Just at that moment, Jonathan remembered who she was. No wonder, she felt familiar. The woman was a former colleague known at the office for her striking beauty. Despite the fact that she kept a low profile, she had a soft voice and was well mannered which made her very popular.

Though they had both worked in the same company for years, Jonathan and her had never been close. He had always maintained a respectful distance from women being mindful of his marriage.

His ex wife was harsh so he made it a point to avoid being close to any female colleague. Another thing that made him make such a decision was the love he had for her as such he wouldn't want to do anything to make her sad or angry.

However, today was different. He didn't need to keep his distance from other women and he couldn't also just leave his former colleague who was in trouble. He was not a saint but he also had a heart.

Without hesitation, Jonathan got closer and threw his foot forward striking the man's side, sendi
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