Chapter 3

Ring ring ring…..

It’s 5 a.m the alarm clock rang.

Gill is awake but was weak from the events of the previous day.

He knew he had to kick start the new day because he had a lot to do.

It’s a Monday morning,so he had his regular teaching job to do.

He was to round up on time from school so he could get to the bank to fill out the loan request form.

Getting to school Gill noticed his students were all guessing at him and giggling,it was kind of strange because he didn’t understand….was he wearing his cloth inside out?or was he wearing a tag that says he is a punk.

Why were his pupils laughing at him.

“All hail master Car washer,do you want those wheels to sparkle?get it to prof car washer.”Dexter Olga Anounced to the class holding a vivid coloured picture of Gill washing her sister in-laws car at the car wash.

His students made mockery of him,

Although he didn’t care.

Dexter was Anita’s boyfriend,she must have told him their little encounter and handed him the corresponding picture evidence.

He is one of the rude and wayward students in Gill’s class.

He does mingle with bad guys in San Jose.

He made money selling drugs around the block,in turn the gangsters paid him good money and protected him.

“Today we are going to do chemical titration practicals”

Gill was trying to ignore the mockery and laughter from his students but they went on and on until he couldn’t take it anymore.

He had to take the day off from the principal,and that he did.

He hurriedly left for his house because he needed to get some of his documents which were required to apply for the bank loan he sorted for.

On getting home he noticed,his front door was open,it was strange because they don’t leave door open in his house.

He let himself in and went straight to his room to get his documents,their daughter Nancy jr must be in school by now,

So surely it’s his wife that was home.

Just when he wanted to leave,he heard moans from his wife’s room.

Could it be that she is crying?

But then there was a male deep tone moaning,and calling out baby.

He didn’t want to go see,because he didn't want to see what will break him down.

But then,this is his house,he needed to know what was going on there.

The closer he got to his wife’s room the higher the moans.

Standing at the door,it was clear to him that a man was making love to his wife in his own house.

What was he to do?pretend as if he didn’t notice them or confront them.

Gill got so disappointed and bitter at his wife.

He got nervous,he never phantomed Nancy doing this to him.

He had to open that door to know the man that did this to him.

The sight of Oscar on top his wife humping her hard,was a memory he would hold forever in his mind.

The two lovers where so carried they didn’t notice Gill opened the door.

Nancy had her eyes closed in ecstasy,holding Oscar so tight you could tell both of them were at the climax of their scintillating exercise.

When they finally noticed a figure standing by the door,

They suddenly stopped the act.

“Young man,what are you doing here?are you not supposed to be at work?”Oscar yelled at Gill,who was still in shock.

“What?have you gone dumb or what?don’t you see we are in the middle of something here?”

Nancy went mute,as Gill fixed his eyes on her.

At that moment,all the love Gill had for Nancy disappeared.

“What are you doing here, Gill?”Nancy asked,

“When did you turn a stalker?what?I mean,you now monitor my personal life?”Nancy was trying to turn the table,she was attacking as a form of defence.

She knew she had to intimidate Gill into believing he was the cause of all the recent happenings around them.

“Is this why you want us to get a divorce?you bring a man into my home?you fuck him right under my roof,and you blame me for it?”Gill’s Voice was crackly.

“You call this a home?you don’t even own the apartment,you are down on mortgage,this house is down foreclosure.”she reminded him.

“In less than 48hrs,Oscar here, would have concluded the purchase of this apartment from the government,yes he is a real man,that’s why I chose him over a failure like you.”with those words,Nancy broke a man.

Gill had it full.

This was his rock bottom.

Is clear he has lost the only family he knew to another man,and now he didn’t even have a place to lay his head.

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