My Ex-Wife Regrets Betraying Me!

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My Ex-Wife Regrets Betraying Me!

By: Bunny bear Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 169

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After finding out that his wife had been cheating on him, and that their daughter wasn't his, Jonathan was heartbroken.  He was sent to a two-week detention by his wife's lover.  During his desperate moment, the head steward of his wealthy family came to him and said, "Young master..."  Jonathan learned about his father's illness and had no option but to return to the family he had left three years ago to pursue love.  "Mark my words, Sarah! I will make you pay!"

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  • Bolu Salami


    Same here and I really love the cover design, kudos to the author

    2024-09-02 23:44:01
  • Tehilah


    I just hope Sarah gets a fair share of what she puts Jonathan through…interesting story line.

    2024-09-02 14:35:08
Latest Chapter
24 chapters
“Am I speaking with Mr. Gray?” A masculine voice asked at the other end of the call.“Yes please!!" Jonathan responded with an enquiring tone.“I'm afraid you need to come to the hospital right now. This is Dr. Solomon speaking, your wife was admitted a few hours ago and it is very urgent, she has hospitalisation bills that needs to be sorted out, so your presence is needed right now." The voice said with a hint of urgency.A feeling of fear and agitation flushed through him and he spoke to the doctor in a stutter, “My wife? How come?"Jonathan was very sure he left her at home that morning, hale and hearty. She had held his hands and hugged him warmly before he left for work.“Doctor, is my wife okay?" Jonathan went on to ask.His palms are already getting sweaty. “First of all you need to calm down, and then come over to the hospital. That best answers your question.” the doctor added.Jonathan hung up the call that moment, walking out of the office to the hallways in fast strides.
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Seeing the evidence right in front of her, Sarah knew she had been caught.Her eyes were suddenly filled with tears as she tried to cover up the truth. "Jon, please. I’m sorry. It’s not what you think. Please forgive me."But Jonathan's resolve was firm. "We’re done, Sarah. I want a divorce, there is nothing you or anybody would say that would change that." “ What about Hazel? If we get divorce, how do you intend to take care of her?” Sarah was trying to use their daughter to threaten Jonathan.Just then, his phone rang. It was their daughter, Hazel. Without another word, he turned on his heel and left the hospital, ignoring Emily’s desperate, threatening words.Jonathan's hands were still shaking as he drove away from the hospital. Sarah's pleas echoed in his mind, but he forced himself to stay firm. She had betrayed him, and he couldn’t forgive her for that.His phone rang again, breaking his thoughts. It was their daughter, Hazel. "Daddy, when are you coming home?" she asked, her
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"Rich Daddy." The phrase reverberated ceaselessly in Jonathan's thoughts. His wife had implanted such erroneous ideas in their daughter's mind, and the rage it incited within him was beyond measure. The notion that his daughter had been so deeply influenced by her mother's fabrications fueled a fire of frustration and helplessness that he struggled to contain.That night, Jonathan stood at the doorway, gazing at his beautiful daughter as she slept soundly. She had refused to speak to him earlier, their argument still fresh in her mind, and it was only in the early hours of the morning that she finally succumbed to sleep. Jonathan felt a pang of sadness as he watched her peaceful slumber, wishing he could bridge the growing chasm between them.He paced around Hazel's room for a few moments, his heart heavy with turmoil. He leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, a small gesture of love and regret, before quietly leaving her to her dreams.Heading toward the living room
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Jonathan's heart sank as his wife's voice echoed through the spacious living room. She stood in front of him, her lips curling into a mocking smile as she reminded him once again."Don't forget, Jonathan, the land and the house are in my name. A little pre-marriage gift from you, remember? You built this house for me with your own hands."She laughed in a mocking manner.Each word she spoke felt like a dagger twisted into his heart. He had poured his sweat, blood, and love into constructing this home, believing it would be their sanctuary. Now, the very walls that once symbolised their shared dreams seemed to mock him. The thought of his wife living there with her lover was almost too much to bear. It wasn't just about the property; it was about the betrayal, the loss of everything he had worked so hard for.Jonathan laughed so much that tears gathered in his eyes. The lawyer who had already settled himself on the sofa urged him to sign the divorce agreement quickly. "Let's get thi
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CHAPTER FIVEThe atmosphere in the living room was tensed up as Jonathan stood across his wife and Williams, the lawyer. Hazel's appearance had halted the argument.Jonathan looked at his daughter, small and innocent. He knew discussing about divorce in front of his daughter could have an emotional impact on her and hurt her. He was unwilling to do that. So he took a deep breath and reached out to his daughter. He opened his arms, ready to comfort her with a hug but before he could move, she looked at him, then looked at Williams the lawyer and finally her gaze settled on her mother.There was a moment of hesitation on Hazel's face, but then, to Jonathan's surprise, his daughter ran towards the lawyer, wrapping her small arms around his legs. "Daddy!" she cried out, her voice filled with joy. Hazel remembered this uncle who often came to her house, he would buy her many toys and her mother told her to call him "Daddy". She also didn't forget he got her the expensive Barbie doll for h
