(Not) a Preferred Son-in-Law

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(Not) a Preferred Son-in-Law

By: Cincin_dalin Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 34 views: 122

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Synopsis "Leon, I want you to marry Veronica!" Alexander William's request certainly shocked and confused Leon--Alexander's bodyguard--. He had no choice but to agree. Three days later, at Leon and Veronica's wedding party, Alexander William died of a heart attack. In the midst of the lively and mournful party atmosphere, Veronica made a scene that trampled on Leon's dignity. Leon, who felt insulted, finally left and intended to take revenge on Veronica. Will the revenge plan succeed? Or vice versa?

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34 chapters
1. Alexander's Request
"Leon, Mr. Alexander is calling you!" said the security guard who had just returned from the kitchen of the main residence."What did Mr. Alexander say?" asked Leon who was curious because he knew that Alexander had no plans to leave the house today."Mr. Alexander said I was told to call you. Sir, wait in his office.""Okay, I'll be right there."Leon who was on guard at the security post immediately got up. With quick steps, Alexander William's favorite bodyguard answered his master's call.Leon knocked on the door of Alexander William's office which was not tightly closed."Come in!" Alexander William's firm voice was heard from inside the room. Without hesitation, Leon pushed the door and entered the room. With a gesture, Alexander asked Leon to close the door again. "What is it, Sir, that calls me?" Leon asked as soon as the door closed and he was in front of Alexander. "Leon, will you fulfill my request?" Alexander asked as he took off his reading glasses that were perched on
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2. Leon and Veronica's Wedding
"Grandpa, Vero wants to get married but Vero doesn't want to say the wedding vows. Vero wants the priest to say it, and Vero just says 'agree'," whispered Vero near Alexander William's ear.Alexander William was furious to hear Veronica's words. Alexander's face, which had been beaming, immediately turned fierce in an instant."You think this marriage is just a game, huh? Can't you be serious this time and obey Grandpa?"Alexander said that while glaring, making Veronica's body suddenly tremble. In his entire life, Alexander had never acted like that to Veronica. Of course Veronica felt a little afraid. However, the girl didn't want to give up so easily."If Grandpa doesn't agree, Vero will cancel this wedding. Does Grandpa want Vero to embarrass you in front of the church congregation?"Veronica's threat successfully made Alexander glare again. However, who knows where she got the courage from, Veronica even shot her grandfather a sarcastic look."Okay. But watch out if you mess arou
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3. Sorrow in the Middle of Party
"Just the forehead, and remember, don't take too long!" Veronica reminded Leon again, when she saw that grin, Veronica was worried that Leon would embarrass her.Cup!As per Veronica's request, Leon did not kiss his wife's lips, but only her forehead. That too was only a glimpse, just to fulfill the wedding ritual."Want more?" Leon teased near Veronica's ear, deliberately wanting to annoy his wife."Watch out, you do that, I'll scream!" Veronica threatened, of course in a whisper.Leon laughed at Veronica's threat. Of course Leon knew that Veronica was just bluffing and would never dare to carry out her threat or Veronica would embarrass herself. Then Leon looked back at the congregation with a smile, as if to confirm to them that he was happy with the marriage. Even though he was happy to be able to act with Veronica. Some of the congregation members were disappointed because what Leon did did not match their expectations. They thought that there would be a romantic moment between
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4. Coming Home
Cindy - the girl who picked up Leon - rushed to open the back door and without another word, Leon entered the luxury car. Cindy had met Leon several times and tried to take him home according to Mr. Big's orders, but Leon always flatly refused to be invited to return to the main house. However, today Leon himself contacted her and asked to be picked up. Before picking up Leon, Cindy took the time to contact Charlie - Leon's grandfather - and tell him the happy news. Charlie immediately told Cindy to act if Mr. Big was sick. 'It seems like my pick-up attempt this time will be successful,' Cindy thought happily. She could imagine the big bonus she would receive from the Grand Master if she succeeded in her mission this time. "The Grand Master is currently sick, Young Master." The beautiful woman pulled the corners of her lips upwards when she saw Leon's expression immediately changed when he heard the news that the Grand Master was sick. "What is wrong with my grandfather, Cin
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5. Meeting the Rival
Robert, asisten Charlie, segera menyediakan tempat duduk untuk Leon, sehingga Tuan Muda dapat duduk dekat dengan kakeknya. Meskipun ada sofa yang cukup mewah di ruangan itu, letaknya cukup jauh dari tandu tempat Charlie berbaring."Kamu harus kembali mengelola perusahaan jika kamu ingin Kakek memaafkanmu!"Ucapan Charlie yang lembut itu tidak mengurangi rasa intimidasi yang terkandung di dalamnya. Seolah menegaskan bahwa Charlie memang sosok yang tegas dan sangat dominan dalam situasi apa pun."Kakek janji, Kakek tidak akan pergi lagi," imbuh Charlie setelah menunggu beberapa detik namun tidak mendapat reaksi apa pun dari cucunya."Kelola perusahaan Kakek lagi!" Charlie kembali menyampaikan keinginannya kepada cucunya. Leon sendiri mengalami gejolak yang hebat dalam hatinya. Di satu sisi, ia selalu ingin membahagiakan sang kakek dengan memenuhi semua permintaannya. Namun, di sisi lain, Leon tidak ingin langkahnya kali ini kembali menimbulkan masalah dalam keluarga besarnya. Leon men
