The Rise of Vincenzo Moretti
The Rise of Vincenzo Moretti
Author: Eminent
Chapter 1

In the stifling atmosphere of the courtroom, every person held their breath as the judge prepared to deliver the verdict in case number 2024-3560, the highly publicized financial damage case.

"Before we proceed with the ruling, I must inform you that the judge who was originally presiding over this matter has been removed from the case. As of this morning, I have been assigned to take over the proceedings and deliver the final judgment," the new Judge announced, his voice tinged with authority.

"Why was he removed? " A man in his late twenties spoke out with an urgency that rippled through the room like a shockwave. It was Vincent representing the plaintiffs in this high-stakes legal battle against Bianchi finance, the finance company accused of causing financial harm to its users.

"The reasons for the removal are confidential and will not be disclosed,"the judge stated, fixing his gaze at Vincent, who stood at the plaintiffs counsel table.

"But Your Honour, please tell us why the initial Judge was removed," Vincent pressed.

Ignoring the interruption, the judge continued, "I will deliver the decision of the finance damage case."

" Your Honour, please tell us why he was removed," Vincent insisted, his persistence unwavering.

The judge's patience wore thin as his brow furrowed with irritation. "I advise you to remain focused on the case at hand. Another word from you, and you will be removed from the courtroom," he warned.

Vincent reluctantly fell silent. He knew there was no use arguing with the judge; any further resistance would only get him ejected. But deep down, he couldn't help but feel that something was amiss. Was this trial fair? Or had Bianchi Finance used their power and influence to sway the court?

After a moment of brief silence, the judge proceeded to deliver the verdict. "Based on the evidence presented in this case, I find the defendant not guilty of the charges related to fraud. The prosecution has failed to provide sufficient evidence to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Therefore, I hereby acquit the defendant of all charges. The case is closed." His words echoed as he slammed the gavel to signify the closure of the case.

As the verdict was announced, a wave of frustration and disappointment washed over Vincent and the plaintiffs. Vincent had fought tirelessly, presenting evidence of the financial harm inflicted upon his clients by Binanchi finance. However, despite his efforts, the judge's decision was clear: the exchange was not found guilty. The plaintiffs murmured while Vincent maintained his composure, knowing he had done everything in his power to seek justice for his clients.

Immediately after the verdict, the plaintiffs gathered outside the courthouse and directed their anger towards Vincent. Shouts and accusations flew at Vincent from all directions, blaming him for failing to secure a favourable outcome despite his promises and assurances throughout the trial.

"Hey you, you said we'll win and not trust a big law firm. You told us to put our trust in you. What will you do now? What will you do about our money? You fool," a woman from the crowd shouted, her voice laced with anger.

" I did everything I could. Let's calm down a little and talk about it. I will appeal, I promise. We must bond together at a time like this," Vincent pleaded, sweat drippling down his forehead as he defended himself.

"You're a disgrace! You talk big but have no skills to back it up!" someone else yelled from the crowd, sending chills down Vincent's spine.

"That's absurd," he retorted, struggling to maintain some composure in the face of the angry mob.

" Give us back our money!" another voice shouted, followed by a chorus of agreement from the plaintiffs.

Vincent found himself surrounded by the seething crowd, their faces contorting with animosity. They charged towards him, and he felt himself being tossed around like a rag doll. Bruised and battered, he lay on the ground as the crowd dispersed, leaving him alone in the aftermath.

Gasping for air, Vincent sat on the pavement in front of the courthouse. He was exhausted from the drama that had just unfolded. But then a small smile tugged at his lips, as if jolted by a sudden memory. He suddenly remembered that today was his wedding anniversary as he thought about his beloved wife, Sophia.

He had almost forgotten about their special day amidst all the chaos. " I should get a gift for Sophia," Vincent mumbled to himself as he stood up, made his way to where he parked his car, and drove off.


The glass door opened with a soft swoosh, revealing a luxurious interior filled with glittering jewels. As Vincent walked in, he couldn't help but admire the beautiful displays showcasing an array of pieces, from bracelets to necklaces.

"Good day, sir. How may I help you?" the store attendant inquired with a polite tone.

" Hi, can I get a necklace, please? It's a gift for my wife. Today is our wedding anniversary, " Vincent said with his voice filled with excitement. It had been three years since he married Sophia, and he had always wanted to prove how much he loved her, even though she cared less about it. Vincent was so obsessed with her.

Congratulations!" the attendant said with a warm smile. "Is there a particular style or gemstone your wife prefers?"

"She loves pearls and diamonds," Vincent replied eagerly. "Do you have anything that combines both?"

"Of course! We have some exquisite pieces that fit that description. Let me show you one that I think she'll adore. Follow me." The attendant led Vincent to a section of the store where necklaces were displayed in a beautifully lit display case.

"Here it is. This necklace features South Sea pearls accented with brilliant-cut diamonds. It's elegant," the attendant said, unlocking the display case to reveal the stunning necklace.

Vincent's eyes widened at its beauty; he knew Sophia would love it. She had always wanted to add this particular piece to her collection, and now he could make that dream come true.

"It's perfect. How much does it cost?" Vincent asked eagerly, already imagining the look of joy on his wife's face when she received this gift from him.

The store attendant replied."This particular piece is priced at $10,000. It's one of our finest creations."

Vincent felt his heart sink at the price. He hadn't expected it to be so expensive, the price of the necklace was almost his savings for a year, but he was determined to impress his wife, he quickly made the payment and received the necklace in a plush velvet box.

By now, It was getting dark already; he had overstayed in the store. He bolted out of the store and drove off.

After a short ten-minute drive, Vincent finally arrived at the well-built duplex, which stood tall and proud, surrounded by vibrant flowers that seemed to glow in the moonlight. The white walls of the building gleamed in the darkness. The house was a gift from Sophia's grandmother on the day of their wedding.

Vincent stepped out of his car, holding onto the velvet box with a bright smile on his face. Vincent entered the large sitting room and noticed an eerie silence. "Where could Sophia have gone?" he wondered aloud.

Suddenly, a soft murmur caught his attention, and he followed it to their bedroom. Hoping it wasn't what he feared, Vincent slowly opened the door. The instant he opened the door, the velvet box he was holding fell to the ground.

"What!!!" His heart thumped in his chest as he struggled to comprehend what was happening in front of him.

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