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Jonathan had never felt such a potent mix of shock and rage. Upon hearing the news, his vision darkened, and his knees threatened to give way. Williams' arrogant expression only ignited his fury. In a moment of anger, Jonathan stepped forward, punching Williams to the ground, as he clasped his neck and tightened his grip around it. William gasped and tried to grab Jonathan's hands off, but Jonathan's strength, born of sheer wrath, overpowered him. Just when it seemed like Jonathan might snuff the life out of Williams, a sharp pain exploded at the back of his head. His wife, Sarah shattered a flower vase against his head, causing his grip to slacken as he fell to the side, dazed. Williams gasped for air, as he looked at Jonathan with fear. He had just escaped a life and death moment.It did not take long for the police to arrive and they quickly handcuffed Jonathan. His wife accused him of internationally harming Williams and nearly committing murder. Of course, this was expected
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Jonathan was taken aback and surprised to see the old man. He recognized the old man instantly—Butler Solomon, the head steward of the Powerful Gray family from the capital. Memories flooded back of a time when he was the young master of the Gray family, living a life of privilege and expectation.After greeting Jonathan, Butler Solomon's eyes scanned the room, his expression one of barely concealed displeasure. He moved with a dignified grace, each step echoing in the hushed station. His displeased expression made the police chief as beads of sweat started forming on the police chief's brow, hastily speaking, his voice shaky with nervousness. "We are already done, we will release him now."If the police chief knew Jonathan had such connections, he would never have kept Jonathan here. It was better to offend Williams than to offend Jonathan who had such powerful connections."Let's go," Butler Solomon said simply, his tone brooking no argument as he led Jonathan outside the cell.Outs
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Jonathan's father gestured to the doctors to step out. Once they did, they shut the door behind them. The room was still as silence eroded it like a virus.Jonathan sat across from his father but said nothing. His father looked at him with a soft and gentle expression. This was something he had never seen before.Jonathan's father took a deep breath, his voice trembled as he spoke."Son!" He paused and continued after taking another deep breath, "I have made many mistakes in my life. I haven't been a good father to you. I've been distant and harsh. I'm sorry for everything. I want you to know, I have always loved you. I'm sorry I'm saying this now."Jonathan felt a lump form in his throat. He was overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions. He had longed to hear these words. Hearing them being spoken now untied a knot that had been in his heart for so long.Silence engulfed the room again. After a short while, Jonathan spoke up, "I forgive you, Dad. I never heard it against you. I just want
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Jonathan's father asking him this really surprised him. Three years ago, it had been a warm evening when Jonathan had last seen Precious. She had stood on the balcony of her family’s residence , her delicate frame silhouetted against the fading light, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and sorrow. Precious was a real epitome of beauty, she was smart and intelligent and she had been his fiancée, chosen not just by the will of their families but by the undeniable current of fate. Jonathan and Precious had grown up together, they shared the same elite circle, wealth, tradition and expectation. When it was time to fulfil that expectation, Jonathan chose a rebellious path and ran away. He ran away not just from Previous but from the life whom he saw as a cage. He wanted to make his own choices. Of course, he found what he wanted, a life of freedom, passion and a life lived on his own terms. However, deep within him, guilt ate him up. He had left Precious to bear the brunt of their enga
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Just at that moment, Jonathan remembered who she was. No wonder, she felt familiar. The woman was a former colleague known at the office for her striking beauty. Despite the fact that she kept a low profile, she had a soft voice and was well mannered which made her very popular.Though they had both worked in the same company for years, Jonathan and her had never been close. He had always maintained a respectful distance from women being mindful of his marriage. His ex wife was harsh so he made it a point to avoid being close to any female colleague. Another thing that made him make such a decision was the love he had for her as such he wouldn't want to do anything to make her sad or angry.However, today was different. He didn't need to keep his distance from other women and he couldn't also just leave his former colleague who was in trouble. He was not a saint but he also had a heart. Without hesitation, Jonathan got closer and threw his foot forward striking the man's side, sendi
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