3. Sorrow in the Middle of Party

"Just the forehead, and remember, don't take too long!" Veronica reminded Leon again, when she saw that grin, Veronica was worried that Leon would embarrass her.


As per Veronica's request, Leon did not kiss his wife's lips, but only her forehead. That too was only a glimpse, just to fulfill the wedding ritual.

"Want more?" Leon teased near Veronica's ear, deliberately wanting to annoy his wife.

"Watch out, you do that, I'll scream!" Veronica threatened, of course in a whisper.

Leon laughed at Veronica's threat. Of course Leon knew that Veronica was just bluffing and would never dare to carry out her threat or Veronica would embarrass herself. 

Then Leon looked back at the congregation with a smile, as if to confirm to them that he was happy with the marriage. Even though he was happy to be able to act with Veronica. 

Some of the congregation members were disappointed because what Leon did did not match their expectations. They thought that there would be a romantic moment between the two brides. Witnessing a moment like that certainly made them happy.

Meanwhile, Veronica herself felt relieved because Leon complied with her request. Veronica really didn't want to get a kiss on the lips. From where she stood, Veronica could see the angry and disappointed gaze of Dion, the man who had been her lover for several months. The man who was so loved by Veronica and was the reason for her refusal when Alexander asked her to marry Leon. 

The event was continued with a prayer together. The pastor led the prayer solemnly. The congregation bowed their heads, listening and saying amen to the prayers that were said.

Until the closing ceremony arrived. That was when Alexander Willian stood up and announced that his grandson's wedding reception would be held that day, after the event at the church. Alexander announced it because some of the congregation did not know about it. Understandably, the wedding was so sudden and many of the congregation did not receive invitations. 

The ballroom of a magnificent five-star hotel right across from the church was Alexander's choice for the reception. The congregation who attended seemed enthusiastic to hear it. They agreed to attend the reception. 

Finally, the bride and groom and their families began to leave the church. They just had to cross the street to get to the reception. The congregation who attended and business relations who attended the blessing immediately followed behind them.

Some business relations deliberately waited in the hotel ballroom and did not attend the blessing. They also prepared to welcome the bride and groom to the place. 

The hotel ballroom had been transformed in such a way that it looked beautiful, luxurious, and elegant. Thousands of fresh flowers were placed here and there, making the decoration even more beautiful and classy. The red carpet was rolled out from the yard to the dais. Various expensive, delicious and appetizing dishes were available on the buffet tables. As if to emphasize that the party was not just a party for ordinary people. 

Alexander smiled as he greeted his guests. He was happy and proud because he could see Veronica, his only granddaughter, marry the man of Alexander's choice.

Even though he was only a bodyguard, Alexander thought Leon had the qualifications to be a leader. In Alexander's eyes, Leon was a smart, responsive, never-give-up, responsible, and honest man. That was what made Alexander sure that in the future William Corporation would advance even further with Leon and Veronica's leadership. 

Veronica and Leon had sat on the dais that was right in the middle of the room. 

"Are you satisfied, can you marry me?" Veronica teased, of course in a low voice so that no one would hear. 

"I haven't done anything to you, Miss. How can I be satisfied?" Leon teased while winking, making Veronica immediately glare in annoyance.

"You! Watch out!" Veronica clenched her fists, feeling furious with the man beside her. 

"You can only threaten. I'll threaten you later! Watch out if Miss is fierce, I'll kiss you later!" Leon replied, not wanting to lose. 

Veronica was about to argue with Leon again, but the presence of several guests who wanted to congratulate the bride made the woman speechless. She was even forced to smile and shake hands to greet the guests.

As the guests moved away, Veronica saw Alexander holding his chest. Apparently, Veronica's grandfather's heart disease had relapsed. Ariana immediately approached in panic, trying to provide assistance to her father. Ariana helped Alexander sit on a bench not far from the dais. Ariana then unbuttoned several of Alexander's shirt buttons. She also loosened Alexander's belt. 

Ariana was about to call their personal doctor, but before the call could be connected, Alexander could no longer hold on. Alexander took his last breath on the spot. 

"No! Daddy! Wake up, Daddy!" Ariana screamed hysterically, she shook her father's body. However, Alexander's body could not move anymore. Ariana cried in shock when she realized her father had passed away.

