

Xavier and Joyce got home and found Aunt Kisha, Mira and Greg drinking some wine and gisting happily.

“Humph! Back already?" Greg smirked sarcastically.

“They must have really hated your pitch!" Greg laughed.

“Yeah, it was the shortest meeting in the history of the world!" Mira jested.

“Okay, guys I got the contract!" Joyce said happily. Greg was stunned and sprang up immediately.

“Don't lie to us Joyce." Kisha said.

“It's true, And they doubled the amount they were offering." Joyce said happily.

“How dare you take us as fools?" Kisha asked furiously.

“I have a copy of the contract, right here!" Joyce said and placed the contract. I'm the center of the table.

“Let me look at that!" Greg said and snatched the contract copy.

“Ahh, this is forged!" He said immediately.

“No! It's not." Joyce defended.

“I knew it, This brat here is robbing off on you. Thieving scum!" Kisha said, looking in Xavier's direction.

“I knew it was  just a matter of time, that's it, I'm disowning you from the family. For lying, both of you!" Kisha concluded.

“I wasn't lying Aunt Kisha, the CEO's secretary told me that I got the contract." Joyce said.

“She's telling the truth Aunt Kisha, the Berol cooperation company just released a statement on social media!" Mira said, showing Kisha her phone. Xavier smiled mischievously.

“Okay, but what I don't understand is, how did you convince them to double the contract in just 10 minutes!?" Greg asked furiously. He is visibly angry.

“I told you she'd get it. Now apologize." Xavier said.

“Never!" Greg responded.

“We had an agreement!" Xavier said, he sprang up and rushed to Greg holding his collar.

“Yeah, you scum! Screw you. " Greg smirked and Xavier tightened his grip on his collar, Greg coughed loudly.

“Okay! Okay! I'm sorry." Greg shouted.

“For what?" Xavier asked, looking straight into his eyes.

“Uhmmm…for treating you like scum, And I'll never do it again! Oh my God!" Greg cried and Xavier left him roughly. Greg coughed repeatedly.

“Come on Joyce." Xavier smiled and they left.

Xavier opened the drawer in his room and smiled at the golden card, Joyce walked in and he closed it immediately.

“You were so bold today." Joyce said happily.

“Did you like it?" Xavier asked, smiling.

“I loved it! Cheers to us and the unknown CEO."  Joyce said happily and hugged him.

Next morning.

There was a knock on the door, Xavier opened the door and it was Aunt Kisha who visited them. He was so surprised because it's the first time in years that he had come to their house.

“Congratulations Joyce, our newest director!" Kisha said smiling.

“It was all thanks to Xavier." Joyce responded.

“Him? He had nothing to do with it." Kisha replied, rolling her eyes.

“She's right! How could I? I'm nobody." Xavier responded.

“Good! Now you are getting the hang of it. Joyce, tomorrow I'd like to host a gala announcing the new director." Kisha said.

“Also, you'll make sure this unknown CEO is there." Kisha said.

“The CEO? But I've never met him before." Joyce responded nervously.

“Do it! Or I'll have to reconsider the director position." Kisha said firmly. Kisha left immediately and Joyce rushed to Xavier nervously.

“How am I going to convince the CEO to come to a party for me? I'm sure he has better things to do." Joyce asked.

“Ugh, things to do like what?" Xavier asked.

“Like running an entire business empire. I know! I'll call the Vice president and see if she'll invite him!" Joyce said excitedly and brought out her phone. She called Linda, Xavier's secretary and known as the Vice president of the CEO.

“Hi, vice president Linda speaking." Linda said across the phone.

“Hello, I'm wondering if the CEO might be able to come to a gala tomorrow night." Joyce said.

“Let me check and call you back." Linda responded.

“Okay sure!" Joyce said and hung up. Just then, Xavier's phone beeped and it was Luna's calling him.

“Why is the Vice president calling you?" Joyce asked, suspicious and surprised.

“Uhhh?" Xavier stammered.

“Must be a wrong number." Xavier added, making a fake smile. Joyce's phone rang again.

“Hello Mrs McKinney, the CEO will be delighted to attend the gala." Linda said.

“Wow! That's wonderful!" Joyce said happily. 

