Daniel Walton: The Despised secret Trillionaire Son in law

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Daniel Walton: The Despised secret Trillionaire Son in law

By: D.twister OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 179

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Daniel Walton is married to Ava Johnson and happens to be the son-in-law to the Johnson family, who constantly maltreat him. They detest and abhor him just because he happens to be a poor man. But they do not know his real identity. So Daniel decided to be rich—not because of the money but because he wanted to take revenge from all those people who looked down on him. And they all were going to suffer and beg for forgiveness, for he was going to make their life a living hell.

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    2024-08-24 03:06:02
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9 chapters
Chapter 1- $3 Millon ?
Daniel's heart raced as he stood before the imposing Johnson mansion. The grandeur of the house and the sleek, expensive cars lining the driveway made him feel small and out of place. He glanced down at the swollen envelope in his hand, its edges frayed from his anxious grip. “Is this really the right thing to do?” he muttered to himself, shifting his gaze between the mansion and the envelope. “Why won’t you just go in?” Ava asked, her voice a mix of concern and gentle frustration. She stood close, her hand warm on his arm. Daniel forced a smile, though his nerves betrayed him. “It’s nothing. Just a bit of a… distraction, I guess.” Ava’s gaze softened. She knew Daniel was struggling. Despite her efforts to support him, the Johnsons’ disdain was palpable, largely because he was unemployed and poor—two things the Johnson family held in contempt. Ava, however, seemed unfazed by his situation. She pressed the doorbell, and the heavy wooden doors swung open to reveal a woman who looked
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Chapter 2- Secretly a Billionaire 1
The room fell silent, all eyes on Daniel. He could see Ava looking at him, her eyes pleading. Barry stood with a smug smirk on his face, relishing Daniel's humiliation. Daniel thought of his foster mother. Today was the last date given to him by the hospital. He could use the $3 million to pay for her treatment and have some money left over. But he couldn’t divorce Ava. He looked up, meeting Mrs. Elizabeth's cold gaze. “No, Mrs. Johnson,” he said respectfully, his voice steady. “I won't divorce Ava.” A murmur of surprise rippled through the crowd. Mrs. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed. “$3.5 million,” she said, her tone challenging. “I’ll do the transfer immediately if you say yes.” Ava stepped forward, her face flushed with anger. “What are you doing, grandma?” she demanded. “Why can’t you just lend him the money?” Mrs. Elizabeth turned her icy gaze to Ava. “You don’t understand, Ava. You insist on staying with this garbage. He’s beneath you. He’ll drag you down into his poverty-
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Chapter 3- payback
Daniel returned to the apartment he and Ava shared. It was late, and he unlocked the door quietly, closing it behind him. As he turned, he saw Ava asleep on the couch. She must have fallen asleep waiting for him. Gently, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her down carefully, then joined her, exhaustion taking over.The next morning, Daniel woke up to the sound of Ava getting dressed. She smiled at him. “I made breakfast for you,” she said softly.“Thanks,” he replied, grateful. They both headed to work, and as she left, Daniel checked his pocket. The platinum card was still there. $1.5 billion. It was surreal.Later that afternoon, Daniel decided to bring lunch to Ava. As he walked, he noticed the black Rolls-Royce Phantom following him again. He knew it was Chen. Ignoring it, he arrived at Johnson Family Holdings, the company Ava worked for, which managed and invested in various industries.Inside, the receptionist glanced at him disdainfully. “The useles
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Chapter 4- Secretly a Billionaire 2
Back at Mrs. Elizabeth's mansion, a small celebration was underway to honor Barry's latest achievement. The room buzzed with laughter and the clinking of glasses, creating a lively atmosphere. Ava, however, was distracted, her thoughts drifting to Daniel. She was concerned about where he had gone since morning and whether he was upset about the earlier confrontation with her family.The grand double doors creaked open, and Daniel strode in with a confident smile. Ava’s face brightened with relief. Maria, standing near the window, gaped as Daniel emerged from the black Rolls-Royce Phantom. The car's opulence seemed at odds with what she knew of Daniel, stirring a mix of confusion and intrigue.Daniel crossed the room and enveloped Ava in a warm hug. “Where have you been?” she asked, her voice laced with concern.Daniel grinned. “Just needed some fresh air. Took a little stroll.”He cast a casual glance at Barry, who was mingling and enjoying the attention. Ava’s voice dropped to a whis
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Chapter 5- Public Announcement 1
