The Coming Back Of The Hidden Trillionaire

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The Coming Back Of The Hidden Trillionaire

By: J.c writes OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 96

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"You church rat! you're a low life man and shouldn't be worthy to be called a husband to Joyce! Get a divorce!" Aunt Kisha spat out disgustingly. Married for 2 years and mistreated by his in-laws,that is the entire life of Xavier McKinney. He walks as a bartender and he loves and cherishes her so much and Joyce does the same too. what will happen when Xavier's father old butler found him and gave him a golden card containing $5 billion! He leaped to the top and promise doom to those who stepped on him before!

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21 chapters
CHAPTER 1Xavier McKinney, a poor bartender, maltreated and tortured by his in-laws because of his poor and wretched status. He married his wife Joyce 2 years ago because he loves and cherishes her so much and Joyce does the same too.His wife's family are wealthy and influential personnels, and hated the fact that he got married to their daughter. But due to the love he has for her, he endured the maltreatment and hoped they changed for good...Their car stopped in front of his wife's sister's house. Joyce made him go there for her Aunt's birthday party.“I can't go in there, your family hates me." Xavier said nervously immediately they reached the entrance door.“They don't hate you, And Aunt Kisha would kill me if we miss her birthday party." Joyce responded.“But Joyce…" Xavier tried to say.“Come on, let's go." Joyce said and dragged him into the house, he followed her reluctantly.Music blared loudly inside the sitting room, Joyce's sister Mira is dancing romantically with he
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CHAPTER 2“Hello? I'd like to pay a bill for a patient in full." Xavier said over the phone.Berol cooperation company.Xavier stood in front of the company staring at the skyscraper building in front of him, he was wearing a navy blue suit. Just then Joyce's sister Mira and her fiance stopped beside him.“Xavier? What are you doing here!?" Mira asked, surprised at his dressing code and all.“Don't tell me you are looking for a job at Berol cooperation company." Greg smirked sarcastically.“Like they'd hire anybody like you. Maybe they need someone to talk out the garbage." Mira giggled.“I'm not here for your insults, what are you two doing here?" Xavier asked.“Well, My fiance here has a very important meeting with the vice president." Mira smiled.“Closing a multi millionaire deal." Greg replied.“Not that you know anything about that, now out of our way!" Mira finished, they pushed him aside and left for the company.“You both will feel my heat soon." Xavier said slowly to himsel
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3“Joyce should do it." Xavier responded.“What!? That's ridiculous, she doesn't know the first thing about business." Kisha said immediately."And if she gets the contract, you make her a director of this company." Xavier added.“Sure, if Joyce closes the deal, she can become director." Kisha responded with smiles. Joyce giggled and hugged Xavier.“Okay, what did I miss!?" Greg said, walking in immediately and trying to hug Mira.“Greg! Let go of me!" Mira shouted, shaking off his hand.“Mira, look, I'm getting the Berol cooperation company deal and then we'll get married together." Greg said boastfully.“Not if Joyce gets it first?" Xavier cuts in and smirks.“Joyce? Well, that's a laugh. What does she know about this?" Greg yelled furiously.“It's true Mira, you'll just embarrass the family even more than you already have." Mira mocked Joyce. Xavier stood up immediately from his seat and faced Mira Greg and Mira, hitting the table angrily causing a tense atmosphere.“Leave her alon
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fourXavier and Joyce got home and found Aunt Kisha, Mira and Greg drinking some wine and gisting happily.“Humph! Back already?" Greg smirked sarcastically.“They must have really hated your pitch!" Greg laughed.“Yeah, it was the shortest meeting in the history of the world!" Mira jested.“Okay, guys I got the contract!" Joyce said happily. Greg was stunned and sprang up immediately.“Don't lie to us Joyce." Kisha said.“It's true, And they doubled the amount they were offering." Joyce said happily.“How dare you take us as fools?" Kisha asked furiously.“I have a copy of the contract, right here!" Joyce said and placed the contract. I'm the center of the table.“Let me look at that!" Greg said and snatched the contract copy.“Ahh, this is forged!" He said immediately.“No! It's not." Joyce defended.“I knew it, This brat here is robbing off on you. Thieving scum!" Kisha said, looking in Xavier's direction.“I knew it was just a matter of time, that's it, I'm disowning you from the
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FiveSoft music played in the background as everyone danced slowly, Xavier looked around the crowd and found James staring lustfully at his wife. He walked immediately and held her waist protectively.His phone beeped and he saw a message from Linda “Everything is set sir.” He smiled inwardly.“Mhm…attention everyone! I have an announcement to make, on behalf of the Berol corporation company. We've appointed a new director of the Berol corporation company…My in-law to be Greg!” Kisha announced, smiling broadly.“What!? Aunt Kisha, you can't do this!” Joyce shouted in shock.“Please step forward Greg.” Kisha added, she looked away from everyone's gaze.“But she already did Joyce, By the way, thank you Aunt Kisha, I have a few words to make everyone…” Greg tried to say, stepping forward.“Beep! Beep!” Everyone's phone beeped and all eyes turned on James.“What? What's going on? Why are you all staring at me!?” James asked in shock.“James, check the trending news! The…the value of your
