The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire

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The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire

By: Jericho Chase Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 37 views: 228

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Moses was known as the penniless live-in-son-in-law of the Twelve Cities. Shunned by his own clan, and ridiculed by society, Moses was the embodiment of failure and mockery. He slaved under the powerful MOMO family, for three grueling years. But everything changed with one phone call. “Mr. Moses, We went through a thorough review of our records, and we confirmed you purchased the highest amount of stock when our company was starting out.” “I'm happy to let you know that you hold the highest shares in Rockechilds Empire. Your stake translates to a personal net worth of $35 trillion.” Find out how Moses rose to top, crushing all those that laughed at him.

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37 chapters
The Imperial Hotel
It was a stormy afternoon when a sleek black Lamborghini Aventador pulled up before the steps of the entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Moses ran towards the automobile with an umbrella carried above his head. He opened the front door while he held the umbrella over. With a stiff bow, he greeted. “Welcome to the Imperial Hotel, Master Dave.” Dave stepped out of the car, a big sunglasses resting on his head. “Well, well, well, if it isn't my worthless brother-in-law," he said as he removed his glasses. Moses hung his head. “How may I be of service to you, Master Dave?” “Lucky for you, I don't have any luggage, but I'm here with my girlfriend,” Dave replied. “If you let one drop of rain touch her, I'll kill you.” “I won't let her get wet, Master Dave,” Moses said. “Baby, who is that?” A female voice asked from the passenger's seat. “Oh, this shithead is Moses,” Dave answered. “He's the pathetic live-in-son-in-law that's married to my cousin.” The girl wrinkled her nose whe
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Lucas Gates
Dave's face went pale. “Y-You're kidding, right? $2 billion? That's a fortune. We don't have that kind of money.” “That is why I call you useless,” Madame Aurora fired. “Each one of you can't even boast of $100 million.” Glenn raised his hand. He was Madame Aurora's eldest offspring. “Mother, no matter how you stress it, it's impossible for us to raise $2 billion. Hell, not even the bank would loan us such an outrageous sum.” Madame Aurora wrinkled her nose at him. “Alas, you're just as useless as your son, Glenn. It's no surprise, like father like son. You two take after each other.” Dave and Glenn's veins stuck out in their forehead. Madame Aurora's insult hit them deep, but they kept their mouth shut. It wasn't worth it to talk back to Madame Aurora. The MOMO family depended on her for survival. All their financial holdings were penned under her name. This was what made her the most important member of the MOMO family. A maid brought in a tray of tea in beautiful chi
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Rockechilds Empire
“I do not approve. You will not marry my wife,” Moses snapped. Moses' sudden appearance and declaration took everyone in the living room by surprise. “Moses, when did you get here?” Valeria demanded. “Long enough to hear this mad man's offer,” Moses retorted. “Don't listen to him, Valeria” “You sneaky bastard!” Juliet removed her shoe and hurled it at Moses. “Stop trying to ruin my life. This doesn't concern you. Get lost.” “But it does concern me, mother-in-law,” Moses countered as he dodged her shoe. “Valeria is my wife. I cannot let another man steal her away from me. She's mine.” “You foolish boy,” Jordan charged at him and slapped him across the face. “Always running your mouth. Do you want to ruin my family like how you ruined yours?” Moses stepped back, feeling the sting of the slap echoing in his ears. Madame Aurora, despite her richness and power, gave birth to five ugly women and two sons. In the Twelve Cities, beauty and class were a virtue attributed to a woman.
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Still penniless
Madame Aurora summoned a second meeting by 10pm. Two meetings in one day were uncommon in the MOMO family, but Madame Aurora was in a mad frenzy. She had just watched the news and her bank manager was blowing up her phone lines. He was asking one question: “Why didn't you invest in Rockechilds Empire?” If she had purchased some excellent stocks, she would've been worth at least $500 million. Madame Aurora could feel her blood pressure rising. Only fifteen people in the world bought Rockechilds Empire stocks when the stocks were low. Everyone called them a bunch of mad men, but those guys were now worth billions of dollars. Madame Aurora needed to see her family or else she might lose her mind. She, in particular, wanted to see Moses. The MOMO family were once again gathered at the Imperial hotel in the conference room. Madame Aurora was pacing around, her face knotted in an impatient frown. “I was sure I summoned everyone. Where the hell are Valeria and Moses?” “W
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The phone call
Madame Aurora couldn't believe her ears. “You traded all your stocks and liquidated your account with Rockechilds? Why the hell would you do that?” Moses reared his head back in fear. The sudden change of expression on Madame Aurora's face was scary. “Well, after everyone ridiculed me for investing in Rockechilds, and my clan expelled me, I sold my stocks to redeem myself.” Madame Aurora opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. Moses went on, “You see, I was frustrated and depressed. Since it was a foolish investment, I figured it would be better if I sold all my stocks and count my losses.” Madame Aurora's face turned pink. She looked as if she were about to explode. A brief silence ensued in the room, tension charged in the atmosphere. “You IDIOT!” Madame Aurora screamed at Moses' face, grabbing his throat with both of her hands and rocking him. The rest of the Momo family rushed to restrain her. “Mother, Please calm down, you'll strangle him,” Glenn
