
The Doberman clan was a four hour train journey to the Western part of the Twelve cities.

They controlled many lands and estates, which was how they generated their wealth.

It was 12am when Moses arrived at the Doberman's clan.

He rode a taxi through the imposing gates of the Doberman's residents.

When the taxi pulled up before the giant mansion of the Doberman's chief, a crowd of fifty people gathered around to welcome Moses.

Suddenly, the crowd fell to their hands and knees and bowed deeply as Moses stepped out of the taxi.

“Welcome home, Young master.” They chanted in unison, their voice trembling.

Moses said nothing. He stared at his clansmen, a cigarette burning at the end of his mouth.

These were the same men who had beaten him up and kicked him out of the Doberman's clan.

Just then, the double door to the mansion swung open, and a man came walking out, flanked by Albert.

He was the Clan Chief, Robert Doberman.

Robert Doberman locked gaze with Moses as he approached him.

He wore a blue three-piece suit, with a gold capped cane in his right hand.

Robert Doberman stood before Moses, his eyes boring into him.

Moses met his gaze head-on without flinching. “I have come home, father,” Moses declared, his tone cold.

Robert Doberman's by cane clattered to the ground as he sank to his hands and knees.

He bowed deeply before Moses.

“My son,” he said solemnly, his voice breaking. “Please Forgive me.”

The entire clan was now begging for his forgiveness after they humiliated him and left him to suffer for three long years.

“What has changed, father? Is it because I've become wealthy or is it the fear of the Doberman's downfall?”

Moses' father's eyes watered. “No, Moses. I was wrong. I should have trusted you. Presently, the Clan needs you. I need you. Without your help, we would suffer.”

Moses removed the cigarette from his lips and flicked it away. “Man, it's so good to be home. Rise, father. It's not a good sight for a father to bow to his son.”

“Right,” Robert Doberman rose to his feet. “I'm glad you forgave us, Moses. This means a lot to every one of us. Welcome home.”

* * * *

“The Doberman clan has suffered in the past three years,” Robert Doberman said. “We used the clan's reserve to see if we could reclaim what we've lost. But we haven't been lucky.”

Albert served Moses a steaming cup of coffee on the mansion's balcony.

Moses took a sip. “So the $100 million reserve is finished?”

“We have nothing left,” Robert Doberman revealed. “Ever since you were expelled from the clan, things have been going badly for us. We've been mocked and ridiculed by everyone in the twelve cities. Even the banks won't loan us money.”

“Well, that's about to change,” Moses said. “I have returned. I'll see that the Doberman clan gets the respect we deserve.”

Robert Doberman bowed his head. “You're so kind, Moses.”

“I have just one condition,” Moses added. “No one must know I have attained sudden wealth. I would rather keep it quiet.”

Robert Doberman was surprised. “Shouldn't we crush our enemies for making a mockery of us? How do we make them regret without telling the world about your success?”

“I prefer the latter. You don't have to worry about anything,” Moses smiled. “I'll make them regret.”

* * * *

Moses took the next train back before dawn.

He didn't want to be late for his morning duties at the hotel.

When he arrived at the MOMO estate, he met Valeria waiting for him at the doorstep.

“Good morning, my beloved,” Moses greeted. “You look lovely this morning.”

“Where the hell were you last night?” She demanded, her tone harsh. “You weren't in the basement when I checked.”

“Oh that,” Moses rubbed the back of his head. “I felt so depressed over Rockechilds, I slept outside. I'm sorry, love. I should have informed you.”

“Or you were out with your girlfriend,” Valeria said eyeing him.

“Eh?” Moses looked at her. “What girlfriend?”

“Don't act dumb with me, Moses, you're seeing another woman. You went out to be with her last night, didn't you?”

Moses opened and closed his mouth. “What are you talking about? Are you suggesting I cheated on you? I swear, I'll never do such a thing.”

Valeria stood up, her nose scrunched up. “Go inside and wash up. You smell like a pig. Once you're cleaned up, meet me at Madame Aurora's mansion.”

Moses was surprised. “At Madame Aurora's mansion? What for?”

“Quit asking me stupid questions and do what you're told,” Valeria barked, then brushed past him.

Moses watched her head to her Ferrari and drove off.

He had never been to Madame Aurora's mansion before. She never allowed him to step foot past her gates.

But today, he was invited to come.

Moses had an idea something was off. “What was Valeria on about?” Moses muttered to himself.

* * * *

Moses rode his electric scooter up the hilly roads to Madame Aurora's mansion.

It was a grand structure with beautiful trimmed hedges, flower gardens, and fountains.

As Moses put away his scooter, he saw that his in-law's cars and Valeria's were parked outside the mansion.

Something off-putting was going on.

Moses walked to the entrance of the mansion where a servant led him to Madame Aurora's study.

Madame Aurora was on the phone when Moses entered her study.

“Madame Aurora, Moses has arrived,” the servants announced, then bowed as she quietly left the room.

Madame Aurora hung up the call as she turned to face Moses.

“What took you so long, idiot? How dare you keep us waiting?”

Moses apologized with a slight bow. “Forgive me Madame Aurora, I had to wash up and—”

Moses' words trailed off as he saw Valeria sobbing with her head buried in her palms.

“Why is she crying?” Moses asked, his voice small. “Who made Valeria cry?”

“Shut up, you ungrateful piece of shit!” Madame Aurora snapped. “After breaking Valeria's heart, you want to act oblivious, right?”

Moses' jaws dropped. “Break Valeria's mind? What do you mean?”

Jordan stood up, his fists raised in the air. “You bastard, you have the nerve to ask? Who was that woman you saw last night?”

“For crying out loud, what woman?” Moses raised his voice. “You are making this up. I met no woman?”

“Then where were you last night?” Madame Aurora demanded.

Moses hesitated. If he told them he visited the Doberman clan, Madame Aurora would become suspicious.

Why would the Doberman clan welcome Moses back if he hadn't attained sudden wealth?

That would be the question Madame Aurora was likely to ask him.

“You hesitated, huh?” Juliet burst out in rage. “There's no other explanation. You met a woman last night.”

Moses turned to Valeria. “Valeria, is this what you called me here for? Why would you lie to your family that I'm cheating on you? I thought I explained myself to you.”

“You're lying,” Valeria cried. “You're not fooling anyone here. There are evidences to prove it.”

Moses placed both hands on the table. “Let me see those evidences. I swear I can identify it's a fake.”

“It's not a fake,” Madame Aurora took her remote and pointed at the flat screen television hanging on the wall.

As she switched it on, a video footage appeared on the screen.

Moses' eyes widened as he saw himself walking into a love hotel with a strange woman.

At one glance, Moses could see that this video was a fabrication.

The person in the footage wasn't him. It was an impersonator.

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