Jonathan had never felt such a potent mix of shock and rage. Upon hearing the news, his vision darkened, and his knees threatened to give way. Williams' arrogant expression only ignited his fury. 

In a moment of anger, Jonathan stepped forward, punching Williams to the ground, as he clasped his neck and tightened his grip around it. 

William gasped and tried to grab Jonathan's hands off, but Jonathan's strength, born of sheer wrath, overpowered him. 

Just when it seemed like Jonathan might snuff the life out of Williams, a sharp pain exploded at the back of his head. 

His wife, Sarah shattered a flower vase against his head, causing his grip to slacken as he fell to the side, dazed. 

Williams gasped for air, as he looked at Jonathan with fear. He had just escaped a life and death moment.

It did not take long for the police to arrive and they quickly handcuffed Jonathan. His wife accused him of internationally harming Williams and nearly committing murder. Of course, this was expected by Jonathan, she would definitely protect her lover. 


On top of the icing, his daughter, Hazel standing behind her mother also echoed the accusation in her small, innocent and shaky voice with a tear streaked face. 

This shocked Jonathan as his heart broke. His wife, Sarah was beyond redemption as she sought to turn his daughter against him at every angle.

Jonathan tried to explain and plead with the police to see reason but his words were drowned out as they fell on deaf ears. His defence was futile as the police carted him away in their vehicle. 

Hours passed in a blur of cold meals and restlessness. Jonathan could hardly believe how his life had unravelled. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his daughter's tear streaked face and heard his wife's accusatory voice. His thoughts were a tumult of anger, sorrow, and confusion. Betrayal. He never expected his wife to betray him this way.

Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps pulled him from his thoughts of misery. The cell door creaked open, and the lawyer, Williams entered, along with two officers. 

Jonathan's hands were still cuffed, but his eyes burned with undiminished fury. They didn't uncuff him since he was charged with assault, if uncuffed, they felt he could do that again. 

Williams met Jonathan's glare with a mocking chuckle, he had nothing to fear from a cuffed man who was in jail recently. However, he still kept his distance when he remembered how Jonathan had almost snuffed the life out of him.

“Mr. Gray!” Williams began, his tone dripping with arrogance, “Don't worry, I won't be long so you can go back to your cell." He chuckled and continued.

"I’m here to inform you that the divorce papers will soon take effect. You will be required to pay $10,000 in child support every month. After all, even if you aren’t the biological father, your name is on her birth certificate which makes you the legal father. And as the legal father, you have obligations. You can ask any lawyer about this. Don't fight this, just accept your fate."

Jonathan clenched his teeth with anger. First was betrayal from his wife, next was her turning his daughter against him, next discovering she was not his daughter and lastly the injustice he was suffering right now. 

Of course, Williams enjoyed seeing Jonathan this way. He was relishing Jonathan's suffering. He smirked and turned to leave as the cell door was closed behind him.

After Williams left, a peculiar stillness settled over the station. Some of the officers began to whisper among themselves. They suspect something was wrong, but they were stumped by Williams' connections and his powerful father-in-law whose influence could affect them.

To avoid being affected by Williams' connections, they chose not to act on their suspicions and decided to keep Jonathan detained for two weeks.

The days dragged on and the despair Jonathan felt increased.

In the dimly lit detention room, the nights were the hardest and the silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional distant sound of footsteps or the murmur of voices. 

Jonathan laid down, staring at the ceiling, his thoughts filled with anger and hopelessness. He had never felt so alone, so betrayed and so utterly defeated.

As he lay in the darkness at his most desperate moment, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. The corridor outside his cell was dimly lit, though, he could not tell exactly who that was, he could make out the outline of the figure and could tell it was male. 

The lock clicked and the door was opened allowing the light to shine in. 

An old man, luxuriously and well dressed in a lovely suit stepped into his cell. Despite his old age, his posture was erect and he had a commanding presence. The light from the corridor showed his face clearly. He carried a cane which looked ordinary at first glance but looking closely at it, one could tell it was nothing ordinary and made of a special material.

 The Old man paused as he entered the cell, he looked deeply at Jonathan.

Jonathan sat up slowly, his mind reeling. The old man's appearance was as unexpected as it was profound. In that moment, something shifted within him. The despair that had weighed him down for days seemed to lighten, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

“Young master…” the old man called out, his voice filled with authority and familiarity.

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