Chapter 3

Vincent stood up from where he sat, He quickly opened the door to see who it was and was met with the snarling voice of Sophia, trailed by her new partner, Alessandro Bianchi.

Vincent's bloodshot eyes stared at them as he wished he could change the mind of his wife or his ex-wife, now that he had signed the divorce papers. His heart ached as he felt a surge of anger rise within him.

"I will make you pay for this, Do you think you will go scot free with all what you have done, Huh? I will make you pay dearly for your actions" Vincent seethed with anger as he grabbed Alessandro's limited edition Suit by the collar.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on me, you bastard!" Alessandro snapped, causing two burly men to step forward. They were clearly his bodyguards. In an instant, they seized Vincent by the arms and held him tight.

"What do you want? Is it money? Huh? Take it!" Alessandro shouted, pulling out a wad of dollar bills from his coat pocket and throwing them onto Vincent's face.

Instantly, Vincent managed to break free from the grip of the bodyguards and launched a powerful blow at Karen's face, sending blood gushing from his nose.

"I don't want your dirty money, you thief!" Vincent snarled, ready to strike again. But one of the men grabbed his hand while the other landed a hard punch to his stomach, causing him to crumple to the ground in pain.

"Aghhhh," Vincent groaned as he clutched his stomach.

"You fools! Can't you do something right? You can't even hold down this bloody bastard!" Alessandro raged at his bodyguards.

"We're sorry, master," they chorused in unison, bowing their heads.

" Are you kidding me right now, Mr. Vincent," Alessandro chuckled as he wiped away the blood from his nose with a handkerchief and barked instructions at his bodyguards to drag Vincent up to his feet.

" Can you even listen to the words coming out from your mouth. You will make me pay dearly for my actions? I'm this some sought of joke. You should be asking for forgiveness, " Alessandro spat as he delivered blows on Vincent face, causing Vincent to groan and struggle against the men holding him down.This time around the men held Vincent tightly, they were determined not to make any mistakes that could cost them their jobs.

"Sweetheart, Let's just leave him. We came here for the documents. Let's get them and go," Sophia chimed in as she glared at a drained Vincent.

Alessandro nodded gently and turned back to Vincent. "Consider yourself lucky she stopped me. If it weren't for her, I would have ruined your face. This is your warning, run your mouth again and see what happens," he spat on Vincent's face before finally releasing his balled fist.

"Sophia, are you sure about this divorce? Can't we reconsider? Let's think things through," Vincent pleaded, turning towards Sophia, who stood beside Karen. His face was already bruised and swollen from the punches he had received, but he still managed to speak.

"I said i'm done with you, " Sophia snapped back, her voice laced with anger. "Just accept the fact that I am no longer interested in you. You are just a lowlife." She sneered at him before asking, "Where are the papers?"

Vincent's pitiful eyes met Sophia's cold gaze. He still couldn't believe his once loving wife was now treating him so harshly. "I signed them already. They're on the bed in the master bedroom," he said weakly, struggling to stand upright as two men held him up by his side.

Without another word, Sophia stormed off to the bedroom and returned a few minutes later with the signed divorce papers.

"You did the right thing," Alessandro chuckled as he gestured towards Sophia for them to leave.

"One more thing... I urge you to give up on finding ways to take down my company. If not, you will face the consequences." Alessandro turned to Vincent and spoke with a commanding tone.

Vincent scoffed. "I won't give up. I will take you down. I will make you, Alessandro Bianchi, pay for this. You fraud," he spat, clenching his fists in anger. "How can you be so heartless to scam people of their hard-earned money, disguised as an investment? I will see to the bottom of this and watch your empire crumble."

" Then you will see my worst side," Alessandro spat and turned to leave. With a nod from him, the men released their hold on Vincent, and he dropped to the ground in pain.

As they left, the sound of the door slamming shut echoed through the quiet house. Vincent lay on the floor, feeling utterly devastated by his wife's betrayal. He had forgotten that he was supposed to be at work, too consumed by the drama unfolding in his own home. His face throbbed with pain, and his body felt weak and exhausted. He wouldn’t let this slide, he will do whatever it takes to get revenge. He stood up from the ground and decided to get ready for work.


Vincent stretched his hands, wincing at the stiffness in his muscles. He had been pouring over research on Binachi Finance for hours, determined to find a way to take down the company. After the court case, which he had lost, he still wanted to take them down.

The table in front of him was littered with stacks of papers, each one filled with information about Bianchi's operations and unethical practices. Vincent ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of exhaustion from his tireless efforts.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on his door that snapped Vincent out of his concentration. He stood up from his chair and walked up to the door.

" Who are you," Vincent asked as he opened the door. A bunch of men stood outside the door, all wearing matching clothes.

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