2. Leon and Veronica's Wedding

"Grandpa, Vero wants to get married but Vero doesn't want to say the wedding vows. Vero wants the priest to say it, and Vero just says 'agree'," whispered Vero near Alexander William's ear.

Alexander William was furious to hear Veronica's words. Alexander's face, which had been beaming, immediately turned fierce in an instant.

"You think this marriage is just a game, huh? Can't you be serious this time and obey Grandpa?"

Alexander said that while glaring, making Veronica's body suddenly tremble. In his entire life, Alexander had never acted like that to Veronica. Of course Veronica felt a little afraid. However, the girl didn't want to give up so easily.

"If Grandpa doesn't agree, Vero will cancel this wedding. Does Grandpa want Vero to embarrass you in front of the church congregation?"

Veronica's threat successfully made Alexander glare again. However, who knows where she got the courage from, Veronica even shot her grandfather a sarcastic look.

"Okay. But watch out if you mess around and cancel this wedding!"

Finally Alexander gave in. The two of them finally stepped out of the parking lot and entered the church. Veronica and Alexander walked while throwing fake smiles at the people present in the church. It was as if Alexander and Veronica were fine. People didn't know that the grandson and grandfather had just had a tense moment.

Only Ariana knew about the incident because Veronica's mother had just gotten out of the car after Alexander and Veronica got out. However, she did not want to make things worse by interfering, because it was certain that there would be a commotion between them. Of course, that would attract people to come and they would definitely be embarrassed. 

Seeing Alexander and Veronica walking in front of her, Ariana felt a tightness in her chest. She suddenly remembered Mahendra, her late husband. 

"Look, my husband, our daughter is getting married. You should be the one standing holding Vero's arm towards the altar, my husband. Look! Because of your departure, Daddy was forced to do it, my husband," Ariana muttered softly.

Ariana wiped the clear drops that dripped without permission from the corner of her eye. Even though Veronica married a man Ariana didn't want, she still felt the emotion. When she had to let go of her beloved daughter because she had become someone else's. 

Leon, the groom, was waiting near the altar. Standing tall in a white suit decorated with red roses in his pocket, looking harmonious with Veronica's white dress. The luxurious suit wrapped Leon's tall and handsome body. Until the handsomeness of Veronica's future husband radiated even more. 

Whispers were heard from the congregation present. Some praised Leon who looked handsome and handsome that day. Others praised Veronica who looked charmingly beautiful. They really were a perfect match.

Leon himself really did not expect that he would finally marry Veronica that day. Who would not be happy to have Veronica? Beautiful, smart, and also the only heir to William Corporation which is famous for being successful as a large company in Indonesia. Leon deserved to be proud and receive a gift because he could marry the girl. 

Alexander William never felt doubtful about his choice of heart. Alexander once owed his life to Leon. Besides, according to him, Leon was the right man for Veronica. Not Dion, the man who had been Veronica's lover. Alexander had known Dion's rottenness, so he did not allow Veronica to marry the man named Dion.

Alexander had arrived in front of the altar, right in front of Leon who was staring at Veronica without blinking. Leon's heart was beating erratically, as if he was running fast. In fact, Leon had only been standing still since earlier. 

Leon's face felt warm, he didn't realize that a blush was tingling there. This was the first time Leon had felt that. Leon couldn't look away from Veronica's face which was like a magnet to him. The magnet seemed to suck all of Leon's attention until for a moment he could only stare and was unaware of his surroundings. Leon had truly fallen in the charm of his future wife. 

So far, Leon had never paid attention to Veronica from such a close distance. Veronica and Ariana had always been cynical and kept their distance from him. However, when they were that close, Leon realized that Veronica was actually very beautiful.

It was Alexander's clearing of his throat that finally made Leon, who was being carried away by Veronica's charm, realize it. 

"I entrust Veronica to you. Take good care of her. All this time, I raised her with love and affection. Don't hurt her!" 

Alexander said that while linking Leon and Veronica's hands. Truly, in Alexander's heart, he felt sad because he had to let go of his only grandchild for another man. 

"I promise to always keep the mandate from the Master!" Leon said that firmly, making Alexander immediately smile.

Alexander patted Leon's shoulder gently. Veronica's grandfather was very sure that Leon would fulfill his promise. Then Alexander approached the priest who was waiting for the readiness of the bride and groom. 

According to Veronica's request, Alexander asked the priest to read the wedding vows, not the bride and groom. The bride and groom only had to say 'I do'. The priest nodded in agreement and prepared to carry out the ceremony. 

Witnessed by the church congregation present there, one by one the wedding ceremony took place solemnly. Until finally the time came for the priest to recite the wedding vows. Everyone present in the room waited for those seconds with curiosity that gripped them. Seconds that usually passed with tension.

"Brother Gabriel Leon Tanusudibya, are you willing to marry Sherin Veronica Mahendra who is present here and loves you faithfully for the rest of your life, both in good times and bad?"

"Yes, I am willing!"  Leon said firmly and without any hesitation at all. 

"Sister Sherin Veronica Mahendra, are you willing to marry Brother Gabriel Leon Tanusudibya who is present here and loves him faithfully for the rest of his life, both in good times and bad?" 

"Yes, I am willing." 

Veronica was forced to say that for her grandfather's sake.  She knew that after this her life would change.  However, she still has a plan that only she knows.

"Today, I officially declare you both as husband and wife before God and the congregation. What God has joined together cannot be separated by humans except by death. Brother Gabriel Leon Tanusudibya, put this blessed wedding ring on your wife's finger. And Sister Sherin Veronica Mahendra, please put this ring on your husband." 

Veronica and Leon looked at the priest and took the blessed wedding ring. In the next few seconds, Leon put the ring on Veronica's finger. 

"If it weren't for Grandpa, I wouldn't have accepted the ring you gave me!" whispered Veronica who was still annoyed and resentful towards Leon.

"Don't get cocky, Miss. I'm also doing this for Mr. Alexander!" Leon didn't want to lose in an argument with the woman who had just become his wife a few minutes ago. 

"You should have refused. Why did you have to agree?" 

Veronica intimidated Leon again as she put the ring on her husband's finger. 

"What power do I have, Miss? I'm just a subordinate. You should be the one refusing!" Leon retorted while pretending to smile at the audience as the ring was perfectly placed on his finger. 


Leon's words felt so sharp to Veronica. Like an arrow that flew fast and hit the target right. Until Veronica was silent with mixed feelings. 

"Now it's time for Brother Gabriel Leon Tanusudibya to give your wife your first loving kiss," said the priest when the ring exchange process was complete. 

"Be careful if you kiss my lips!" threatened Veronica in a soft whisper as Leon's face approached her. No one knew that because in front of everyone, Veronica smiled as if she was happy.

"Don't worry, Miss. I won't do it either. Miss's mind is too far away," Leon replied in a whisper, a thin grin tugging at the corner of his lips as if he was mocking Veronica, making the beautiful woman nervous. 

The congregation present and watching were just as curious as Veronica. Everyone was waiting for those thrilling moments. Hoping that this time they would get something surprising at that moment.

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