(Not) a Preferred Son-in-Law
(Not) a Preferred Son-in-Law
Author: Cincin_dalin
1. Alexander's Request

"Leon, Mr. Alexander is calling you!" said the security guard who had just returned from the kitchen of the main residence.

"What did Mr. Alexander say?" asked Leon who was curious because he knew that Alexander had no plans to leave the house today.

"Mr. Alexander said I was told to call you. Sir, wait in his office."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Leon who was on guard at the security post immediately got up. With quick steps, Alexander William's favorite bodyguard answered his master's call.

Leon knocked on the door of Alexander William's office which was not tightly closed.

"Come in!" Alexander William's firm voice was heard from inside the room. 

Without hesitation, Leon pushed the door and entered the room. With a gesture, Alexander asked Leon to close the door again. 

"What is it, Sir, that calls me?" Leon asked as soon as the door closed and he was in front of Alexander. 

"Leon, will you fulfill my request?" Alexander asked as he took off his reading glasses that were perched on his face, then placed them on the table. 

"I will always try to fulfill whatever request you make, Sir," Leon replied confidently. 

Leon knew that during his service to him, Alexander had never asked for anything strange. So Leon also thought that this time Alexander's request would be easily fulfilled.

Leon, I want you to marry Veronica!" 

"W-what, sir? Marry Miss Veronica? Are you kidding me? How is that possible, sir? Miss Veronica and I are like heaven and earth. I--" 

"Just answer, Leon. Yes or no?" Alexander interrupted firmly. 

"Y-yes, sir. I will fulfill your request!" 

Leon said that even though his heart was still hesitant. For Leon, marriage was not a joke. Leon had hoped that he would only marry once in his life. That too with a woman he loved and who also loved him.

Now, the situation was so difficult for Leon to face. Alexander's request was like the queen's priest's word, an order that he had to do. Leon respected Alexander so much who had been so kind to him. Alexander gave Leon a job with a big salary. Veronica's grandfather also never considered him as a subordinate, instead he considered Leon as his own grandson. 

"So, when will you marry my granddaughter?" 

Alexander's question was certainly very surprising for Leon. How could it not be? Being asked to marry Veronica alone made Leon surprised and almost in disbelief, let alone when asked when he would get married. Leon of course felt confused because he had not prepared anything.

Every time he received his salary from Alexander, Leon always donated half of it to orphanages and social foundations. Leon only took a little of his salary to meet personal needs and saved a little. Of course, Leon's savings were only a little, and it was impossible for Leon to marry Veronica with that little money. 

"If it's in the near future, I'm not ready, sir," Leon answered honestly. 

"How about three days from now?" Alexander asked with a thin smile. 

Alexander admired Leon so much. All the admirable qualities were in the man in front of him. Alexander knew what Leon's salary was for every month. Alexander's confidant had given a report on what Leon did when he asked permission to leave the house after receiving his salary.

"Don't worry about the cost. I'll cover everything," said Alexander, who could guess Leon's silence because he was thinking about many things, including the cost. 

"But, sir. I don't want to burden you with something that should be my responsibility," Leon argued. 

Leon's objection made Alexander smile again. One more thing that Alexander liked about Leon was that his bodyguard was a very responsible person. It was not wrong for Alexander to choose him to be Veronica's husband. 

"It's okay, Leon. I asked you to marry Veronica. So I'll take care of everything. You just keep quiet and prepare yourself. Understand?"

"Yes, sir, I understand. Sir, may I ask you a question?"

"What else is there?"

"What about Miss Veronica. Does she agree to marry me, sir?"

Leon of course felt a little reluctant to ask that. However, he did not want to expect too much that Veronica would agree to the marriage. Leon knew that Veronica already had a lover.

When some time ago Leon escorted Alexander and accompanied him to eat at a luxury restaurant, they both caught Veronica with a man. Then Alexander reprimanded Veronica, and that was when Veronica introduced the man with her as her lover.

"You just relax. I'll take care of Veronica. Now get back to work!" said Alexander who thought their conversation was enough. 

"Okay, sir." 

Leon left the room. He felt relieved because all the things that felt awkward in his heart had been answered. He just had to prepare himself to face the sudden marriage. 

Three days later .... 

"No, Grandpa! Vero doesn't want to marry him! Vero doesn't want to, Grandpa. Vero just wants to die! Huuu ...."

Veronica still tried to refuse to get married. The girl just sat in front of the dressing table crying, instead of leaving the room and getting ready to leave. In fact, Veronica's appearance already looked perfect in a luxurious white wedding dress studded with Swarovski crystals, wrapping her tall, slender body. 

"If you still refuse, Grandpa can make sure you will never get a penny of Grandpa's wealth!" 

After saying that, Alexander William pulled Veronica's hand to stand up, he intended to take his granddaughter out of the room. However, the MUA who handled Veronica reprimanded Alexander. 

"Let me fix your makeup first, sir."

Alexander William snorted harshly, then let go of her hand. He let the MUA give the finishing touches to Veronica's face which was a little messy from crying earlier. 

A few minutes passed, Veronica was ready and Alexander William pulled his granddaughter's hand again to get out of the room. Alexander took Veronica to the bridal car that had been decorated in such a way with fresh flowers, so that it looked so beautiful. The car had been ready for a long time, just waiting for the bride to get in. The plan was that today Veronica and Leon would have their wedding blessing in the church.

Meanwhile, Ariana, Veronica's mother, sat behind the two grandchildren and grandfather. The face of Alexander William's only daughter looked gloomy, unlike the face of the mother of a bride in general. Even the expensive make-up that was so perfect on the middle-aged woman's face seemed unable to cover the sad expression that was painted there. 

How could Ariana not be sad, Veronica's wedding happened so suddenly. Three days before the big day, Alexander William forced Veronica to marry Leon. Veronica had refused outright, but Alexander remained firm in his intentions and did not accept the rejection. 

Ariana herself also opposed the marriage plan. She thought that Leon was not worthy of Veronica. However, in fact Alexander William remained firm in his stance.

Veronica tried to escape but Alexander gave his granddaughter tight security. Veronica was even forbidden to leave the house and all communication and financial access was confiscated by Alexander. Veronica's grandfather was worried that Veronica would contact her lover and run away from home. 

Alexander William moved quickly, with his trusted people doing many things to prepare for the wedding. The man who owned William Corporation wanted a wedding party that was as perfect as possible even though it was prepared in a short time. 

Not long after, the car carrying the bride-to-be arrived at the church. Alexander helped Veronica get out of the car. When getting out of the car

, Veronica whispered something to Alexander, which made the man's blood pressure immediately rise.

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