divorce papers

“Last night, an anonymous messenger sent me this video footage while I was out looking for Moses,” Valeria began.

“I was horrified. Moses was not in his basement when I checked. The hotel staffs also haven't seen him."

"When Moses returned this morning, I confronted him but he denied not cheating on me.”

“My beloved, I swear that can't be me,” Moses said, his eyes growing wide. “It's probably someone impersonating me.”

“Again with the excuse,” Juliet scoffed. “You are not someone of importance to be a victim of impersonation.”

“But I am Valeria's husband,” Moses pointed out. “There's a good chance. One of Valeria's admirers tried to impersonate me so it would look as though I cheated.”

Moses had never known another woman aside Valeria. He was sure in his bones that he was being set up.

In the MOMO family tradition, adultery was a serious offense.

Moses arranged marriage with Valeria could only be annuled if one party commits adultery.

“Enough with your excuses,” Madame Aurora thundered at Moses. “We all watched the video. There's no doubt in my mind the person in the footage is you.”

Moses wanted to say something, but Madame Aurora silenced him with a wave of her hand.

“Don't speak, I'll do the talking,” Madame Aurora went on. “You were like a son to me, Moses. When the Doberman clan expelled you, I took you in and gave you my granddaughter as your wife. I still granted you a job, but this is how you repay me?”

Moses said nothing. He realized, no matter what he says, nobody in this room would believe a word he says.

“Infidelity is a big deal in the MOMO family,” Madame Aurora continued as she brought out some papers and placed them on her desk. “You brought this upon yourself, Moses.”

“What is this?” Moses picked up the papers and read through them. “Divorce papers?”

“That's correct,” Madame Aurora said, her voice shrewd. “You are undeserving of my granddaughter. I'm glad your marriage isn't consummated. It makes my job easier.”

Moses waved the divorce papers at Valeria. “Come on, Valeria. This isn't what you want, is it? You can't just judge me from a phony video and divorce me like that.”

“I don't want you anymore,” Valeria said as she met his eyes. “Since you've chosen other women, I'll choose a new man.”

Moses felt his heart skip a beat. It's true he loved Valeria so much.

She was the most beautiful woman in the Twelve cities.

Moses had hoped with time, Valeria would grow to love him, but to think she would pick a strange man over him out of the blue was heartbreaking.

Suddenly, the door opened, and the servant returned, announcing, “Madame Aurora, Lucas Gate has arrived.”

Moses turned his face sharply as Lucas entered the room.

Lucas had a satisfying smile on his face when he saw Moses.

“What are you doing here?” Moses demanded, his teeth clenched.

“Don't be such an old sport,” Lucas sneered at Moses. “I'm your replacement. You should be happy, Moses.”

Something died inside Moses. It was his humanity.

“So, this is the man you picked over me, huh?” Moses asked Valeria, his face darkening.

“And she chose right,” Madame Aurora said, a wide smile on her face. “Lucas would make a capable husband for Valeria. Would you believe it? He's lending the Momo family $2 billion for our project. Isn't he sweet?”

Moses was tempted to declare he can outbid Lucas and offer more than the amount Lucas was offering, but Moses resisted the urge.

He realized something. If he keeps pushing it, he would reveal his wealth and Valeria would only love him for his money.

“So, the arranged marriage is off, huh?” Moses asked, turning to face Madame Aurora.

Madame Aurora wrinkled her nose. “What do you think? You cheated on my granddaughter, broke our family's sacred tradition. You can't stay married to her.”

“Fine by me,” Moses said, picking up the pen.

To everyone's surprise, he signed the divorce papers.

“That was fast,” Jordan said, folding his hands. “Were you that eager to divorce my daughter that much?”

“Of course he is. He's going to meet that lover of his. Scumbag,” Juliet added.

Moses didn't answer them. Instead, he focused his gaze on Madame Aurora.

“I have one request, Madame Aurora,” Moses said.

“You're not in any position to make requests,” Madame Aurora shook her head. “If it's money you want, you won't get any.”

“At least listen to what I have to say,” Moses said, his voice dark. “I'd like to keep working at the Imperial Hotel.”

Everyone stiffened in shock at Moses' request.

Even Madame Aurora was amused. “Why would you keep working there? I won't pay you a dime neither would you be allowed to live at the MOMO estate.”

“I'm aware of that,” Moses replied. “I still don't have anywhere to go to. At least give me three months to work at the hotel. I'll make do with the leftovers from the kitchen and I can always sleep in the Janitor's room.”

Madame Aurora stroked her chin as she thought about it. “Okay, if that's how you feel about it, three months. But would you be alright? You'll be seeing more of Valeria and Lucas every day at the hotel. Are you into that kind of thing?”

“No,” Moses faced Valeria. “I wish you nothing but happiness. I always thought you would grow to love me someday, but I guess I was wrong.”

Valeria didn't look at him.

Lucas chuckled. “You lose, Moses. At the end of the day, I bagged Valeria. It's a good thing you'll be working at the hotel. I'll make your life a misery. After all, I'm going to boss over you.”

Moses, hid a grin. “Is that so? I'll be looking forward to it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go clear my stuffs out of the basement.”

“There's no need to,” Valeria spoke. “Your things were already packed last night. The servants would hand them over to you once you go outside.”

Moses didn't look at her.

A lump swelled up in his throat as he realized this whole set up was orchestrated by none other than these four people.

It summed up the fact that the only way they could get rid of him was if they framed him for adultery.

Moses left the study.

* * * *

A servant was waiting for Moses with a small luggage. They contained all his clothes.

Because Moses was poor, he didn't have many properties. Just a few clothes and one shoe.

“Thank you,” he collected the luggage from the servant and headed straight for the gates.

He didn't take the scooter. It didn't belong to him, after all.

As soon as he crossed the gates, he dialed Genevieve's number.

Genevieve answered on the first ring. “Good morning, Mr. Moses. How can I assist you today?”

“Genevieve, does Rockechilds Empire have the capacity to ruin Gates Group?” Moses asked, his voice cold.

Genevieve paused for a moment. “As of recent, Gates Group invested heavily in buying our shares, and they are also pushing for a partnership deal which we are currently considering.”

“That means we can destroy them, right?”

Genevieve laughed. “Chairman, our financial leverage and influence in the market are more than sufficient to crush Gates Group. If you give the command, Gates group would be ruined in seconds.”

Moses chuckled darkly. “Then do it. Lucas Gate crossed me. I want to teach him a big lesson.”

“Consider it done, chairman,” Genevieve replied, her tone hardening. “Gates Group would regret ever upsetting you.”

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