Lucas Gates

Dave's face went pale. “Y-You're kidding, right? $2 billion? That's a fortune. We don't have that kind of money.”

“That is why I call you useless,” Madame Aurora fired. “Each one of you can't even boast of $100 million.”

Glenn raised his hand. He was Madame Aurora's eldest offspring.

“Mother, no matter how you stress it, it's impossible for us to raise $2 billion. Hell, not even the bank would loan us such an outrageous sum.”

Madame Aurora wrinkled her nose at him. “Alas, you're just as useless as your son, Glenn. It's no surprise, like father like son. You two take after each other.”

Dave and Glenn's veins stuck out in their forehead.

Madame Aurora's insult hit them deep, but they kept their mouth shut.

It wasn't worth it to talk back to Madame Aurora. The MOMO family depended on her for survival.

All their financial holdings were penned under her name.

This was what made her the most important member of the MOMO family.

A maid brought in a tray of tea in beautiful china wares.

Madame Aurora took a cup, stir it and sipped a little.

“I'm going to give everyone a fair chance to take part in this project. I'm getting old and might not live to see another ten years. I need a successor.”

This statement made the entire MOMO family prickle up with excitement.

A successor to the Imperial Hotel was the last thing on the mind of the MOMO family.

“Grandmother,” Lydia, Madame Aurora's granddaughter, raised her hand. “This is all too sudden. If you require a successor, you can choose me.”

Madame Aurora sneered at her. “You? Don't get your hopes up. You're the last person I have on my mind to succeed me, not in a million years.”

Lydia closed her mouth.

Madame Aurora turned to the rest of her family. “For years, I've taught each and every one of you how to manage my business. Some of you do a good job, but the others don't throw their weight around.”

Madame Aurora sipped her tea again. “Well, that's about to change. This is an open challenge for everybody. Whoever raises the capital for our next hotel would become my successor. You have one month.”

The MOMO family members' face fell.

They knew among themselves there was no way in heaven or hell they would be capable of raising $2 billion in a month.

Madame Aurora watched the expression of dismay on the faces of her children and grandchildren.

She felt disappointed.

“That would be all,” she said. “Now, get out of my sight.”

* * * *

The rain had let up a bit, but the dark clouds indicated it might still pour later.

Moses rode his electric scooter into the MOMO estate.

He lived under the same roof with Valeria and her parents, but his room was in the basement.

Moses noticed his in-laws and Valeria's cars were already locked inside the garage.

That means everyone was home.

He put away his scooter and took the back door.

As he made his way near the living room, he overheard Valeria and his in-laws discussing.

Moses concealed himself, peeking into the living room.

Seated on the sofa were his in-laws, Jordan and Juliet.

Valeria sat before them.

“This is an enormous opportunity for us, Valeria,” Jordan said, tapping his feet. “You must become your grandmother's successor.”

“Exactly,” Juliet added. “You're Madame Aurora's favourite granddaughter. You work harder than anyone else at the hotel. Surely, she'll make you her successor.”

“I doubt that's going to work,” Valeria sighed. “It's true Madame Aurora dotes on me, but that wouldn't be enough to make me her successor.”

Jordan sighed in exasperation. “It's just not possible. Madame Aurora's standards are too high. She ought to cut down the project expenses a little.”

“Knowing Madame Aurora, that's the last thing she would do, dear,” Juliet said. “Madame Aurora knows raising $2 billion is an impossible feat. That's why she used it as a test to choose who is worthy to become her successor.”

Just then, the front doorbell rang.

Valeria exchanged glances with her parents.

“Are you expecting anyone?” she asked.

Jordan rose up and wandered over to the door. “Actually, we are, Valeria.”

When he opened the door, a young handsome man stepped in.

“Thank you for having me, Mr. Jordan,” the man greeted, bearing a bouquet in his hand.

Valeria stood up, her eyes filled with surprise. “Lucas Gate, what are you doing here?”

Moses was asking himself the same question.

“What the hell is that bastard doing at my in-laws' house by this time of the night?” Moses whispered under his breath.

Lucas walked over to Valeria and handed her the bouquet. “I bought them for you on my way to your apartment, Valeria. I heard they were your favourite.”

Valeria accepted the flowers with a genuine smile. “How nice of you, Lucas. They smell very nice.”

Lucas glanced around the room, his eyes searching. “Where's that piece of trash you call a husband.”

“Let's not talk about him, Lucas,” Jordan chuckled. “He's still at the hotel, slaving off.”

Valeria turned to her father. “Dad, you still haven't told me what's going on.”

Lucas held her hand and kissed it. “How rude of me, Valeria. I got carried away. So, earlier today, I heard your grandmother plans on building a second hotel in the South.”

Valeria raised an eyebrow. “How did you know that?”

Lucas chuckles. “News travel fast, Valeria. I caught wind of it before nightfall. You see, Valeria, you're gorgeous. I've always had my eyes on you for a very long time.”

Valeria blushed. “I'm flattered, Lucas. But as you know, I'm married.”

Lucas frowned. “To that garbage? Everyone in this city knows your union with that bastard is a joke. Left to me, you're still single.”

Valeria sighed. “Look, Lucas, you're not the first man who've approached my hand in marriage—”

“I wasn't finished,” Lucas cut her short. “I'm making an offer, Valeria. I heard if you're able to raise the $2 billion capital for the forthcoming project, Madame Aurora would make you her successor.”

“That's right,” Valeria answered.

Lucas smirked. “In that case, marry me, Valeria. Marry me and leave that fool. I promise to lend you the $2 billion.”

Valeria caught her breath sharply. “You'll lend me $2 billion if I accept to become your wife?”

Lucas nodded, his eyes burning with hope. “I love you, Valeria. You don't need to stay married to a useless man like Moses. He has nothing to offer you, but I do. The Gates group would invest in you and make your dreams come true. Just say yes to me.”

Silence fell in the living room for a long moment.

The Gates family was the third-richest family in the Twelve cities.

They could afford to loan $2 billion to Valeria if she married their son.

Valeria paused for a long time. She glanced at her parents.

“Go on, Valeria. Accept his proposal,” Jordan urged. “This is the only way you'll become your grandmother's successor.”

Juliet added, “Same here. We want what's best for you, darling.”

As Valeria was about to open her mouth, Moses stormed into the living room.

“No way,” He stood between Lucas and Valeria. “I do not approve. You will not marry my wife.”

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