5. Meeting the Rival

Robert--assistant Charlie --quickly provided a seat for Leon, so that the Young Master could sit close to his grandfather. Although there was a fairly luxurious sofa in the room, it was located quite far from the stretcher where Charlie was lying.

"You have to go back to managing the company if you want Grandpa to forgive you!"

Charlie's soft words did not reduce the intimidation contained in them. As if to emphasize that Charlie was indeed a firm figure and very dominant in any situation.

"Promise Grandpa, you won't leave again," Charlie added after waiting for a few seconds but getting no reaction from his grandson.

"Manage Grandpa's company again!" Again, Charlie told his grandson his wish.

Leon himself experienced intense turmoil in his heart. On the one hand, he always wanted to make his grandfather happy by fulfilling all his requests. However, on the other hand, Leon did not want his steps this time to cause problems in his extended family again.

Leon left the main residence because of a dispute with Andre--his uncle--who wanted the power to manage Charlie's company. In fact, the one who should have more right to hold the reins of leadership in the company was Leon, because he was Charlie's only grandson.

Hanson Tan, Charlie's only son, had died in a plane crash with his wife, so Leon became the sole heir to the glory of Charlie's business empire.

"But, Grandpa, Leon not--"

"You must want to reject Grandpa's request because of Andre, right?" Charlie interrupted, immediately guessing Leon's train of thought.

"Andre is just Grandpa's nephew. He is just Grandpa's adopted younger brother's son. You have more right, so don't be weak and give in by choosing to leave," Charlie added, trying to convince Leon to fulfill his request.

Of course Charlie knew the reason for Leon's departure from home. He heard the argument between Andre and Leon in front of the treatment room at that time, but he was helpless because he was lying weak in the hospital bed due to his heart disease recurring.

"Don't think too long, Grandpa is waiting for your answer!"

Charlie re-emphasized his words, showing that he was serious about what he said.

Leon was still silent, he had no choice but to consider his grandfather's words. Leon realized that what his grandfather said was true. Leon was not a weak person. He had deliberately given in because he did not want any commotion and disputes in the family just because of power.

"You are just a loser who can only hide under Uncle Charlie's armpit!"

"I was the one who raised the company when Uncle Charlie was in decline after Brother Hanson died. You only received the good things, studying abroad without knowing how hard it was to find money for your tuition fees!"

"If you really know your place, you should hand over all control of the company to Uncle. Don't think that you can take control, even though you still have zero experience!"

Still ringing in Leon's ears, a series of harsh words full of insults just came out of Andre's lips, which were deliberately aimed at him to attack and bring down Leon's mentality. Andre felt that he could not accept that he had to step down from his position because of Leon's arrival.

Andre had said countless words that were just as harsh to his nephew. It was as if Leon's value was that bad in front of his uncle. It was as if Andre had never appreciated Leon's hard work and efforts to maintain the glory of his grandfather's business empire during his leadership. Times that were very difficult and indeed really depressed due to the economic crisis that really shook all sectors in various countries.

Leon's ups and downs tried, maximizing all his power and efforts, but still Andre never appreciated all of that. Andre, a man who was only a few years younger than Hanson Tan, Leon's father, always looked down on Leon.

Leon had only been in the company for half a year, but he was already required to make everything run normally again. In fact, Leon needed a lot of time to be able to adapt because he had just gone directly to the field to practice the business knowledge he had gained from his college studies. However, Leon was immediately required to be able to successfully overcome the downturn that occurred in the company.

That was what made Leon finally choose to leave the main residence. Like it or not, after Leon left, Charlie finally handed over all the company's affairs to Andre. Charlie's advanced age required a lot of rest, especially since he was often sick and his strength was weakening.

"Leon! Say something, don't just stay silent or Grandpa won't want to see you again!"

Charlie's firm voice made Leon stutter. Leon blinked slowly and woke up from his daydream. A smile appeared on Leon's face, he tried to act as if he was fine.

"Sorry, Grandpa, Leon was daydreaming by accident."

Leon's soft regretful voice made Charlie, who was initially feeling a little annoyed with his grandson, finally smile.

