The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire
The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire
Author: Jericho Chase
The Imperial Hotel

It was a stormy afternoon when a sleek black Lamborghini Aventador pulled up before the steps of the entrance of the Imperial Hotel.

Moses ran towards the automobile with an umbrella carried above his head.

He opened the front door while he held the umbrella over.

With a stiff bow, he greeted. “Welcome to the Imperial Hotel, Master Dave.”

Dave stepped out of the car, a big sunglasses resting on his head.

“Well, well, well, if it isn't my worthless brother-in-law," he said as he removed his glasses.

Moses hung his head. “How may I be of service to you, Master Dave?”

“Lucky for you, I don't have any luggage, but I'm here with my girlfriend,” Dave replied. “If you let one drop of rain touch her, I'll kill you.”

“I won't let her get wet, Master Dave,” Moses said.

“Baby, who is that?” A female voice asked from the passenger's seat.

“Oh, this shithead is Moses,” Dave answered. “He's the pathetic live-in-son-in-law that's married to my cousin.”

The girl wrinkled her nose when Moses came over to her, holding the umbrella over her.

He bowed as he handed out his hand to her. “Excuse me, miss, if you will come with me.”

Dave's girlfriend gave Moses one hard look as she slapped his face. “How dare you offer to touch me, you pig! Know your place.”

Moses apologized. “Forgive me, Miss. I just don't want you to get wet. Please, I'll keep my distance. Just stay under this umbrella.”

Moses led Dave's girlfriend to the entrance of the hotel, where a bellhop was waiting.

Dave tossed the key to him. “Put the Lamborghini away, Moses. Be mindful of how you drive it. I just bought it new. If you so much as scratch the paint, I'll kill you.”

Moses bowed again. “I'll take care of it, Master Dave.”

Dave's girlfriend locked her hand in Dave's as they walked into the hotel.

“What a loser," she said grossly over her shoulder at Moses.

Moses watched them go, then he let out a sigh of relief.

Dave was the last member of the MOMO family to arrive today.

Moses uniform was drenched with rain from driving the MOMO family cars to the hotel's parking lot.

After he was done putting Dave's car away, Moses returned to the hotel to meet his wife waiting for him.

Valeria, the most beautiful woman in the Twelve Cities.

Valeria had the skin of a porcelain doll, the face of a fallen angel and an alluring body that rivals that of a strip model.

She possesses sky-blue siren eyes, a rare eye color nowadays. Her round pink lips were full and inviting.

Her honey-blond hair was worn in a bob cut

She was just perfect.

“Where the hell have you been?” She demanded, her arms crossed, her tone hard.

“I just parked Dave's car in the parking area. Sorry I took so long, my beloved. I was cautious not to scratch the car's paint.”

“Whatever,” Valeria waved her fingers. “You look a mess. See how wet your valet uniform is. Go get a change of clothes and join the meeting.”

This surprised Moses. He was never summoned for a family meeting before.

This must be serious.

“I'll do that right away, my beloved,” he responded, smiling at her.

“Don't call me your beloved,” Valeria cringed, her voice sharp. “It's disgusting coming from you.”

And she turned around and left him.

Moses watched her leave, his heart heavy. She still hasn't accepted him.

Valeria and Moses have been married for three years, and yet, she couldn't stand the sight of him.

Their marriage had been arranged from the time they were born.

He loved her from the day he first met her, that was three years ago.

Sadly, Valeria didn't find him attractive, and that was because Moses was a nobody.

With no job nor qualifications, Moses was hired by the MOMO family to serve as a valet attendant without pay at their hotel, the Imperial Hotel.

The MOMO family exploited Moses, turning him into a jack of many trades.

Not only does he serve as a valet attendant, he also does room services and cleaning, he works as a waiter and a security guard at night.

All this, he does for a woman who despises him.

But Moses didn't mind. He believed with time, Valeria would grow to love him.

Although it seemed to be taking more time than he imagined.

* * * *

The MOMO family were all gathered in the large conference suite of the Imperial Hotel.

Each representative of the family were seated according to their ranks of importance in the family.

Moses was seated in the back seats at the far corner of the room on a low stool.

He was the least important member of the house.

Just then, Madame Aurora entered the suite, donning on a luxurious deep purple robe embroidered with golden patterns.

Her hair, stark white and thick, was styled in a bun atop her head and adorned with golden pins and combs.

Her hands were small and bony but with long, pointy fingers, which were all beautified with precious gem rings.

Despite her age, she moved with surprising agility, as if she were still in her youth.

Everybody stood up and bowed to acknowledge and honour her presence.

Madame Aurora sat down in the head chair, her deep wrinkled and pale face contorted with annoyance.

“How annoying,” she hissed. “Take aside the chairs. No one must set down. On your knees, everybody.”

Everybody exchanged glances. Madame Aurora was upset.

Whenever she was agitated, she makes her household kneel as submission.

The servants took away the recliners, leaving everybody kneeling on one knee except Madame Aurora.

Moses swallowed. The tension in the silent room was very heavy.

He was afraid of Madame Aurora. Everyone was.

Madame Aurora was a shrewd and cunning woman. She has been the patriarch of the MOMO family for three generations.

She was clever, with a brain for making money, but she was wicked and brazen.

Furthermore, she was a woman who gives no damn about others unless it profits or benefits her.

“Honestly, I don't know how you all could be so useless,” Madame Aurora ranted. “When I look at each one of you, I see nothing but bench warmers.”

No one spoke anything. It was rude to talk to Madame Aurora without her permission.

“Business has been bad lately,” Madame Aurora declared, her voice sharp. “The Imperial Hotel hasn't been drawing in foreigners in a while. I'm sure you all have noticed that.”

Moses had noticed.

As a valet attendant, he was very observant to notice that the number of foreigners who lodge at their hotel has been on a slow decline.

The Imperial Hotel was the first place any foreigner would stop by when visiting the twelve cities.

They make up 65% of the profits generated from the hotel.

Without foreigners, the business was as good as dead.

“I have decided to establish a new branch of our hotel in the South,” Madame Aurora went on. “They have great beaches, nice sea view and tropical climate. It would be a breath of fresh air for our guests who are growing bored here.”

Everyone agreed. The South was the most frequented place by tourists.

Now the big question was money.

“I'm sure everybody is sharing the same thoughts as me,” she said, watching her family closely. “We need capital.”

Dave raised his hand. “Madame Aurora, if I may, how much money are we talking about here?”

“I'm glad you asked,” Madame Aurora responded. “$2 billion.”

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