Leon immediately ran when he heard Ariana's screams. Leon suspected that something bad had happened. Veronica's husband tried to check Alexander's condition, to make sure his suspicions were correct. However, as soon as he held Alexander's pulse, neck and wrist, Leon shook his head weakly. Clouds seemed to hang over Ariana's son-in-law's face. Leon wanted to call an ambulance but it turned out that he didn't have his cell phone with him. 

People began to approach, they were curious about what was happening. Then murmurs and surprises began to be heard from several people who already knew what had happened. 

"Call an ambulance quickly!" Leon shouted to someone whose uniform he recognized as a hotel waiter, the person who served drinks to the guests. 

The man nodded, then immediately did what Leon ordered. 

Veronica also heard Ariana's screams. She could also clearly see that her mother was crying. For a moment Veronica just stood there like a dazed person. However, the unexpected happened. 

"Leon, from this second on, I divorce you! I don't want to continue this marriage anymore!" Veronica shouted loudly while pointing at Leon. 

Leon, who was tidying up Alexander's open shirt buttons, was of course shocked. Leon's jaw immediately tightened, both of his hands clenched. Instantly, he turned around and walked towards Veronica.

Veronica's words were like a bolt of lightning in the middle of the day, surprising everyone in the building. Everyone did not expect that in the midst of the mourning atmosphere, Veronica would say that. How everyone criticized Veronica's actions. 

"What do you mean, Miss? Is it true that Miss wants to divorce me? Doesn't Miss realize what is happening with Mr. Alexander?" Leon asked, trying to wake Veronica up. 

"I don't care! I'm glad that Grandpa is finally gone. So I don't have to continue this unwanted marriage!" Veronica shouted loudly. 

"Gosh. Oh my God, what is your heart made of, Miss? Miss is really cruel and heartless!"

Leon said that while shaking his head. He couldn't believe it, how could Veronica be happy about her own grandfather's departure, instead of being sad. 

However, instead of being self-aware, Veronica shouted loudly again. 

"I married you because I was forced to. Who would want to marry a man like you. Your job is just my grandfather's bodyguard. After my grandfather is gone, you are just an unemployed person. Be self-aware, hey, you are just a parasite in our house!" 

People's attention began to be divided. Some surrounded Alexander, others turned and paid attention to Veronica. Then there was a whisper talking about Leon.

"Oh, so he's just living off his wife's family. How shameless!" cursed one of the guests. 

"Is what Veronica said true, Ariana? Is your son-in-law just a bodyguard?" asked Maria, Alexander's younger cousin, who was none other than Ariana's aunt. 

"Yes, Aunty. He's just a loser in our house. I actually didn't agree to the marriage either, but Daddy forced me!" Ariana finally confessed to her aunt. 

Hearing Ariana's words, Maria immediately approached Leon. "Vero, Grandma supports your divorce. A poor man with no capital like him will definitely only control your grandfather's inheritance." 

Veronica welcomed Dion with a warm smile, a happy sparkle clearly visible in her narrow eyes. Then, without hesitation, Veronica hugged her lover. Dion's tall body bent down, eroding the distance and without hesitation the two people's lips even kissed each other. 

The people in that place gasped, they were stunned, some people even forgot to close their open mouths because they were so shocked to see what happened. Some people also cursed Veronica's behavior which they considered was beyond the limit. 

Leon's face heated up when he witnessed in front of his eyes, Veronica even exchanged saliva with another man. Although Veronica did not want the marriage, the woman's status was still Leon's wife. Their marriage was legally valid.

Is there anything more painful than this? Leon could accept insults, curses, and insults from anyone there. However, when his dignity as a husband was trampled on like that, he felt unacceptable. 

Not a few laughed at Leon. Considering Leon a loser who kept quiet when his wife was kissing another man. However, people who felt sympathy looked at Leon with pity. Feeling how torn apart the heart of the man who had not even been married to Veronica for a day was. 

With wide steps, Leon moved away from that place. Far from the expectations of people who thought that the man would be angry and attack the shameless perverted couple, Veronica and Dion. Leon seemed not to care anymore, without looking back he continued to walk out.

Arriving at the parking lot, Leon rolled up the sleeves of his suit. Then an expensive watch was seen wrapped around his wrist. Leon pressed a button on the watch, then said, "Pick me up now, at the ABC hotel parking lot!"

Short, concise, and firm. Leon's order was immediately responded to by the person he contacted. The person who had always followed him from a safe distance. Within minutes, a new European luxury car stopped in front of Leon. A beautiful woman got out of the car, bowing respectfully to the man.

"Let's go home, Young Master!"

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