

“Joyce should do it." Xavier responded.

“What!? That's ridiculous, she doesn't know the first thing about business." Kisha said immediately.

"And if she gets the contract, you make her a director of this company." Xavier added.

“Sure, if Joyce closes the deal, she can become director." Kisha responded with smiles. Joyce giggled and hugged Xavier.

“Okay, what did I miss!?" Greg said, walking in immediately and trying to hug Mira.

“Greg! Let go of me!" Mira shouted, shaking off his hand.

“Mira, look, I'm getting the Berol cooperation company deal and then we'll get married together." Greg said boastfully.

“Not if Joyce gets it first?" Xavier cuts in and smirks.

“Joyce? Well, that's a laugh. What does she know about this?" Greg yelled furiously.

“It's true Mira, you'll just embarrass the family even more than you already have." Mira mocked Joyce. Xavier stood up immediately from his seat and faced Mira Greg and Mira, hitting the table angrily causing a tense atmosphere.

“Leave her alone!" Xavier shouted, facing  Greg.

“Why!?" Greg shouted back, hitting the table too.

“It's because of you we looked down on her. Because she married you!" Greg shouted again, he landed a hot slap on Xavier's cheek. Xavier turned immediately, his eyes now red and furious.

“Take it outside!" Kisha said immediately.

“You have bitten more than you can chew!" Xavier shouted and took Joyce's hand, he left the office. Greg went after him.

“Xavier! Joyce will never get the contract!" Greg shouted, drawing Xavier's attention back.

“Want to bet on it?" Xavier asked furiously.

“Oh, I'd love to." Greg smirked sarcastically.

“If Joyce gets the contract, you'll publicly apologize for the way you treated me all these years," Xavier said, breathing like an angry lion.

“Deal. And when you lose?" Greg asked.

“I'll leave the family forever!." Xavier responded.

“Easiest deal I ever made! And who knows, without you out of the way, perhaps I'll marry Joyce instead." Grag said. 

“Let's go darling." Mira said, dragging Greg by the hand. She makes a mockery face at Xavier. James walked in immediately with a flower, he is one of the most successful businessmen in the city. So Aunt Kisha wanted him for Joyce ever since.

“I see you're still hanging around this family like a disease." James smirked.

“James, what are you doing here?" Xavier asked.

“Aunt Kisha invited me. It seems Joyce needs help closing a deal." He responded.

“And you can help her?" Xavier asked.

“I'm the most successful business man in the city. I hope to close the deal, And then she'll marry me." James responded boastfully. Xavier stared directly at James furiously. Just then Aunt Kisha and Joyce came outside.

“James, oh you brought flowers! Isn't that so thoughtful, Joyce?" Kisha said.

“So thoughtful." Joyce said, faking a smile. She took the flowers.

“Joyce, please let me know where I can be of assistance." James said.

“Joyce needs help closing the Berol cooperation company deal." Kisha cuts in quickly.

“Her? I'm sorry. It's just that deal is already spoken for." James smiled.

“It is?" Xavier asked.

“Yes. My family's very close to the CEO of the Berol cooperation company. He's already promised it to us!" James smirked.

“Interesting!" Xavier responded by clenching his teeth.

“But I'm happy to cut Joyce into a piece of it." James smiled.

“I don't want to be part of your deal, I want all of my own." Joyce said immediately and Xavier held her closely to himself.

“Joyce!" Kisha called angrily.

“No. I think we're all done here." Joyce said and immediately placed the flowers on James' chest roughly. She left.

“Say hello to the CEO of Berol cooperation company for me. Scum!" Xavier smirked and left with Joyce.

“Ugh, let's get a vase for those, James." Kisha said immediately.

“That brat!" James cursed.


Joyce sat down on the bed crying immediately when they got home. Xavier went and sat close to her.

“What is it Joyce?" He asked, patting her back.

“Was just thinking, I can't do this." She cried.

“Of course you can." Xavier responded.

“How do you know!?" Joyce asked gazing at him.

“I just do." Xavier said and smiled mischievously.

Next morning.

Joyce got all dressed for the meeting with the CEO of Berol cooperation company for the deal which she was assigned to do as a task. Xavier escorted her to the company.

“What if the CEO just laughs at me?" Joyce said nervously, immediately they got to the company.

“He won't…just be yourself." Xavier smiled at her. Joyce nodded and walked into the company with anxiety.

Xavier brought his phone and called his secretary immediately.

“Linfa, you know what to do." Xavier said and smiled mischievously.

The elevator door opened, Joyce walked straight to where the meeting is holding and met the CEO's secretary instead.

“Your vision is just what the CEO is looking for, we'd like to offer you the contract." The secretary said after some minutes of silence.

“Wait! Just like that!?" Joyce asked with her mouth thrown open, her eyes widened in shock.

“Yes." The secretary responded.

“But doesn't he want to meet me first? Or something?" Joyce asked again.

“No. He trusts my judgment." The lady responded.

“Who Is he, exactly?" Joyce questioned.

“A very wealthy individual! That's all you need to know." The lady smiled.

“Now, if you'll just sign here." The secretary said. She placed a contract in front of Joyce, pointing at the signing spot.

“But ... .but this is for double the initial amount?" Joyce was surprised.

“What can I say? You've impressed the CEO! Do you want the contract or not?" The secretary exclaimed happily.

“Oh! Of course!" Joyce laughed and signed the contract immediately.

Joyce finished the meeting and rushed out of the company happily. She hugged Xavier who had been waiting for her.

“I got the contract!" She shouted happily.

“I know you would." Xavier responded with a smile.

“And it was for double the initial amount!" Joyce said and Xavier Kissedher forehead.

“I can't wait to see the look on your family's faces." He responded.

“Yes! Yes!" Joyce said and hugged him tightly.

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