancy junior was too fast to keep up with.What is happening to him he asked himself.As he jumped from his bed.It was a trance,this particular trance is new,he hasn’t had this before.Surely his daughter was in danger!Gill looked at the alarm clock by the bed side.It was 4:00 am on the dot.He immediately reach for his phone in his bag,but his phone hasn’t been charge for the past 48hrs so it was down.Where was his charging cable,he needed to power up this phone,somet
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Chapter 9
Good day sir”good day sir,Welcome sir”It was an ovation.Salutation from the entire police team in the department.Dr Suptra walked in,followed by the Chief security officer of San Jose memorial Hospital.Asp Walter.“What’s going on here”the asp asked.A look at the faces of the men of the force around will tell you that the asp was the highest ranking officer at the department at that time.The salutes and body language of the officers was on another level.ASP Walter wasn’t just a senior ranking officer,he was one of the super cops who was made an icon in the police force by his impact in curbing drugs and organised crime in San Jose county when he was a junior officer.Many officers had that loyalty for him for they saw him as a role model.Inspector Lucas welcomed him to the department with a salute and ushered him into the office.Oscar Rodriguez and his little cheer group,Nancy Snr and Carol, her mother,has been left at the counter.It was now a case of the predator turning
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Chapter 10
Gill stopped over at the hospital to check on his daughter Nancy jr.Nancy Snr and her mother Carol where already at the hospital taking care of little Nancy jnr,who was getting better.At Least she is now conscious and her body temperature has been controlled.Master gill could get that pure and innocent smile from her daughter one more time.“Hey daddy.”Where have you been?I missed you so much.”Little Nancy voiced as she sat up on the bed to hug her father.It was a war of the looks,as Nancy Snr and her mother Carol looked on by the side.Carol rolled her eyeballs and sighed as she made a gesture of exasperation with her mouth.“So you think you can get on a fight with Oscar,and win him?”Nancy Snr asked gill.What do you think you are doing?Who do you think you are?“I promise you and your new friends where ever you got them from, oscar will win you in court.and your sorry ass will be put in jail.”“But I didn’t pick a fight with Oscar or anyone,I just wanted to help my sick da
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