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6. Andre's Revenge
Andre's two hands clenched tightly until his knuckles turned white. Andre hit the wall in front of him with all his might, as an outlet for his unchanneled anger. Uncle Leon's teeth were chattering with anger. Andre really wanted to teach Leon, but he couldn't do anything because his nephew was with Charlie."I have to find a way to destroy Leon! Yes, that kid must be destroyed, if necessary, as destroyed as possible!"Andre muttered that with clenched fists and burning determination. He didn't like it if what he already had was taken away by someone else, even if it was his own nephew. Andre was completely unaware that he actually had no right to own Charlie's property, because he was not related to Charlie by blood.Andre's father, Felix Tan, was only Charlie's adopted brother, who was adopted from an orphanage as a baby. Little Charlie just felt sorry for the baby brother he met at the orphanage, so he asked his parents to adopt the baby. The baby was eventually named Felix and bor
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7. The Fate of Veronica and Dion
Veronica told people to look for Leon, but for several days there was no news about Leon's whereabouts. Veronica was frustrated thinking about it because her fate was now hanging in the balance. The video of her marriage to Leon and the incident of her kissing Dion that was uploaded by someone to social media became a trending topic on online news channels and television.Insults and insults were directed at Veronica by netizens. Netizens considered Veronica to be shameless, to have no social norms, to have no heart and empathy. Veronica really became the target of netizens' abuse."Oh my, there are women like that. She just got married, how could she kiss another man in front of her own husband. It's outrageous." "Where are her norms and ethics? They say that rich and highly educated people do that?" "Oh my, why don't you have any empathy at all? Her grandfather died before her eyes, instead of being sad, she did something stupid." "That's the same as cheating in front of your hus
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8. On The Vedge of Destruction
"Sir, the shareholders have gathered at the company, sir. They are waiting for your arrival. They are threatening to withdraw their shares in the company.""What?"Dion's father held his left chest which suddenly throbbed with pain. The shock mixed with panic hearing the news brought by his personal assistant made his heart not feel well."Sir, are you okay?" asked Dion's father's assistant because he saw his boss's face grimacing and as if he was holding back pain."No! I'm okay. Get my things in the office, we're leaving for the company now."Without saying much, Dion's father's assistant immediately took a large bag containing a laptop and important documents along with several of his employer's cellphones. Then the two of them prepared to leave the house. "Dion, Daddy is firing you right now. Daddy is taking over all the company's affairs! Don't interfere anymore or Daddy will be even more embarrassed because of your behavior!" Dion's father shouted as he said that. Of course Di
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9. Andre's Plan
"Miss, the shareholders are threatening to withdraw their shares from this company, Miss. They have even agreed to attend a meeting today and discuss it. Maybe they will arrive soon."After struggling to gather courage, Hutomo finally managed to express the urgency that was befalling the company. If it was only an internal problem in the company, Hutomo always managed to overcome it. However, this time the problem came from outside the company and involved the public.Hutomo had tried to prevent the shareholders from withdrawing their shares, but they insisted on their will. Of course Hutomo could not do anything anymore. Moreover, it was clear that the cause of their actions was the result of Veronica's own actions.Some of the shareholders were also present at Veronica's wedding. So they could judge that Veronica's actions really did not reflect a good attitude as a granddaughter of the company owner. Moreover, Veronica was predicted to become a leader in the company in the future a
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10. Curious Video
Andre accidentally found Leon's video on social media. The video about the incident at Leon and Veronica's wedding went viral. Then Andre intended to embarrass Leon with the video. Andre told Antonius, his assistant, to show the video when Charlie introduced Leon to the top brass of Tan's Industries. That way, Leon's pride would be trampled and Leon would definitely feel embarrassed. Especially Charlie, the man would definitely feel his face was tarnished. Andre was sure that Charlie would kick Leon out that very second. That was the plan in Andre's cunning mind. Andre's greed and ambition to bring down Leon were so intense. Until Andre no longer considered who would be harmed if the problem got bigger. Andre, who could no longer think clearly, did not realize that if the company had problems, he would definitely be affected. It was possible that Tan's Industries would suffer the same fate as Veronica's company, going bankrupt because investors withdrew their shares. Charlie arrive
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