“Shit! That was close!" Xavier muttered to himself inwardly.


Aunt Kisha, Mira and her fiance sat on the dining table having dinner.

“Everyone, be on your best behavior tonight, the CEO of Berol cooperation company will be here." Kisha announced.

“I still don't know how Joyce got him to come, that's ridiculous!" Greg smirked sarcastically.

“Yeah, does seem odd." Mira added.

“Greg, just focus on your own miserable situation." Kisha mocked, dishing out some food.

“You can't appoint Joyce the director! She'll bring this family to ruin with her poor husband!" Greg yelled angrily, hitting the table.

“You're not a part of this family Greg! Stop making decisions!" Kisha yelled back.

“I will be, when you make me the director." Greg said boastfully.

“Humph. Why will I do that?" Kisha asked nonchalantly.

“How do you think Joyce got the contract? Well she obviously slept with the CEO!" Greg smiled wickedly. Kisha gave him a resounding slap angrily.

“How dare you utter rubbish!" Kisha asked furiously.

“How else do you think she got the contract!? And in only 10 minutes." Greg asked, holding his cheek.

“You'd spread lies like that?" Kisha muttered.

“Well, maybe it's not a lie. Even so, if someone were to spread a rumor like that, it would ruin my family forever." Greg smiled.

“You wouldn't." Kisha shouted.

“Oh, I would. Watch me while I spread it like a wildfire." Greg laughed.

“Plus, a man should be in charge. That's only right. And besides, who do you think is going to be whispering in Joyce's little ear? Well she's in charge the entire time. That scum of a husband Xavier!" Greg said.

“Hmmm…you're right." Kisha nodded.

“This is the best decision. For all of us." Greg added.

“Fine. I'll announce you as the director of our company and not Joyce anymore. At tomorrow's gala." Kisha said and Greg smiled.

“Excellent!" He said and left.

Berol cooperation company.

Xavier sat in his office holding a golden necklace in his hand and admiring it, Linda walked in.

“Oh, that's a beautiful necklace." Linda said.

“It's for my wife,for her birthday." Xavier responded smiling.

“Look's expensive." Linda commented.

“Yes, it is. First time I bought her something." Xavier responded.

“Well, I guess you have enough money to buy whatever you want." Linda responded and continued arranging the files she was holding. Xavier's phone beeped. It was Philip, his grandfather's butler.

“$2 million dollars necklace. Really nice." Philip said.

“How did you know that?" Xavier asked nervously.

“You think your grandfather doesn't monitor your bank accounts?" Philip asked.

“It's my money, I can do whatever I want with it." Xavier responded.

“Well, really, it's his. He's watching you Xavier." Philip finished and hung up the call.

Gala venue.

Loudly music bleared in the background as everyone danced and cheered. Xavier was walking down the corridor when he bumped into James.

“Nice suits, Did you get it on the streets?" James mocked.

“What are you doing here, James?" Xavier asked.

“Aunt Kisha invited me. It's thanks to me Joyce got the deal anyway." James smirked.

“Is that so?" Xavier asked.

“That's right. I put in a good word for her with the CEO." James boasted.

“Wow. What power do you have?" Xavier said Coldly.

“Hmmm? I intend to tell her tonight. I'm sure she'll be very grateful." James smiled.

“That's my wife you're talking about." Xavier barked furiously.

“Who are you kidding? Now that she's had some taste of success,it's only a matter of time before she leaves you. I'll help her close the deal, and then she will marry me." James laughed.

“Take that back or I'll…." Xavier barked.

“Or you'll what? You insignificant piece of trash!" James cuts in quickly.

“Apologize now or I'll destroy your life!" Xavier said, clenching his teeth and looking furiously into his eyes.

“Haha, as if you have the power to do anything. Xavier McKinney." James scoffed. Xavier grabbed his suit roughly.

“Apologize now!" Xavier barked.

“Yuck! I'll burn all of my Armani suits before I ever apologize to you." James responded.

“Get off my jacket! It's worth more than you." James said, he pushed Xavier aside and left.

“More than me, huh?" Xavier muttered, he brought out his phone and dialed Linda's number.

“Linda, how many companies does James Grant own? Make them all go bankrupt!" Xavier said and smiled mischievously.

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