Chapter 2- Secretly a Billionaire 1

The room fell silent, all eyes on Daniel. He could see Ava looking at him, her eyes pleading. Barry stood with a smug smirk on his face, relishing Daniel's humiliation.

Daniel thought of his foster mother. Today was the last date given to him by the hospital. He could use the $3 million to pay for her treatment and have some money left over. But he couldn’t divorce Ava. He looked up, meeting Mrs. Elizabeth's cold gaze. “No, Mrs. Johnson,” he said respectfully, his voice steady. “I won't divorce Ava.”

A murmur of surprise rippled through the crowd. Mrs. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed. “$3.5 million,” she said, her tone challenging. “I’ll do the transfer immediately if you say yes.”

Ava stepped forward, her face flushed with anger. “What are you doing, grandma?” she demanded. “Why can’t you just lend him the money?”

Mrs. Elizabeth turned her icy gaze to Ava. “You don’t understand, Ava. You insist on staying with this garbage. He’s beneath you. He’ll drag you down into his poverty-stricken world.”

Barry stepped closer, his face twisted with rage. “You’re a fool, Daniel. You’re throwing away your only chance,” he sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "Look at you. You’re a nobody. A pathetic beggar. What can you possibly offer Ava? Rags and empty promises?”

Laughter erupted from the crowd, the mocking sound echoing through the grand hall. Daniel’s face burned with humiliation. He couldn’t take it anymore. Without another word, he turned and stormed out of the mansion, using the door to block out the cruel laughter behind him.

Ava’s eyes filled with tears as she watched him leave. Desperation clawed at her heart. She turned to her grandmother, pleading. “Please, Grandma, just lend him the money. He needs it for his foster mother’s treatment.”

Mrs. Elizabeth’s expression remained cold. “No, Ava. He made his choice. Let him live with it.”

Ava’s resolve hardened. She couldn’t abandon Daniel. She moved to follow him, but Maria grabbed her arm. “Don’t go after that loser, Ava,” Maria said, her voice harsh. “He’s not worth it.”

Ava’s eyes flashed with anger. “That loser is my husband, Maria.”

Maria frowned, her grip tightening. “You’re blinded by love. Can’t you see? Ever since you married Daniel, everyone in the family stopped respecting you. Even in the family business, you’re ignored. You’re ruining your life for him.”

Ava felt a pang of truth in Maria’s words. She had sacrificed so much for Daniel. She hadn’t finished her university education because they needed a place to live, and she used the school fees her grandma had given her to get them an apartment. She knew Maria was right, but her love for Daniel was stronger than any material loss.

Ignoring Maria’s grip, Ava made her way to the door. Mrs. Elizabeth’s voice rang out, cold and final. “If you leave, the family will abandon you, Ava. You’ll have nothing.”

Ava paused, her heart pounding. The weight of the decision pressed heavily on her. She looked back at her grandmother, then at the crowd of judgmental faces. Finally, she took a deep breath and opened the door. “i hope one-day you all get to realize your mistakes” she said firmly.


Daniel walked down the street, the rain pouring down in torrents. The futuristic city around him buzzed with life, neon lights reflecting off the wet pavement. Floating vehicles zipped overhead, while sleek, high-tech cars glided smoothly on the ground. The evening sky was a dull gray, mirroring his mood.

His thoughts were a chaotic mess. He couldn’t shake the feeling that the Johnsons were right. He was a burden to Ava. He’d cost her so much, and for what? His heart ached with guilt and frustration.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the black Rolls-Royce Phantom that had been trailing him. It wasn’t until he stopped at a crosswalk, preparing to step into the street, that he saw the car come to a halt behind him. His pulse quickened. The car had been following him since he left the mansion.

Daniel tried to ignore it, but the car’s persistence unnerved him. It stayed close, moving when he moved, stopping when he stopped. His unease turned into fear. He needed to get away.

Spotting the hospital up ahead, he broke into a run. He dashed through the entrance, shaking off the rain as he made his way to the reception desk. The familiar face of the receptionist greeted him with a mix of pity and recognition.

“Hi, Daniel,” she said gently. “Here to see your mother?”

“Yes, Mary,” he replied, his voice strained. “Is she…?”

“She’s stable,” Mary assured him. “But you know the hospital’s policy…”

“I know,” he cut in, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice. “I just need a few minutes with her.”

Mary’s expression softened. “Okay, but make it quick.”

Daniel nodded, grateful. As he turned to head toward his mother’s room, he heard the receptionist call out. “Congratulations, Daniel.”

He stopped and turned back, confusion etched on his face. “Congratulations? For what?”

Mary smiled warmly. “We received the full payment for your mother’s treatment. Five million dollars. She’s already being treated.”

Daniel’s mind reeled. “Payment? I didn’t pay any money. I was still trying to get the $2.5 million for the initial payment. Who paid?”

Before Mary could respond, Daniel noticed an Asian man dressed in a sharp Brioni suit worth around $10,000, standing nearby. The man’s posture was impeccable, his expression respectful. He stepped forward and bowed slightly. “Master Daniel,” he said softly.

Daniel’s eyes widened in recognition. “Chen? What are you doing here?”

Chen straightened and smiled. “I have been ordered to bring you back home, Master Daniel.”

“Home?” Daniel’s voice was barely a whisper. “Who sent you?”

Chen’s smile didn’t waver. “Your grand father, Master Daniel. He has arranged everything.”

Daniel frowned. “My grandfather should have thought of that before casting me and my parents out. I’m not returning.”

Chen’s expression remained calm. “Your grandfather knew you would refuse. He instructed me to give you this.” He pulled out an ATM card made entirely of platinum. “There is $1.5 billion on this card. You can use it however you wish.”

Daniel’s eyes widened, but he quickly masked his surprise with a scowl. “I don’t need anything from him.”

Chen nodded respectfully, holding the card out. “It might be useful in the future. Just take it, Master Daniel.”

Daniel hesitated for a moment. The thought of having such a vast amount of money was overwhelming, and a small voice in the back of his mind whispered that it could help him and Ava in ways he never imagined. He reached out and took the card.

“Fine,” he said, pocketing the card. “But stop following me. It’s getting creepy.”

Chen looked genuinely surprised. “You knew?”

“Yes,” Daniel replied. “Now, leave me alone.”

Chen bowed again. “As you wish, Master Daniel.”

Daniel turned and walked towards the elevator, leaving Chen behind. As the elevator doors closed, he pulled out the platinum card and stared at it. He couldn’t believe it. He was a billionaire.

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