6. Andre's Revenge

Andre's two hands clenched tightly until his knuckles turned white. Andre hit the wall in front of him with all his might, as an outlet for his unchanneled anger. Uncle Leon's teeth were chattering with anger. Andre really wanted to teach Leon, but he couldn't do anything because his nephew was with Charlie.

"I have to find a way to destroy Leon! Yes, that kid must be destroyed, if necessary, as destroyed as possible!"

Andre muttered that with clenched fists and burning determination. He didn't like it if what he already had was taken away by someone else, even if it was his own nephew. Andre was completely unaware that he actually had no right to own Charlie's property, because he was not related to Charlie by blood.

Andre's father, Felix Tan, was only Charlie's adopted brother, who was adopted from an orphanage as a baby. Little Charlie just felt sorry for the baby brother he met at the orphanage, so he asked his parents to adopt the baby. The baby was eventually named Felix and bore the Tan family surname. 

Charlie loved his adopted brother so much that when his parents died, Charlie divided some of his assets for Felix. However, Felix was a greedy person, he was not satisfied with just getting a portion. Felix wanted to control all the inheritance from Charlie's parents.

When Hanson Tan--Leon's father--began to take power at Tan's Industries, Charlie's company, Felix tried his best to thwart Hanson by putting Andre into the company to cause chaos. And the plan succeeded. Tan's Industries experienced a slump at that time with massive corruption involving several high-ranking officials there. Of course, all of that was masterminded by Andre and Felix. 

The company's high-ranking officials who were proven to be corrupt were immediately fired and imprisoned by Hanson. However, before Hanson managed to uncover the mastermind behind the high-ranking officials, Hanson had an accident and died. The plane crash was again masterminded by Andre and Felix by sabotaging the pilot.

"Do we have to use the same method as his father to eliminate Leon?" Andre hissed, unable to think clearly anymore, his brain filled with revenge and greed. 

Meanwhile, at Alexander William's residence, the atmosphere of grief still enveloped the large house. The late Alexander William had just been buried after being laid out for a week in the funeral home, awaiting the arrival of Alexander's distant relatives who wanted to pay their last respects to the deceased. 

Ariana was still in a state of grief that no one knew when it would end. Ariana never left the house after the funeral. Meanwhile, Veronica looked normal, as if she didn't feel like she had lost someone special to her.

Every day Ariana just locked herself in her room. The food delivered by the maids was often only touched a little, or even not touched at all, making the maids feel confused. They were afraid that their employer would get sick if she continued like that. Ariana stroked the gold-framed photo of Alexander by her side while crying. She would always be like that, until her crying subsided and she fell asleep. 

Meanwhile, Veronica still had to go to the office, because there were so many things in the office that had to be taken care of related to Alexander's death. So far, Veronica had worked at the company as one of the managers there, where she was also paid by the company like everyone else. Veronica had not been given the power by Alexander to hold the reins of leadership in the company because she was not married.

Ariana and Veronica thought that Veronica and Leon's marriage did not need to be continued because Alexander had died. However, the arrival of Abraham, Alexander's family notary to the house, managed to break their minds. 

"Mr. Alexander wrote here, I'll read it in a moment. This will was written before a notary one week before Mr. Alexander died. There were three witnesses, and I have brought all three here." 

Abraham introduced the three people who came with him as witnesses. Then, he stood up and prepared to read the will of the late Alexander William. He asked that no one interrupt him while he read the letter until he finished. Ariana could only remain silent even though in her heart she did not accept the contents of the letter.

"Veronica and Leon's marriage must last for at least three years without divorce. If Veronica asks for a divorce before three years, then Veronica is not entitled to Alexander William's assets and property. However, if Leon divorces Veronica, then Veronica is entitled to half of Alexander William's assets and property." 

After finishing reading the will, Abraham reread the letter from the beginning again, until everyone present understood the contents of the letter. 

"Why is the content of the letter detrimental to us, Mr. Abraham? Is that really what made my grandfather?" asked Veronica who immediately stood up and approached Ariana.

The two women directed intense and deep gazes at Abraham, like a dagger ready to skin anything down to the bones. Throughout the repetition of the reading of the will, Ariana and Veronica had agreed to reprimand Abraham because they felt they could not accept the contents of the letter. They were both Alexander William's legal heirs, but their rights seemed to have been taken away by the enactment of the will. 

"I can't change it, Ma'am. This is all according to Mr. Alexander's own will, without interference from anyone." 

Abraham said that calmly, he really tried to control his emotions so as not to be affected by the objections of the two women. Abraham seemed undaunted by their intimidating gazes.

"What if I don't believe you, Sir? Can you prove the truth of what you said? Or do we need to go through legal channels?"

Veronica returned her sharp gaze. She hoped the notary would be honest and tell the truth about who actually made the will.

"Please go ahead if you don't believe me. Or even want to sue through legal channels, I don't mind. I have a video taken when Mr. Alexander said the will. My subordinate typed it directly and it was signed by Mr. Alexander at that very moment."

Veronica and Ariana were speechless when Abraham finally showed his cellphone and played a video of Alexander reciting his will. The contents were exactly the same as what Abraham had just read. So it was certain that the will was genuine and not fabricated. 

"How is it, Ma'am? Do you believe me now? If so, since my business is finished, I'll take my leave." 

Then without waiting for an answer from Veronica or Ariana, the notary and three witnesses left Alexander's house. 

"What's this, Mom? Does Vero have to stay with Leon? Vero already asked for a divorce yesterday?" complained Veronica when they were alone.

"What else can I do? Like it or not, you have to stay with Leon. That's the only way so that you don't lose your rights." 

Ariana looked concernedly at her daughter's face which looked depressed. In her heart she felt sorry, but she was determined that she would do anything to persuade Veronica to continue her marriage with Leon. Ariana did not want to defend Leon, but, she did it solely so that she could control her late father's assets. 

"But, Mom, Vero doesn't know where Leon is now. Vero has already asked him for a divorce and he just left." 

Veronica tried to come up with the right reason so that she could get out of the marriage she didn't want.

"Okay, if you don't want to continue the marriage. Just let your grandfather's property belong to Leon or that lousy notary."

Veronica tried to argue in vain because Ariana shrugged and said something that made her even more annoyed.

"Isn't there another way, Mom?" Veronica looked desperate when she said that. It was clear that she wanted to avoid the marriage but was powerless against Alexander's will.

"Mom doesn't want to know. If you don't want to, then fine. Just don't complain or we'll become bums."

Ariana's words sounded soft but full of emphasis, making Veronica unable to open her mouth. She was just speechless and couldn't say anything else. Her brain was so tangled and suddenly deadlocked, as if she was no longer able to think. 

"What should I do? Where can I find Leon?" Veronica muttered, suddenly filled with confusion.

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