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The Doberman clan was a four hour train journey to the Western part of the Twelve cities. They controlled many lands and estates, which was how they generated their wealth. It was 12am when Moses arrived at the Doberman's clan. He rode a taxi through the imposing gates of the Doberman's residents. When the taxi pulled up before the giant mansion of the Doberman's chief, a crowd of fifty people gathered around to welcome Moses. Suddenly, the crowd fell to their hands and knees and bowed deeply as Moses stepped out of the taxi. “Welcome home, Young master.” They chanted in unison, their voice trembling. Moses said nothing. He stared at his clansmen, a cigarette burning at the end of his mouth. These were the same men who had beaten him up and kicked him out of the Doberman's clan. Just then, the double door to the mansion swung open, and a man came walking out, flanked by Albert. He was the Clan Chief, Robert Doberman. Robert Doberman locked gaze with Moses as he app
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divorce papers
“Last night, an anonymous messenger sent me this video footage while I was out looking for Moses,” Valeria began. “I was horrified. Moses was not in his basement when I checked. The hotel staffs also haven't seen him." "When Moses returned this morning, I confronted him but he denied not cheating on me.” “My beloved, I swear that can't be me,” Moses said, his eyes growing wide. “It's probably someone impersonating me.” “Again with the excuse,” Juliet scoffed. “You are not someone of importance to be a victim of impersonation.” “But I am Valeria's husband,” Moses pointed out. “There's a good chance. One of Valeria's admirers tried to impersonate me so it would look as though I cheated.” Moses had never known another woman aside Valeria. He was sure in his bones that he was being set up. In the MOMO family tradition, adultery was a serious offense. Moses arranged marriage with Valeria could only be annuled if one party commits adultery. “Enough with your excuses,” Madame Auro
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Gates Group
“This is the best thing that's ever happened to the MOMO family,” Madame Aurora celebrated as she popped open a champagne. “Let's celebrate.” she poured wine into Valeria's glass. “With the Gates Group backing us up, we'll be unstoppable.” Lucas laughed as he handed her his glass. “Take it easy, Madame Aurora. The Gate Group won't disappoint you. As we speak, Gate Group invested heavily in Rockechilds' shares. Money is never our problem.” Madame Aurora's eyes widened. “That's the Gate Group for you. I'm blown away by how wealthy your family is.” Valeria smiled, linking her arm in Lucas'. “Lucas was the perfect choice, grandmother. I never understood why you hooked me up with a loser like Moses from the very start,” Valeria pouted. “I couldn't stand him.” “Matching you and Moses was my greatest mistake,” Madame Aurora admitted. “I hadn't foreseen the Doberman's downfall. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would have paired you off with Lucas a long time ago.” “Can we sto
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The Imperial suite
It has been three days since the Gates Group crisis began. Valeria had it tough as the other family members made mockery of her. News about Valeria's divorce from Moses and her failed engagement to Lucas spread quickly. Traditionally, in the twelve cities, a divorcee without a husband is a woman without honour, dignity or class. It was the most humiliating position to be in. The other granddaughters of the MOMO family whom had alway been envious of Valeria for her beauty, saw an opportunity to ridicule her. They openly insulted her in public, making her life miserable. The insults and disrespect ate deep inside Valeria that she suddenly became consumed with desperation. She vowed to regain her honour and reputation, whatever the cost. Moses had been watching her all these while. Seeing how desperate Valeria was, he finally decided to implement his next move. He dialed Genevieve's number. Genevieve answered on the first ring. “Good morning, Mr. Moses. What can I
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John Smith
There was a stiff tension in the Imperial Hotel as every staff was informed of the mysterious John Smith's arrival. Madame Aurora had given strict instructions: On no account must anyone offend John Smith. A bad review from someone as wealthy as John Smith could ruin their reputation. Madame Aurora was all about good reputation and five star reviews. She values her reputation more than she values money. John Smith was scheduled to arrive at the hotel by 9pm.The Imperial Hotel was on standby to welcome this mysterious wealthy man. Moses stood outside the entrance, dressed in an immaculate bellhop uniform. Standing beside him was his ex-wife, Valeria. "It's odd, isn't it?" Valeria began. "That John Smith would pick you to serve him."Moses didn't say anything. Valeria frowned. Moses haven't talked to her ever since their divorce papers were signed. "I understand if you hate me now, but don't forget I'm still your superior in this establishment," she said, her voice at edge.M
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