Chapter 7

" Where's the young master, Madam Clara?" Luca asked, his voice tinged with concern as he hurried down the grand staircase after checking Vincent's room.

" He should be in his room. Have you checked there?" Madam Clara replied, standing resolutely in the sitting room, preparing to start her morning chores.

"Do you think I'd be asking if I hadn't checked? I knocked on his door several times, but there was no response. When I went in, his room was empty," Luca explained frantically. "He's nowhere to be found. The young master hasn’t still fully recovered. I hope he's okay."

"The last time I saw him was last night. He might have gone out for a walk. Did you check the outside area as well?" Madam Clara asked, meeting Luca's anxious gaze.

"I did, but he didn't notify me if he went out," Luca replied with a sigh.

"Damn it! If he went out, that means he's out there alone. If anyone knows about his true identity, they could hurt him. His safety is my priority. I can't afford to fail in handling that," Luca declared, pacing back and forth in the sitting room, running a hand through his hair nervously.

Just then, a bodyguard rushed in, interrupting Luca's pacing. "Sir, we've found the young master," the sturdy man reported before leaving. Luca followed suit.


Vincent parked the sedan he had driven himself that morning. From the vehicles available in the garage, he chose this unassuming sedan—he wasn’t yet accustomed to the lifestyle he was thrust into, and he preferred to go unnoticed. He parked in the lot of an upscale boutique. He had left the house without notifying anyone, needing some space, and a chance to take in the city view on his own. He also needed new clothes; those in his wardrobe were few and beginning to show signs of wear.

He exited the car and approached the entrance of the boutique, which oozed luxury and beauty. The security guard greeted him warmly as he entered the luxurious surroundings.

Inside, a friendly salesperson approached him. "Good morning sir, how may I assist you?" she asked with a welcoming smile.

"Good morning. Can you show me the men's clothing section? I'm in need of some new clothes," Vincent replied, returning the smile.

"Of course, sir. Please follow me," the petite woman led Vincent to a section dedicated to men's clothing, where suits from renowned brands were elegantly displayed. "Take a look at this exclusive Armani suit, specially designed by their top designer," she presented, carefully pulling out the suit from the rack.

"How...," Vincent paused as his attention was drawn to the entrance as a figure walked in, causing a stir among those present in the boutique. Vincent turned to see who had caused such a stir and was shocked to see Sophia, his ex-wife, who he hadn't seen since their tumultuous divorce. An assistant accompanied her, and her presence immediately commanded attention.

Spoting Vincent, Sophia's lips curled into a smirk as she approached him. She walked confidently beside her assistant, not seeming surprised to see Vincent there.

"Well, well, well… look who we have here. Mr. Pauper," she sneered, staring at him with irritation.

"You finally got out of jail. How did that happen? Did my fiancé arrange your release? I doubt it," she scoffed incredulously, trying to mask her confusion over his sudden release. Vincent still had time left in his sentence, yet he was already out of prison. And Alessandro hadn't even mentioned it to her. Maybe she was missing something out.

Pushing aside her thoughts, Sophia continued harshly, "Do you allow ex-convicts in your boutique?" She shifted her gaze to the saleswoman with a look of disgust.

"Ma-Ma'am," the sales personnel stammered. " Ex convict? You mean?” the saleswoman continued as she turned to look at Vincent, who remained silent.

" I mean, this man standing here is an ex-convict. Do you really allow unreputable people here? Did you even take a look at him before allowing him in here?" Sophia shouted, pointing her hands towards Vincent. Her loud outburst gathered the attention of the other wealthy persons in the boutique.

Vincent remained silent, unable to defend himself against the murmurs and judgmental looks from those around him. He didn't blame them - he didn't exactly look like a rich man himself.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am. I had no idea. He is an ex-convict, " the saleswoman apologized respectfully as she scanned Vincent from head to toe.

"You should be sorry for yourself. You should be more careful about who you let into this boutique. How can you allow a poor man like him inside?" Sophia spat with venom, giving the saleswoman a scathing look before turning away from her.

At that moment, the boutique manager rushed over, having been alerted by the commotion. "Welcome, ma'am. I didn't realize you were here. Had I known, i would have prepared for your arrival," the manager said with utmost respect, bowing slightly. It was clear that she knew who Sophia was. "What seems to be the issue?" The manager asked, after noticing Sophia irritated gaze.

" Are impecunious people allowed in here now? How can you allow such a Balderdash into this place, a poor wretch who can’t afford the cheapest item in this store. Why is he even here? Looking for a job, perhaps? Even if he's here to get a job, you can't give a job to such a poor brat like this," Sophia set in anger, prompting the manager to take a closer look at Vincent.

Vincent wore a faded pair of trousers and a simple T-shirt, clothes that were left over in the wardrobe. They were not in line with his taste, but he had chosen them to blend in and avoid drawing attention. Now, he found himself at the centre of a humiliating spectacle. His lips pressed into a thin line, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure.

"I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am," the manager said, bowing again. “I will take care of this right away,” the manager assured. "You’ve made a grave mistake coming here. You’ve upset one of our most important clients."

Vincent forced a smile, ignoring the venom in her words. If they only knew who he truly was… but now was not the time to reveal his hand. He turned to the saleswoman, who had been assisting him earlier. "Could you please show me the other brands you have available?" he asked, keeping his voice steady despite the anger simmering.

"He's clearly here to waste your time," Sophia interrupted, her voice dripping with scorn. "He can't afford anything here. Just look at him. Have him sent out," Sophia shouted.

“Please,” Vincent began, only to be cut off by the manager.

"Not another word from you," the manager snapped. "Security, please escort this man out, "the manager called out, signalling the security guard who stood at the front of the Boutique.

The security guard at the front of the boutique moved to comply, but before he could lay a hand on Vincent, the large entrance doors swung open with a forceful crash. The clatter sound of the door drew everyone's attention away from Vincent to the imposing figure who had just entered.

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