Still penniless

Madame Aurora summoned a second meeting by 10pm.

Two meetings in one day were uncommon in the MOMO family, but Madame Aurora was in a mad frenzy.

She had just watched the news and her bank manager was blowing up her phone lines.

He was asking one question:

“Why didn't you invest in Rockechilds Empire?”

If she had purchased some excellent stocks, she would've been worth at least $500 million.

Madame Aurora could feel her blood pressure rising.

Only fifteen people in the world bought Rockechilds Empire stocks when the stocks were low.

Everyone called them a bunch of mad men, but those guys were now worth billions of dollars.

Madame Aurora needed to see her family or else she might lose her mind.

She, in particular, wanted to see Moses.

The MOMO family were once again gathered at the Imperial hotel in the conference room.

Madame Aurora was pacing around, her face knotted in an impatient frown. “I was sure I summoned everyone. Where the hell are Valeria and Moses?”

“What's this about them?” Dave asked. “Did they do something wrong, grandmother?”

“Shut up,” Madame Aurora barked at him. “One more word from you and I'll seize your new Lamborghini.”

Dave sealed his lips.

Just then, Valeria hurried in. She looked exhausted. “Sorry I arrived late, grandmother. I drove as fast as I can. The storm outside is terrible.”

“Never mind that,” Madame Aurora said sharply. “Where is your husband?”

Everyone was stunned to hear Madame Aurora address Moses as Valeria's husband.

Usually, Madame Aurora doesn't even acknowledge his presence. It was as if he had never existed.

This was the first time she ever asked about him in years.

“I left him with his electric scooter,” Valeria said. “He's riding through the rain to get here. He'll be here soon.”

Madame Aurora's large eyes widened a trifle. “You're telling me you abandoned your husband in this heavy downpour? Are you mad? Why couldn't you give him a ride, huh?”

Everyone's jaws dropped. Since when did Madame Aurora ever care about anyone?

Forget that, since when did she ever care about Moses?

This startled Valeria. “Grandmother, did Moses do anything to upset you? You're acting—”

“You bloody fool,” Madame Aurora bawled. “I swear to God, if Moses dies of a cold, I'll bury each and every one of you. Someone go find him quick!”

“I'm on it,” Jamie, another of Madame Aurora's grandson hurried out of the room.

Valeria stood rooted at the spot, her head spinning with confusion.

She couldn't process what was happening.

“Mother, please at least seat down,” Glenn said. “You're making us worried with the way you're pacing.”

Madame Aurora pointed her finger at him. “You mind your own business, idiot.”

Glenn sealed his mouth.

* * * *

Thirty minutes later, Moses arrived, his clothes drenched from the rain.

He couldn't drive His electric scooter under this heavy storm, and it was impossible to find a taxi.

Valeria and his in-laws refused to give him a ride in their cars.

So he had no other choice but to brave the storm and head to the Imperial Hotel on foot.

Even though he was the least member of the MOMO family, he must honour Madame Aurora's summons.

He was halfway through when Jamie's Porsche Cayman picked him up on the road.

Moses was shocked. Why would Jamie come for him?

“Madame Aurora is pissed,” Jamie said, staring suspiciously at Moses. “What did you do? She was concerned about you?”

Moses found that hard to believe, but he already had an idea why Madame Aurora was acting up.

She had seen the news and was instantly reminded he was a major shareholder at the company.

* * * *

“Moses, my dear Moses,” Madame Aurora said, spreading her arms as soon as Moses arrived.

All eyes bulged out as Madame Aurora embraced Moses.

“What the hell!” Dave exclaimed.

“Madame Aurora just embraced the penniless Son-in-law.”

“What's going on? I'm confused.”

Madame Aurora glanced up at Moses. “You must be cold. Let me arrange a change of clothes and towel to dry your hair.”

“There's no need Madame Aurora,” Moses said. He had never received this type of treatment since he knew her. “I'm fine.”

“Are you sure?” Madame Aurora asked, peering at him. When Moses nodded, she led him to the front seat. “In that case, have a seat, let us begin.”

The MOMO family all gaped at Moses, their mouths hanging.

Valeria, who was seated next to Moses, nudged him by the side of his ribs. “What did you do, Moses?”

Moses shrugged. “No idea.”

Madame Aurora finally returned to her chair, but not for once, did her big eyes leave Moses.

“How many of you watched the evening news?” Madame Aurora asked.

Everyone exchanged looks.

“Forgive us, Mother,” Jordan answered. “I don't suppose any of us had the chance to turn on our television at home. We were all occupied with raising the capital. We wouldn't bother with the news.”

“I see,” Madame Aurora said. “That means each one of you is clueless about the rave going on in the stock market this evening.”

Silence. No one answered her.

Madame Aurora controlled her anger with an effort. “Rockechilds Empire made a massive comeback today. Their stocks rose above the charts, breaking all limitations. They're currently worth $140 trillion.”

The room erupted in gasps of shock.

“Impossible. Weren't they a sham?”

“Financial gurus warned us never to invest in them.”

“How did it happen?”

“$140 trillion? That's a fortune.”

“Be quiet,” Madame Aurora shouted. “I was shocked when I heard it. I know someone who purchased Rockechilds stocks at $10,000. That was three years ago. He earned $20 million today.”

“What?” Dave was shaking. “That's huge.”

Madame Aurora continued. “I'll admit it. I regret not buying their stocks. If only I knew how promising this company would turn out to be, I would've invested heavily on them. By now, I'd have been a billionaire.”

Madame Aurora bite her lips hard. She wished she could turn back the hands of time.

“Well, that doesn't matter,” she said, turning to Moses with a soft smile on her face. “All hope is not lost. Isn't that right, Moses?”

All eyes settled on Moses.

That was when everybody remembered Moses invested $12 billion in Rockechilds Empire when it was just a start-up company years ago.

Everybody rushed to Moses, clamouring for his attention.

“Congratulations, Moses. You're now a wealthy man.”

“I always knew you had it in you. Can I become your partner?”

“Moses, we're pals, remember? Don't forget me.”

Madame Aurora raised her voice. “Stay away from Moses, you rats. I'm not done with him yet.”

Everyone obeyed, giving Moses a breathing space.

Madame Aurora approached him, her mean wrinkled face brightening.

“Moses, you're a blessing to this family. I always knew it was a right decision to arrange a marriage between you and my granddaughter. That is why I didn't send you away because I believe your luck would shine again.”

Moses stared at this woman for a long time.

She has a sweet tongue, especially for praising someone.

She was only being nice to him because she believes he's now wealthier than her.

This woman ignored his existence after his great downfall. Her affection for him is fake.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Madame Aurora,” Moses said. “But I sold all my shares three years ago.”

Madame Aurora stiffened, her face growing pale. “Huh? What was that?”

“Umm.. the thing is, I no longer have any shares or stock in Rockechilds Empire," Moses explained. "I'm still as broke as I've always been.”

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