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sixKisha grieved with so much anger as Linda walked away from the stage. Murmurs filled the room from the guests.“As the new director of….” Greg said but Kisha cut him off.“Oh please! Shut the hell up Greg!” Kisha yelled furiously. “Uhmmm…enjoy the party everyone!” Greg faked a smile covering up the shame on his face.…“I can't believe Aunt Kisha did this to me…I was given that deal, babe.” Joyce cried leaning on Xavier's shoulder.“Well, that's why the Berol corporation pulled the contract.” Xavier responded by patting her back.She immediately looked up at him, wiping her tears immediately.“What? How did that happen?” Joyce asked immediately, astonished.Kisha walked to them and grabbed Joyce's hands pleading “Please my lovely niece, you have to convince the secretary of the Berol corporation not to cancel the deal…” “Me? Oh wow Aunt Kisha! Why would I help you? You lied to me!” Joyce responded, she wrapped her arms around Xavier, he held her tightly.Greg ran directly to Kis
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SevenLinda walked around the company offices with Jenny showing her around the company offices and introducing employees to her.“Okay, so your job is simple, you'll just be taking calls and routing them back to me.” Linda said confidently and politely.“Ok ma'am, Do I get to meet the CEO?” Jenny asked immediately and they stopped walking halfway.“Ugh, that won't be necessary.” Linda responded nervously and they continued walking down the hallway.“What if I just…” Jenny persuaded but Linda hushed her.“You can't meet the CEO! No more questions.” Linda responded quickly. Her eyes immediately caught on Xavier who was hiding behind the door.“Let me show you to your desk.” Linda said, Jenny nodded and left with her.“Whoops! That was close!” Xavier breathed out.Linda walked away into the office of Xavier and locked the door immediately.“She is very interested in meeting you,sir. Like almost obsessed!” Linda panicked.“Yeah and I wonder why!” Xavier responded, his cell phone beeped i
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EIGHT“Hey Linda, Mr Cooper, he works for us. FIRE HIM!” Xavier said furiously. He fixed his phone into his pocket and got to the sitting room, he found Mandy shaking his wife's arms vigorously, Joyce struggled with her.“ I've never liked you, Joyce. Not since college! Not ever!” Mandy said and let go of her arms.“And I know, you slept with the CEO of the Berol corporation company to get that deal. Slut!” Mandy said with a disgusting face. Tears rolled down from Joyce's eyes.Xavier walked back into the room and called Linda again “ Linda, dig up Mandy Mike's wife’s dirty secret and send it to me immediately.” Xavier said.“Got it sir. Sending it now.” Linda responded over the phone. Xavier walked out of the room.“Ladies, what's going on here?” Xavier asked.“Xavier, I know Joyce got the deal because she slept with the CEO of the Berol corporation company.” Mandy accused.“No I did not!” Joyce defended herself.“Oh Joyce, I don't blame you. I would too if I had to sleep with that e
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NINE“Ok, now what if you did something really bad Xavier? Like, lie to lie to you about who he really was!?” Greg shouted from behind. He walked in sipping wine.Everyone stared at Xavier in awe until Mira burst into laughter.“Why would someone pretend to be as pathetic as he is on purpose?” Mira laughed sarcastically.“I will go to the bathroom.” Xavier said and left angrily. He stopped halfway and eavesdropped on their conversation.“I think you're right Greg, something suspicious is happening with Xavier.” Mira said.“I had this crazy thought the other day. I almost thought that ... .I almost thought that Xavier is the CEO of the Berol cooperation.” Greg stammered confused.“Huh? My wretched in-law!? Doubtful!” Mira exclaimed. She sounds unserious.“Yeah, think about it, maybe he was right outside of Berol company the moment the CEO canceled our contracts.” Greg said, convinced.“ Greg, did you hit your head? I mean, he's a nobody and definitely not!” Mira said.“Wait guys, don't
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TEN“So you think you can ruin me? Xavier McKinney!? Think again! See you at work tomorrow…. Boss!” Jenny said and left.….Xavier sat at the office signing some files and business paper contracts. Just then Linda walked into his office.“Sir, someone dropped this parcel for you.” Linda said and handed him a wrapped paper with red ribbon. His eyes widened and his face fell in sadness.“Oh, Are those from Joyce?” Linda asked bitterly.“Yes, divorce papers. She's divorcing me.” Xavier said sadly.“Oh I'm so sorry. But, what are you going to do?” Linda asked.“I don't know. What can I do?” Xavier asked restlessly.“If I tell her the truth she'll know I've been lying to her.” Xavier added.“Yeah but if you don't, she'll think you've been cheating on her.” Linda suggested.“What is this about cheating?” Jenny asked, walking straight into the office. She acts nonchalant and walks in excitement.“Get out!” Linda commanded.“It's ok Linda. Jenny, what are you doing here?” Xavier asked.“Linda
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