Chapter 2

An Exotic autobiography Range Rover SUV pulled up in front of Gill’s apartment and she got the call…

“Hello babe,am outside just in front of the play ground”Oscar Rodriguez voiced on the phone.

“Okay babe,I will be there”Nancy she ran out dressed in her red prom gown.

Oscar, the first son of the Rodriguez family has always wanted Nancy,from their university days.

He is a tall Caucasian male,black hair,thick neck,long nose,with a well built frame,he had that classy look every lady would admire.

The Rodriguez Family controlled more than half of the total dividend shares of the biggest pharmaceutical in San Jose California.The Rodrig Pharmaceutical.

Oscar Rodriguez Snr was the grand patron of the family’s conglomerate.

At the center of all the wealth,was this leader,Oscar Snr,he controlled and called the shots,he was politically connected and well respected in the community.

Oscar jr was his direct next of kin and heir to inherit all these wealth he has amersed all his life.

Gill was no match for Oscar by providence.

Stepping out,

She looked so beautiful,the mild morning sun rays lased reflectively on her face showing the lines and natural edges of her beauty,she was a perfect mastery of natures art of the word feminine,Oscar was swept of his fit as he stepped out of his car to kiss and open the car door for her.

Oscar is not that perfect gentleman to be seen in such act and public display of affection.

His family wealth and status made him a little arrogant and proud.

Of course women naturally flocked to him without needing him to pamper and show such affection.

It was a sight not to be seen for Gill.

Gill was in the playground trimming the grasses when Oscar came to pick his wife.

Was Nancy leaving him because of another man? Or

Was she leaving because he was poor.he thought to himself.

“Babe was that not Gill in the lawn”Oscar asked Nancy.

“He is the one,what do you care?”she replied.

“A man that can’t take care of his family doesn’t have any right or deserve any respect”she went on,more so I am not with Gill anymore,am already in talks with my lawyer,am gonna get a divorce.

“I keep wondering how that poor retch got you babe”

Oscar said,

Sometimes in this life we fly so low babe,but is ok,I have made my mistakes and I have taken my corrections,she replied

It was a good hang out for both Oscar and Nancy as Oscar took her to a Silicon Valley restaurant,strictly for the rich.

They ordered chicken soup,with champagne and cocktail.

They had a good time.

“Do you know that I love you Nancy?”Oscar asked her.

She bit her lips as she didn’t know exactly how to reply

To that question.

Here she was with the most suited male in the community,the dream man of all the girls in San Francisco central city and he was begging to love her.

She could only smile as Oscar held her soft and tender palms,while maintaining that eye contact with her.

Oscar glued his eyes with hers as if he was hypnotizing her,it was a moment of truth.

He saw through her like she was a plain board.

She wanted him too,all of him for herself, after all,who doesn’t want the best of the available,why would she be different.

But then there was something holding her back from flowing in that ocean of passion.

“I love you and I want to marry you”Oscar whispered to her.

Oscar is not new to the game,he is the lady’s man,a cool stepper.

He knows how to get what he wants from a lady.

“I don’t need you to give me an answer here and now,go think about what I just said”he continued.

“But be rest assured i will give you and your daughter, a life that good for nothing man Gill can never come close to giving you”

Nancy was in a state of quagmire.

she wanted Oscar and all the benefits she is to get if he was her man.

But a part of her was still tuned to Gill.

Gill was her first love,the father of her daughter.

She still remembers all the dreams,

How they planned to grow old together in a lonely country side sea shore.

But then she thought to herself,she deserved a better life.

Her mother and sister will be so proud of her if Oscar was her man,more so her daughter will have a better life.

It was a quiet ride home as Oscar drove her back,she was lost in thoughts.

Oscar knew exactly what was going on in her mind so he allowed her.

“We are here Nan,”as he stepped down to go open the car door for her.

“I want you to know that I love you and will do anything for you,here is a check of five hundred thousand dollars for your daughter’s surgery”he whispered in her ear as he came close to her to slip the check in her purse.

“Have a good night rest babe,we will talk tomorrow”

He said to her as he drove off.

Gill was awake waiting for Nancy to come back so he could lock the doors and retire to his bed.

It hasn’t been a good day for him since he saw a man come pick his wife from his own house.

He has been trying to convince himself that he didn’t see what he saw with his eyes.

“Welcome Nan”he said to her.

But Nancy ignored her and went straight to their daughters room.

She was impressed when she saw that Gill had bathed and probably fed their daughter before putting her to bed.

She then left their daughter’s room and went to her room to retire to her own bed.

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