"Grandpa, please follow Grandpa's request, okay? Don't make Grandpa sick again!"

"Yes, Grandpa. Leon will follow whatever Grandpa asks!"

This time, Leon spoke very firmly. As if he wanted to make Charlie feel very sure that Leon would follow all of Grandpa's requests. Even though in Leon's heart, he felt very forced. However, he didn't want to disappoint Charlie and make that disappointment a burden that would eventually affect the old man's health condition. Moreover, Leon wanted to carry out a mission of revenge against Veronica.

"Good. Grandpa is very happy to hear that," Charlie replied with a beaming face. It was not in vain that he pretended to be sick, if the result was like that. Leon, his only grandson, finally returned to him.

"But Grandpa must get well soon, so that Grandpa can witness Leon returning to the company," Leon snapped, completely unaware that his grandpa was acting.

"Of course. Your arrival made Grandpa feel healthier. All the pain Grandpa felt seemed to disappear immediately when he saw you. In fact, Grandpa wanted to recover quickly and return to his room."

Leon just smiled in response to Charlie's words. He was happy because his grandfather looked so eager to get well.

The next day, Charlie had been declared cured by the doctor and was allowed to be moved to the room. Charlie felt an incredible relief, all the heavy burdens on his body seemed to evaporate. He knew that Leon would definitely fulfill his promise not to leave him again.

As Leon pushed Charlie's wheelchair to leave the treatment room, a voice from someone he didn't expect to see immediately greeted him.

"Oh, you still remember the way home. Can't stand living out there anymore?"

Andre said the sentence full of sarcasm while folding his arms in front of his chest. His eyes narrowed, it was obvious that he was looking down on the person he was talking to.

Leon's two hands holding the wheelchair immediately clenched, his jaw tightened. However, he immediately realized that he didn't want to make a scene in front of Charlie. Without uttering a single word to respond, he continued to walk towards Charlie's room.

"Damn, he didn't take my bait!"

Andre just cursed softly, he felt dissatisfied because Leon didn't respond to him. He really hoped that Leon would be provoked by his emotions and serve him. However, let alone being angry, he didn't even respond.

"How is this? Why did Leon come back again? Is he going to come back to the company again?"

Andre began to worry, he realized that his position in the company was being threatened by Leon's return to the main residence. It was certain that the highest power would be held by Leon again, and Andre would be eliminated again.

The butler and the servants lined up neatly in front of Charlie's room entrance. They had received news that their master was allowed to return to the room that afternoon. They had made all the preparations to welcome their master's recovery. Including serving a special dish for that afternoon.

The servants simultaneously bowed their bodies, paying respect to Charlie and Leon as the two men passed them.

"Congratulations, Sir, we are so happy to hear the news of Sir's recovery!" they said together.

"Thank you!"

Leon's lips spread wide as he said that sentence. Leon was truly happy when he received greetings from the servants in the house. Leon had never looked down on anyone. Even to the servants and the gardener, he was always polite. Of course Leon could understand how the servants had worked hard in the main residence to serve all of Charlie's needs.

Meanwhile, Andre followed Leon's steps as he pushed the wheelchair, while staring at the two men in front of him with a cynical face. Just from that look, Andre's heart was clearly visible. Envy, jealousy, and great jealousy towards the two of them.

"Do you want to go straight to your room or have lunch first?"

Leon said that while slowing down the wheelchair once they were not too far from Charlie's room.

"Let's go to the room. Grandpa wants to rest first," Charlie replied softly.

The butler who followed them hurriedly opened the door and invited Leon to enter the room which of course had been cleaned. He helped Leon lift Charlie's body and move him onto the bed.

"Bring my lunch to my room," Charlie asked the butler who helped him sit up.

"Yes, Sir."

The butler bowed respectfully and left Charlie's room. He rushed to the kitchen and ordered the servants to prepare food for the Master.

After lunch, Charlie did not take a break. Charlie and Leon discussed company matters, without involving Andre who was forced to leave the room on Charlie's direct orders. Of course, this made Andre even more furious. He felt left out at that very moment.

"Watch out, Leon! You have to pay for all this treatment!"

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