The Rise of Vincenzo Moretti

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The Rise of Vincenzo Moretti

By: Eminent OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 168

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Vincent, a lawyer, faces a sudden twist in his life after he drags the powerful finance company, Bianchi Finance, to court on charges of fraud. Despite his best efforts, Vincent ultimately loses the case. After a long day in court, Vincent heads home to surprise his wife for their wedding anniversary. But upon entering his own home, he is greeted with a scene that shakes him to his core - the ruthless CEO of Binachi Finance in his house with his wife, having an intimate moment. Vincent's life is turned upside down as he is forced to divorce his wife and framed for a crime he didn't commit. But what happens when Vincent's true identity is revealed and he seeks revenge on those who wronged him? Dive into the thrilling chapters of "The Rise of Vincenzo Moretti" as Vincent fights for justice on his own terms and makes those who have caused him pain pay dearly for their actions.

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13 chapters
Chapter 1
In the stifling atmosphere of the courtroom, every person held their breath as the judge prepared to deliver the verdict in case number 2024-3560, the highly publicized financial damage case. "Before we proceed with the ruling, I must inform you that the judge who was originally presiding over this matter has been removed from the case. As of this morning, I have been assigned to take over the proceedings and deliver the final judgment," the new Judge announced, his voice tinged with authority. "Why was he removed? " A man in his late twenties spoke out with an urgency that rippled through the room like a shockwave. It was Vincent representing the plaintiffs in this high-stakes legal battle against Bianchi finance, the finance company accused of causing financial harm to its users. "The reasons for the removal are confidential and will not be disclosed,"the judge stated, fixing his gaze at Vincent, who stood at the plaintiffs counsel table. "But Your Honour, please tell us
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Chapter 2
Vincent felt a chill run down his spine as he caught sight of the mysterious man and his wife on their matrimonial bed. Instantly, they scrambled to put on their clothes, clearly disturbed by Vincent's interruption. Vincent's heart ached as he approached the man with anger. Getting a clearer view of the man, Vincent seethed with rage."Alessandro Bianchi!!" Alessandro Bianchi, the CEO of Bianchi Finance, the very company that he had lost to in court earlier today. While Alessandro himself wasn't present during the trial, he had sent someone in his place, confident in his connections and wealth, to come out victorious. Bianchi Finance was one of the wealthiest companies in all of New York, and despite Vincent's efforts to bring them down for their fraudulent practices, he was no match for their power and influence. "How could you be so heartless? Don't you have any shame, How can you sleep with someone else's wife, " Vincent fumed, his hand gripping Alessandro's collar tightly bef
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Chapter 3
Vincent stood up from where he sat, He quickly opened the door to see who it was and was met with the snarling voice of Sophia, trailed by her new partner, Alessandro Bianchi. Vincent's bloodshot eyes stared at them as he wished he could change the mind of his wife or his ex-wife, now that he had signed the divorce papers. His heart ached as he felt a surge of anger rise within him. "I will make you pay for this, Do you think you will go scot free with all what you have done, Huh? I will make you pay dearly for your actions" Vincent seethed with anger as he grabbed Alessandro's limited edition Suit by the collar. "How dare you lay your filthy hands on me, you bastard!" Alessandro snapped, causing two burly men to step forward. They were clearly his bodyguards. In an instant, they seized Vincent by the arms and held him tight. "What do you want? Is it money? Huh? Take it!" Alessandro shouted, pulling out a wad of dollar bills from his coat pocket and throwing them onto Vincent
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Chapter 4
"We are from the regional investigation unit," a man from the group of men introduced himself. He was obviously their commander. "Permit us in, sir. We have a search and seizure warrant," he continued, stretching the warrant towards Vincent. " Why? You can't just come here, and I allow you in. If you don't have any reasonable reason as to why you want to go through my office, you can just leave," Vincent's said with a glare at the commander. "We don't owe you any explanation. I'm just doing my job. Move out of the way," the commander replied angrily, forcefully pushing past Vincent and into the office with his other men trailing behind him. "What?! You can't just barge into my office like this! What are you even looking for?" Vincent asked helplessly, still trying to make sense of the situation. The men quickly searched every corner of the room while their commander went straight to Vincent's desk, ignoring his protests, and began rifling through the papers and documents. "W
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Chapter 5
