Chapter 4

He packed the few clothes he had into the old suitcase.

Most of the clothes are faded and worn out.

He had no house now,it is only a matter of time before they evict him,he would rather leave on his own than publicly being thrown out.

But then,he had no place to go.

Maybe he could stay a few days to figure out his next step, as was expected.

Nancy and Oscar came back from wherever they went….

“Gill,Gill,you this good for nothing man,your time is up.

It's time to leave our lives alone,”Nancy bellowed.

“Oscar has bought the house.

We have also taken it upon ourselves with the influence of Oscar, a real man you know,to get you the divorce papers from the marriage registry office,”she went on bragging over her new man.

“We know you can’t get anything done by yourself so if you would Mr Gill kindly pen your signature here and leave our house.”

Nancy was overly happy to terminate every connection she had with Gill.

Oscar gave a Piercing look at Gill as Nancy flung the papers at him.

“Mr Gill,would you sign those papers in peace or would you need a little bodily shattering persuasive push to do it?you know I have some able bodied guys outside,that could help…..”your choice I suppose,he concluded.

Gill already saw two black SUVs packed outside with not so friendly looking men standing by the door,so he knew Oscar was not bluffing.

“I never objected to signing our divorce papers Nancy,I will never force you against your will to be with me,you didn’t have to do it like this.”gill said to Nancy.

As he signed the papers.

“Good boy”Oscar voiced.

“Now make sure you are out of this place before I come back.” Understood?he signalled him.

Gill had no parents nor relatives,his last known roots is his grandfather,who died 12yrs ago.

He visits his grave once in a while to draw strength especially when he is down.

Now he had nothing,he has lost it all.

Is time to move on,but he had one more thing to do before he leaves.

He needed to pay his daughter’s medical bills before he leaves finally.

It was the end of the road for him.

He decided to go with his packed suitcase to the bank,get on with the loan process and proceed to his next destination.

A destination he didn’t know yet.

Years ago when the government wanted to take over his grandfather’s house he was given a book.

An old book which contained his family history,roots and pictures.

Gill was a descendant of the red indians,the real indigenous people of the local hinterland America.

It was believed that this tribe had a better understanding of nature and the supernatural,infact they where thought to possess some supernatural powers.

Gill never believed in these stories,although all his life,

He has been getting these episodes and premonitions,surreal dreams and visions which came to pass exactly as he saw them.

In Fact most of these happenings around him are like he has lived through these times before now.

He knew deep inside,he was different.

A historian and well known archaeologist once offered him hundreds of thousands of dollars for his family tree old book.

Carrying his suitcase and holding his family history book on the other he walked his way through the old road,passing the cemetery to connect the bank road.

A voice kept calling him in his mind,the voice was loud and clear.

It was the voice of the last known grand patriarch of the indigenous tribe,’his grandfather’.

Standing by the cemetery gate he decided to go pay his last respect before leaving town.

Standing by his grandfather’s grave,with the inscription ,”the great chief of the Indian hinterland,

Gillaed the IV,1919-2009”

Inscribed on the grave wall.

Gill knelt down holding his family old book.

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