As Daniel sat in the waiting area on the ground floor of the T.T.I. building, his patience was wearing thin. He glanced at his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, his eyes drifting over the sleek, modern design of the lobby. The polished floors and glass walls seemed to close in on him, amplifying his impatienceHis thoughts were jolted when he saw Barry stepping out of a sleek red Ferrari. Barry’s impeccably tailored suit and confident stride stood in stark contrast to Daniel’s casual attire. Daniel’s eyes narrowed as Barry approached, the disdain in his expression unmistakable.“Well, well, well,” Barry drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he spotted Daniel. “If it isn’t Daniel the useless. What’s a lowlife like you doing here at T.T.I.? Came to beg for scraps?”Daniel’s jaw tightened. He tried to keep his voice steady, but his irritation was evident. “I’m tired of your face, Barry. I thought T.T.I. had cut ties with you.”Barry’s smirk widened. “I’m here to meet the
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Chapter 6- Public Announcement 2
Barry paced back and forth in the lavish waiting area, his patience eroding with every tick of the clock. He checked his watch again, growing more frustrated by the minute. The sterile atmosphere of the T.T.I. lobby, with its cold glass walls and pristine floors, only amplified his irritation. He had been here for over an hour, and no one had come to attend to him. Barry wasn’t used to being kept waiting. He wasn’t used to being dismissed. This place—this company—should be rolling out the red carpet for him, or so he thought. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw a familiar figure approaching. It was Priya, the advisor he remembered from his previous dealings with T.T.I. Barry quickly straightened his suit and stood up, his irritation barely concealed behind a tight smile. “Finally,” Barry snapped as Priya came within earshot. “I’ve been waiting here for ages. What’s the holdup? I need to see the CEO.” Priya met his gaze with a calm, professional demeanor, though there was a
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Chapter 7- Invitation! (part 1)
Ava’s world seemed to crumble as Mrs. Elizabeth’s words sank in. *Bruce?* The name reverberated in her mind, disbelief clouding her thoughts. This was meant to be her moment, but now it was slipping away.Daniel, standing beside her, mirrored her shock. “What?” he whispered, his voice barely audible.Bruce, however, was basking in the spotlight, accepting congratulations and handshakes with smug confidence. Ava’s vision blurred as her heart sank. All her hard work had been for nothing. With tears threatening to spill, she turned and walked out of the room, her shoulders trembling.Daniel watched her go, feeling a wave of frustration. This wasn’t fair. Ava had deserved this chance. He glanced at Maria, who was watching with a look of pity.“If only the CEO of T.T.I. were here,” Maria said, her tone dramatic. “Maybe he could help Ava.”Daniel’s eyes lit up. That was it. The CEO’s presence might turn things around. He excused himself from Maria and moved to a quiet corner, pulling out hi
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Chapter 8- Invitation! (Part 2)
Daniel stood outside LuxAuto, the city's top luxury car dealership. The building was a sleek, modern structure with glass windows and chrome accents. Inside, the showroom gleamed with high-end vehicles, each polished to perfection. Daniel was focused on finding a special birthday gift for Ava, something to replace her old cab rides. He checked his phone for any updates from Priya about the mysterious gala invitation from last night but found none. Pushing aside his worries, he concentrated on making Ava’s birthday memorable. As he entered the dealership, he noticed Barry chatting with a short, bald-headed man. Barry’s eyes narrowed when he saw Daniel. “Look who’s here,” Barry said with a sneer. “Come to beg for a discount?” Daniel looked Barry in the eye. “Actually, I’m here to buy a car.” Barry’s grin widened. “Oh, really? Do you even have the budget for one of our cars? Or are you just wasting our time?” Ignoring Barry’s mockery, Daniel turned to the bald man. “I’m interested
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Chapter 9 - Drama at the Gala
*I have to find a way to convince Ava not to attend the gala,* he thought. *If she goes, everything could fall apart.* The urgency of the situation gnawed at him, he tried to push the thoughts aside, focusing instead on Ava’s upcoming birthday.Daniel stood in Ava’s apartment, leaning against the doorframe of her bedroom. Ava stood before the mirror, admiring herself in a new gown, the deep red fabric clinging perfectly to her figure."How do I look?" she asked, turning to face him with a smile.Daniel blinked, momentarily lost in thought before snapping back to reality. "You look... amazing," he said, his voice a bit distant. The gown was stunning, but all he could think about was the gala.Ava beamed at the compliment. "I thought it’d be perfect for the gala. I have to attend, Daniel. It’s the biggest event of the year, and I’ll finally get to see who the new CEO is."Daniel sighed, struggling to mask his frustration. *How do I stop her?* But before he could find the words, a knock
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