Vincent's eyes fluttered open slowly. He grimaced as he tried to comprehend his surroundings, struggling to sit up on the bed he was lying on. “Sir, you are badly injured. Don’t stress yourself up,” said a man who wore an expression of concern. He was seated in a chair close to Vincent’s bed. Why was this man calling him? And why was this man calling him, sir? Vincent mused. " Who are you? Where am I?" Vincent's brow furrowed in confusion, finally managing to sit upright as he turned towards the man who addressed him. A crisp black suit adorned the man. " I remember being in prison, how did I get here? Is this Alessandro's doing again,” Vincent questioned, as if trying to point out something. "I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. I'm Luca Marchetti, your late father's butler," the man disclosed with a stern gaze on Vincent, whose face turned into a confused expression. " Father? You mean?..., I have been an orphan all through my life. I don't even have a vivid descrip
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Chapter 6
"Wh-what?" Vincent stammered. " Yes, sir," Luca affirmed with a respectful nod. Oh my God," Vincent breathed. "No wonder you were able to secure my release so easily. I was wondering how you managed to get me out of that jail - the most brutal one at that." He turned to Luca with wide eyes. "So you're saying I'm an heir to a $1 trillion worth of inheritance?" Luca nodded solemnly. "Yes, sir. We just need you to fully recover so we can travel back to Italy and begin the legal proceedings for your inheritance. And also for you to exercise your new title as the head of the Moretti group and introduce you to the rest of the group," Luca explained, watching as Vincent's expression turned cold. "No, not yet. Not until I deal with those who made me suffer," Vincent seethed, his eyes locking onto Luca’s. Vincent had an undying desire to make his enemies pay, especially Alessandro Bianchi. He wouldn't spare him - he must make him and all others who contributed to his downfall pay for the
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Chapter 7
" Where's the young master, Madam Clara?" Luca asked, his voice tinged with concern as he hurried down the grand staircase after checking Vincent's room. " He should be in his room. Have you checked there?" Madam Clara replied, standing resolutely in the sitting room, preparing to start her morning chores. "Do you think I'd be asking if I hadn't checked? I knocked on his door several times, but there was no response. When I went in, his room was empty," Luca explained frantically. "He's nowhere to be found. The young master hasn’t still fully recovered. I hope he's okay." "The last time I saw him was last night. He might have gone out for a walk. Did you check the outside area as well?" Madam Clara asked, meeting Luca's anxious gaze. "I did, but he didn't notify me if he went out," Luca replied with a sigh. "Damn it! If he went out, that means he's out there alone. If anyone knows about his true identity, they could hurt him. His safety is my priority. I can't afford to fail in h
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Chapter 8
"Young Master," Luca called out after spotting Vincent, who was completely engrossed by the whole scenario. Luca's face bore a worried expression as he swiftly made his way towards Vincent, drawing the attention of everyone in the boutique who wondered who he was addressing. As he neared Vincent, the manager hurried over to him."Welcome, Mr. Marchetti," she greeted with a warm smile, momentarily diverting attention from Vincent. She recognized Luca immediately; when Vincent's late father, the former head of the Moretti Group, stayed in New York during his holidays, it was Luca who had assisted him with all his clothing needs at this very boutique. Luca managed a small smile in response to the manager's greeting before proceeding towards Vincent, who stood calmly. The eyes of every person in the room followed Luca, their gazes filled with curiosity as he approached Vincent. "Young Master," Luca said with a sigh of relief, "I've been so worried about you. We've been searching tirele
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Chapter 9
As the sleek black car pulled up to the grand mansion, Vincent stepped out first, followed closely by Luca. With a troubled expression on his face, Vincent strode down the hallway towards the mansion entrance. The scene that had ensued at the boutique earlier still lingered in his mind, especially since it involved his ex-wife. Luca let out a sigh as he followed behind his boss, knowing all too well the thoughts swirling in his boss mind. Vincent opened the giant door that led into the sitting room area, where a stunningly beautiful woman with piercing eyes caught his attention. Her curves were accentuated by her perfectly tailored clothes. She stood up from where she sat when she noticed Vincent arrive. Vincent paused mid-step, surprised by this unexpected guest. He turned to look at Luca with a questioning gaze. "This is the urgent matter you needed me to attend to?" Vincent asked, gesturing to the beautiful woman. “Yes, young master. She's Bianca Lombardi, the daughter o
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chapter 10
"Do you know him?" Vincent's voice held a note of surprise, his piercing gaze locking onto Bianca."Of course I do. It was all over the news when he won the Bianchi Finance case after being sued for fraud," Bianca replied, her voice feigned a hint of curiosity. "I was the lawyer who handled that case," he said, standing up and walking to the window with his hands in his pockets. The memory is clearly still raw. "Even though I lost, I’m certain Alessandro used his influence to manipulate the court."Bianca watched him intently, her eyes following every of his step. "So, that’s why you hold this grudge against him," she observed quietly.Vincent let out a bitter laugh, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "It wasn’t just the case. After what he did with my wife, I was relentless in my pursuit of revenge. But he was a step ahead. He knew my plans, and he cut me off—by sending me to jail.""I'm sorry for all you've been through, Young Master," Bianca said, her eyes filled with sympathy
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