Chapter 6

"Wh-what?" Vincent stammered.

" Yes, sir," Luca affirmed with a respectful nod.

Oh my God," Vincent breathed. "No wonder you were able to secure my release so easily. I was wondering how you managed to get me out of that jail - the most brutal one at that." He turned to Luca with wide eyes. "So you're saying I'm an heir to a $1 trillion worth of inheritance?"

Luca nodded solemnly. "Yes, sir. We just need you to fully recover so we can travel back to Italy and begin the legal proceedings for your inheritance. And also for you to exercise your new title as the head of the Moretti group and introduce you to the rest of the group," Luca explained, watching as Vincent's expression turned cold.

"No, not yet. Not until I deal with those who made me suffer," Vincent seethed, his eyes locking onto Luca’s.

Vincent had an undying desire to make his enemies pay, especially Alessandro Bianchi. He wouldn't spare him - he must make him and all others who contributed to his downfall pay for their actions. He clenched his fist tightly as he swore to himself.

"But -" Before Luca could finish speaking, Vincent cut in sharply,

"That’s it. I don’t want to hear another word from you,” Vincenzo fumed, raising his hand to silence him, even though he found it weird with exercising his newfound authority.

Luca immediately bowed at his boss's commanding tone and nodded before taking his leave .


" Young master, everything is settled with the hospital, and you can he discharged now. The vehicle is waiting in the parking lot, ," Luca informed as he entered Vincent's hospital room

Vincent nodded and slowly got up from the bed where he had been lying, wincing slightly as pain shot through his body. The beatings in prison had left their mark—both visible and otherwise. Most of the injuries had turned into scars, but the pain lingered.

"I'll help you walk, sir," Luca offered, rushing to Vincenzo’s side to support him. “Are you sure we should leave in this condition?” Luca asked with concern.

"Dont worry, I'm fine. let's go," Vincent gritted through the pain, and the two men made their way out of the hospital to the waiting vehicle. Luca led him to the sleek car, and Vincent eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of the black Lamborghini Urus. A bodyguard stood by to open the backseat door for Vincent and bowed respectfully as he entered, accompanied by Luca.

"Where are we headed to, Luca?" Vincent asked, unsure if his orders from yesterday had been followed.

"The Moretti vacation home here in New York," Luca replied. He He obeyed his boss' instructions to not return to Italy. He knew Vincent wanted revenge first before heading to Italy, so he had prepared the vacation home for their arrival.

"Okay, let's get going," Vincent agreed with a nod. "But first, let's make a stop at Bianchi Finance," he added.

Luca nodded, relaying the order to the chauffeur, who then drove towards the destination their boss had ordered. Luca thought to question Vincent but suppressed the urge to question his boss by remaining silent. He didn't want to do anything to further anger Vincent, who had already been in a bad mood since yesterday. The car soon pulled up in front of the Bianchi Finance towering skyscraper. Vincent lowered the tinted window to get a better view of the building, sighing as he feigned an indifferent glare.

Turning to Luca, who sat beside him, Vincent asked in a furious tone, "You said the Moretti hold a lot of power?"

"Yes, young master," Luca replied confidently. "The Moretti group has connections in various sectors and is highly respected both here and in Italy. I can guarantee it."

Vincent fell silent for a few minutes before pushing a button on the side of the door panel to tint the glass back up, instructing the chauffeur to continue on their way, which he did without question.

Soon enough, they arrived at the Moretti's vacation home nestled on a secluded coastline. From the entrance gate, it was clear that this place is an epitome of luxury. The fully automated gate opened as they approached the imposing entrance. They followed a pathway lined with beautiful flowers that led them to a roundabout with a fountain at its centre and more flowers decorating it.

Ahead stood the massive building that served as the centrepiece of the entire property. Made of white stone and adorned with wide glass windows offering breathtaking ocean views, the building was surrounded by even more flowers. It was obvious that the Moretti family were extremely wealthy. Vincent couldn't help muttering to himself, wondering what their main home must look like if their vacation home was this opulent.

As the driver pulled up to a pathway leading to the garage, Vincent noticed a wide variety of cars parked within. Sedans, SUVs, Lamborghinis, and even a Mercedes were just some of the vehicles that caught his eye. He couldn't fathom why so many cars were needed for a vacation home.

"Who uses all these? Is there someone else staying here?" he asked, still confused about why a lot of vehicles are needed in such a place.

"No, sir, no one lives here permanently. We just have a few bodyguards stationed on the premises," Luca replied firmly, turning to face Vincent, who seemed slightly more at ease now.

"I apologize for the lack of sufficient security here. I will make sure to contact our team in Italy and arrange for reinforcement within a few days," Luca added.

“There’s no need for that. I prefer to keep a low profile,” Vincenzo replied, still surprised at the number of cars stored in their vacation home.

" Ooh, about the car. Some of these cars were given as gifts to your late father. He also had a deep passion for automobiles and took great pride in his collection," Luca continued, after noticing Vincent's eager gaze.

"This seems like a bit much for just a vacation home," Vincent mumbled to himself as they stepped out of the car, followed closely by a bodyguard, who opened the door for them.

"This way, young master," Luca gestured, leading Vincent towards the entrance of the house. As soon as they entered, the chandelier lights turned on automatically, illuminating the opulent interior. The white-painted walls complemented the elegant decor, with plush couches and a glass coffee table arranged in the center of the spacious living room. A large smart TV was mounted on the wall, completing the luxurious setting. After taking in the grandeur of his new surroundings, Vincent followed Luca to a corner of the living room, where a staircase led to the main bedroom.

"Here is your room, young master," Luca said proudly as they stood in front of a large wooden door .

Vincent acknowledged Luca with a nod before his attention was caught by an elderly woman approaching. She appeared to be in her late 50s.

“This is Madam Clara, the housekeeper. She will assist you with any household needs,” Luca explained.

Vincent could tell that Luca had informed her about his arrival beforehand as she bowed respectfully upon seeing him.

“Please, Madam Clara, there’s no need for formalities,” Vincent offered kindly, stepping forward to help the woman stand upright. “Let’s get to know each other properly,” he added with a small smile.

“Of course, young master. Do you need anything? The journey must have been tiring. Would you like something to eat?” Madam Clara asked, her concern evident.

"I'm fine for now, thank you," Vincent replied her before turning to Luca. "I need to get some rest. We can talk more later," he said as he gave Luca an exhausted gaze.

" I will let you be, then. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me or Madam Clara," Luca replied, bowing slightly before leaving with the housekeeper

They left, and Vincent entered the main bedroom. The bedroom was just as beautiful as the rest of the house, with luxurious furnishings and a comfortable bed.

Feeling exhausted from the long journey, Vincent took a relaxing bath and changed into fresh clothes from the wardrobe. He then sank into the plush bed and finally allowed himself to relax and rest.

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