Chapter 2

Vincent felt a chill run down his spine as he caught sight of the mysterious man and his wife on their matrimonial bed. Instantly, they scrambled to put on their clothes, clearly disturbed by Vincent's interruption.

Vincent's heart ached as he approached the man with anger. Getting a clearer view of the man, Vincent seethed with rage."Alessandro Bianchi!!"

Alessandro Bianchi, the CEO of Bianchi Finance, the very company that he had lost to in court earlier today. While Alessandro himself wasn't present during the trial, he had sent someone in his place, confident in his connections and wealth, to come out victorious. Bianchi Finance was one of the wealthiest companies in all of New York, and despite Vincent's efforts to bring them down for their fraudulent practices, he was no match for their power and influence.

"How could you be so heartless? Don't you have any shame, How can you sleep with someone else's wife, " Vincent fumed, his hand gripping Alessandro's collar tightly before delivering a powerful blow to his face and throwing him against the bedroom wall.

"Agrh!" Alessandro exclaimed in pain as he tried to regain his balance.

"How could you do this to me, Sophia?" Vincent turned towards Sophia, who sat at the edge of the bed, feigning an innocent look.

"Don't you dare question me, loser!" Sophia retorted, fixing her gaze on Vincent's red-rimmed eyes.

Vincent's heart sank as he stood there helplessly. This was not the Sophia he knew. "Sophia... how can you bring another man into our home? Don't you feel any shame or remorse?" Vincent yelled with a quavering voice.

In an instant, Sophia stood up from the edge of the bed and slapped Vincent across the face. "Are you stupid? Do you think I have ever been committed to this pathetic excuse of a marriage? I never loved you. If not for my grandmother, I would never have settled for a loser like you."

Vincent's heart felt heavy as he processed Sophia's words. Did his own wife just admitted to never truly being committed to their relationship? So, he has been a fool all this while. He had loved her with all his heart ever since the day he met her while handling a legal case for her family, at the behest of her grandmother. And it was that same grandmother who had made their marriage possible before she passed away.

Alessandro sneered from the corner of the room. "Let's get one thing straight. She is no longer your wife. She deserves better than a loser like you."he exclaimed, walking up to Vincent. "And by the way, sorry about your loss in court. Did you really think you could defeat the almighty Alessandro Bianchi?" he added with a cruel chuckle .

"I know you paid off the judge, you criminal! One day, everyone will know your true colours. You will be exposed to the world." Vincent grabbed Alessandro's collar once again and delivered several more blows to his face in which he tried to block but couldn't.

Alessandro winced in pain.

"Stop it, you fool, this won’t change anything, it doesn't change the fact that I never loved you ," Sophia interrupted with a sharp tone as she grabbed Vincent's arm, halting his hand from landing another hard blow on Alessandro's face. "Take this and sign it. I don't need you in my life anymore," she shouted, thrusting a stack of papers towards him.

Her words were like daggers, piercing deep into Vincent's heart. It was obvious what the papers were. The bold letters printed on the top read "DIVORCE PAPERS ," confirming his gut feeling. But he couldn't bring himself to sign them just yet. .

"I won't sign it, not until I understand what caused you to become this way," Vincent said firmly, before tossing the papers into a corner in the room.

"Nothing caused me to change. I simply no longer want to be tied down to a poor brat like you," Sophia retorted coldly.

Alessandro scoffed. "Even if you don't sign those papers, she still doesn't belong to you, fool. How can someone as beautiful as Sophia ever end up with a poor man like you?"

Sophia smirked at Alessandro's words.

Vincent's eyes glistened with tears as he stumbled backwards and fell onto the floor. He sat there, dazed and speechless, unable to comprehend how everything had fallen apart so quickly.

"I got you a gift. Wouldn't you at least take a look at it?" Vincent mumbled, pointing in the direction where the velvet box had fallen.

Sophia spat out angrily. "I don't need your worthless gifts. They are as cheap and worthless as you are."

"I expect those papers signed by tomorrow. Faliure to do so will result in serious consequences, " Alessandro threatened as he pointed his hands towards the papers lying on the ground. "Sweetheart, let's get going. We have more important things to deal with," Alessandro said as he pulled Sophia towards him and turned to Vincent.

"I will make you pay. You dare lay your hands on me,"Alessandro threatened before walking out with Sophia.

Vincent's suit clung to his body from the sweat that had accumulated. He already had a tired day. After a long day in court, he still had to deal with this at home.

As they left, Vincent could hear the sound of their car racing off into the night. He sat there in shock and disbelief. He had always believed that Sophia loved him, but now he knew it was all a lie. Today, on their wedding anniversary, she betrayed him in the worst possible way. He sighed heavily, feeling utterly defeated. He loved Sophia, but how could he be with someone who didn't want him? It wasn't worth it.

With a heavy heart, Vincent picked up the divorce papers from the ground. He took out a pen from his coat pocket and slowly began signing each line. "I will never forget this day. I will make the both of you pay for what you've done," Vincent mummbled to himself through gritted teeth.

Immediately, he was done. He threw the paper on the edge of the bed. His eyes burned with unshed tears as he made his way to the shower. The hot water hit his skin, but it did little to wash away the pain and betrayal he felt. After a long, hot shower, he retreated to the living room and sank onto the plush couch and reached for a bottle of liquor from the bar area in the house, pouring himself a large glass.

As he drank the fiery liquid, memories of Sophia flooded his mind and tore at his heart. He couldn't believe the woman he loved could betray him like this. The mere thought of her with someone else sent a sharp pain through his chest. He wished it was all just a nightmare. As soon as he finished off the last shot of liquor, he dozed off on the couch.

The next day, Vincent groaned as a persistent knocking on the door woke him up. He had been so drained from yesterday's incident. the court case, his wife cheating on him, the divorce papers. The thought of it all made his stomach churn and his heart ache. He had fallen asleep on the couch in the sitting room, not even making it to bed. Rubbing his bleary eyes, he wondered who could be knocking on his door.

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