4. Coming Home

Cindy - the girl who picked up Leon - rushed to open the back door and without another word, Leon entered the luxury car.

Cindy had met Leon several times and tried to take him home according to Mr. Big's orders, but Leon always flatly refused to be invited to return to the main house. However, today Leon himself contacted her and asked to be picked up.

Before picking up Leon, Cindy took the time to contact Charlie - Leon's grandfather - and tell him the happy news. Charlie immediately told Cindy to act if Mr. Big was sick.

'It seems like my pick-up attempt this time will be successful,' Cindy thought happily. She could imagine the big bonus she would receive from the Grand Master if she succeeded in her mission this time.

"The Grand Master is currently sick, Young Master."

The beautiful woman pulled the corners of her lips upwards when she saw Leon's expression immediately changed when he heard the news that the Grand Master was sick.

"What is wrong with my grandfather, Cindy?"

Leon stared intently at his grandfather's assistant's face with a worried expression that Cindy could read until the beautiful woman smiled faintly.

"Only the Young Master can cure the Grand Master's illness, Sir."

Instead of answering Leon's question, Cindy said that sentence. Of course, that made Leon even more upset.

"Don't beat around the bush. Just tell me what's wrong with Grandpa!" Leon snapped, making Cindy jump in surprise. She didn't expect Leon to react that harshly to her. She doubted whether she would be able to bring Leon this time or not.

Cindy was in two choices that were both equally risky, so for a moment she thought and weighed them up. Trying to find the right answer to put forward. If she told the truth, the Grand Master might be angry. However, if she didn't tell it, Leon would be the one who would be angry.

Leon took a deep breath. He didn't have the heart to leave Charlie who was already sick. He felt like a disobedient grandson because of it.

"Young Master, please go home, okay? Poor Master always asks about Young Master," Cindy asked.

Without feeling discouraged, the beautiful woman tried to persuade him again. She knew that Leon's weakness was his grandfather's health. Before leaving the main house and disappearing because of a problem, Leon was always worried about his grandfather's health and made various efforts for the health of his loved one.

Leon was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Okay. Take me home."

Cindy's smile instantly bloomed when she heard Leon's words. Cindy was happy because this was the first time Leon did not refuse to be invited home. Usually, when he met Leon, the man only said a few words of refusal, then told Cindy to go.

"Young Master, do you want to go straight home or do you want to go somewhere first?" Cindy asked before closing the door.

"Just go straight home, Cindy. I miss Grandpa!"

"Okay, Young Master." After saying that, Cindy immediately closed the door walked around, and sat down in her place.

Cindy was one of Charlie's assistants. Cindy was assigned to always monitor Leon's condition from a safe distance. That was why the girl was able to arrive on time when Leon called her.

Charlie was so worried about Leon's condition because his grandson left all his debit cards and ATMs behind. Leon didn't even bring anything other than the clothes on his body.

Several times Charlie ordered his men to pick up Leon, but his grandson always refused. Leon also refused all of Charlie's gifts through Cindy or his trusted people whom he ordered to meet his grandson.

Not long after, the car they were riding in moved, then mingled with other cars on the highway. Cindy drove her car at high speed, but still within the speed standard that did not violate traffic signs. She realized that she should not be reckless in driving because Leon was with her. Of course, the comfort and safety of the Young Master were her priorities.

"Hurry up Cindy, you're walking like a snail!" shouted Leon who couldn't wait to meet his grandfather.

"Yes, Sir."

Cindy increased her speed, but she remained careful and alert. Leon no longer protested, he only watched Cindy's movements which were so agile and nimble driving the vehicle they were riding in.

Leon nodded, silently praising the woman. His grandfather had never been wrong in recruiting people. Leon knew that Cindy also had mastered martial arts skills that were qualified and could not be underestimated.

Cindy's skills in shooting and using other weapons were also beyond doubt. Behind Cindy's appearance which looked like an ordinary woman, was hidden a tough and cruel character that was unexpected by people who did not know her.

About two hours of driving, the car stopped in front of a tall gate of a luxurious house. Cindy honked the horn, and not long after the gate opened wide. The car entered a wide expanse of land, then stopped in a special parking lot.

Without waiting for the door to be opened, Leon had already gone out first. The man's steps were hurried, he was really worried about his grandfather's condition. If something happened to the old man, he felt like he couldn't forgive himself for being so stubborn and selfish, always refusing to go home.

"The Master is in the treatment room in his usual room, Sir," Cindy said as she saw Leon's steps about to head to Charlie's room.

Leon immediately turned his steps towards the treatment room in the house. A room that was specially ordered and designed to treat the Grand Master if he needed treatment at any time.

From a distance, Leon saw two of his grandfather's trusted men who were on guard in front of the treatment room. Without hesitation, he approached, making them both bow respectfully.

"Please, Young Master. The Grand Master has been waiting," greeted one of them while opening the door.

Leon walked with a feeling that could no longer be defined. The anxiety and sadness that had enveloped his heart, mixed with the emotion that emerged when his eyes caught the presence of his grandfather whom he had left long ago in a miserable condition.

Charlie was lying down with various medical equipment attached to his body.

"Come here!" Charlie called softly when he saw Leon just standing still in front of the door. Charlie even moved the oxygen mask that covered his nose and mouth so he could call his grandson.

Leon walked slowly with a blank stare, his chest felt tight, squeezed by the great guilt that had resurfaced, imagining how much his grandfather was suffering because of his actions. Leon's eyes felt warm, it was clear to feel the pools in both eyelids that he desperately held back from dripping down.

"Grandpa, forgive Leon, Grandpa!"

Leon dropped his body to the floor, near Charlie's feet, begging for forgiveness for all his mistakes. Charlie's only grandson's face was lowered deeply, the tears that had pooled and he had held back for so long spilled, the defense finally broke. Clear beads dripped and seemed to compete to wet his cheeks. Slowly Leon took his grandfather's hand, kissing the back of his wrinkled hand that had an IV attached.

Charlie was so total with his charade, that he was even willing to have a needle prick his hand to install an IV line that of course only contained the vitamins he usually consumed. Charlie did all that to convince Leon, his beloved grandson whom he had missed for so long, to show that he was really sick.

"Come on, Leon, wake up. Stop crying. Grandpa is okay. All the pain that Grandpa suffered immediately disappeared when he saw your face."

Charlie's words sounded so soft, so sweet, but still seemed firm and full of emphasis, that it immediately made Leon feel even greater guilt towards his grandfather.

"Grandpa will forgive you, as long as you fulfill Grandpa's request!"

Leon roughly wiped his face, wiping away the traces of tears that uncompromisingly wet his cheeks. Leon felt a little embarrassed because as a man he was so whiny, so easily shedding tears. Leon looked up and the gazes of the two men from different generations met. The blank and curious gaze was so visible in his grandson's eyes, making Charlie secretly smile thinly.

"What is Grandpa's request?" asked Leon who had gotten up from the floor and straightened his body with a face filled with tension.

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