

“Hello? I'd like to pay a bill for a patient in full." Xavier said over the phone.

Berol cooperation company.

Xavier stood in front of the company staring at the skyscraper building in front of him, he was wearing a navy blue suit. Just then Joyce's sister Mira and her fiance stopped beside him.

“Xavier? What are you doing here!?" Mira asked, surprised at his dressing code and all.

“Don't tell me you are looking for a job at Berol cooperation company."  Greg smirked sarcastically.

“Like they'd hire anybody like you. Maybe they need someone to talk out the garbage." Mira giggled.

“I'm not here for your insults, what are you two doing here?" Xavier asked.

“Well, My fiance here has a very important meeting with the vice president." Mira smiled.

“Closing a multi millionaire deal." Greg replied.

“Not that you know anything about that, now out of our way!" Mira finished, they pushed him aside and left for the company.

“You both will feel my heat soon." Xavier said slowly to himself.

Xavier walked into the company and stepped into the elevator. It dropped him on the 3rd floor, and he walked straight to his new secretary.

“Mr Xavier! Welcome back to the Berol cooperation company, I'm Linda Morgan. I will show you to your office." She said with a handshake and they left.

They entered his office, it is very big and they designed it professionally. 

“Oh, here we are!" She exclaims happily.

“This is all mine?" Xavier asked, looking around, he felt so happy at last.

“Unless you like something bigger?" Linda asked.

“This is perfect." He said and turned around, the door of his office was open so he could see Mira and her fiance sitting at the counter and waiting.

“Who are they?" He asked Linda pretending as if he didn't know.

“Oh, they are here for a contract at 12:00. We are closing a large deal today." Linda responded.

“Cancel it." He said immediately.

“Cancel the meeting?" Linda was surprised at my decision.

“The contract." He said.

“Sir, we've been working on this deal for months,  They're one of our largest clients." Linda explained.

“Not anymore. Cancel all their deals." He repeated again firmly.

“Sir? Are you sure?" Linda was Shocked.

“You work for me, don't you?" He asked with a serious look.

“Yes of course, consider it done!" She said, He smiled inwardly.

 She walked out of his office straight to them.

“Mrs Mira, we are sorry to tell you both that you can't work together with Berol cooperation company again and the deals have been canceled." Linda said to them, he chuckled inside his office.

“What do you mean all our projects have been canceled? Let me talk to the CEO please!"Mira's fiance Greg asked, frustrated.

“No, I'm going to need you to leave." Linda responded. Greg panicked.

“Do you know who my husband is!?" Mira yelled angrily.

“This is absurd! I invested a lot in this project!" Greg shouted angrily.

“I'm sorry." Linda finished and walked away. Mira cried harder.

“No! This can't happen to us babe!" Mira squirmed in tears. Xavier smiled mischievously. 

“This is unbelievable…Did you want me to do anything else Sir?" Linda asked immediately as she walked into his office.

“Actually yes." He replied.


Mira stepped out of the company angrily. This is definitely not happening to them.

“I can't believe it.You don't think Xavier had something to do with this?" Greg asked angrily.

“We'll get to the bottom of this, did you hit your head? Of course not, he is a nobody." Mira said, rolling her eyes.

“Right. Let's go." Greg said and  they left.

Kisha's office.

Kisha arranged some files on her table when she got the message.

“Ahh, Berol cooperation company's new CEO just canceled all of Greg's deals! He's worthless now. Mira can't marry him, I won't have her making mistakes again." Kisha said to herself.

Berol cooperation company.

Xavier sat in his office typing with his laptop, Linda walked in with some files in her hand.

“Sir, the board members asked to get these files signed for the new project." Linda said, dropping the files on the table.

“Ok, ugh, Linda I need two favors. One, never tell anyone my true identity." Xavier said.

“Done!" Linda responded.

“Two, Announce that I'm building a new casino and I'm taking bids for contracts." He added.

“That ei cause a feeding frenzy!." Linda exclaims.

“Exactly." Xavier responded, letting out a cold smile. Now his attitude is gradually turning Cold.

“Ok boss." Linda responded and left.

Greg's father called him on the phone to ask about the news he heard.

“Hey Greg! Is the news I'm hearing about you and the Berol cooperation company true?" He asked furiously.

“Yes father, but father please I'll make things right, if I don't you'll disinherit me." Greg cried.

“Make sure you do something about it!" His father yelled and hung up.

Xavier got home, he pulled off his suit. Joyce came running to him.

“Xavier! Did you hear? Greg's basically ruined!" Joyce said happily hugging him.

“That's so unfortunate." Xavier said pitifully.

“Everyone  wants to know who this mysterious CEO is!" Joyce said, pouting her lips.

“Mmm…me too!" Xavier responded with a chuckle.

Xavier, Joyce, and Mira went to Aunt Kisha's office to meet up with her as she called them for an urgent meeting regarding the project that was canceled. Mira kept crying in a corner.

Mira's phone beeped and it was Greg's message.

“Mira, look I'm getting the Berol cooperation company deal.please!" Greg pleaded. Mira dropped the phone immediately in tears.

“As you know, Berol corporation company is building a new casino. We must get that contract!" Kisha said seriously. Xavier laughed softly.

“What are you laughing at? You ungrateful brat! It's thanks to this family you even have a roof on your head." Kisha barked at Xavier. He kept mute but burned deeply inside.

“Where's Greg?" Kisha asked Mira, who was crying.

“I can't marry him. He's ruined!" Mira cried, shoving her ring.

“Oh, clean yourself up, we'll find you someone else." Kisha smirked sarcastically, throwing Mira's engagement ring.

“As I was saying, we need to get that contract." Kisha said.

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