Chapter 3- payback

Daniel returned to the apartment he and Ava shared. It was late, and he unlocked the door quietly, closing it behind him. As he turned, he saw Ava asleep on the couch. She must have fallen asleep waiting for him. Gently, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her down carefully, then joined her, exhaustion taking over.

The next morning, Daniel woke up to the sound of Ava getting dressed. She smiled at him. “I made breakfast for you,” she said softly.

“Thanks,” he replied, grateful. They both headed to work, and as she left, Daniel checked his pocket. The platinum card was still there. $1.5 billion. It was surreal.

Later that afternoon, Daniel decided to bring lunch to Ava. As he walked, he noticed the black Rolls-Royce Phantom following him again. He knew it was Chen. Ignoring it, he arrived at Johnson Family Holdings, the company Ava worked for, which managed and invested in various industries.

Inside, the receptionist glanced at him disdainfully. “The useless husband is here again,” she muttered under her breath. Daniel pretended not to hear and asked for Ava.

“She’s in a board meeting,” the receptionist said, her tone dismissive.

“I just need to drop something off,” Daniel replied.

“Go ahead,” she said disrespectfully.

Daniel found the board meeting room. As he entered, the family looked at him with disdain, except Ava, who smiled and welcomed him. Mrs. Elizabeth glared. “Daniel, don’t interfere,” she said coldly.

“I’m sorry,” he said, handing Ava her lunch. She told him to sit on the couch nearby.

Mrs. Elizabeth continued, “First, I want to thank Barry for partnering with us.”

Daniel knew Barry wasn’t poor; he was connected to wealthy people. The Johnsons were feeding off him, and it didn’t surprise Daniel that they liked him.

Barry entered the room happily, looking down on Daniel. “Ava darling,” he said smugly, “soon you’ll be mine.”

Ava looked confused. “What do you mean?”

Barry chuckled. “Mrs. Elizabeth hasn’t announced it yet?”

Mrs. Elizabeth spoke up. “I told Barry that if he got a contract with Titantech Industries, he could marry you, Ava.”

Ava’s eyes widened in shock. “Why would you do that?”

Barry grinned. “Good news! I’ve got the contract.”

“What?!” Daniel stood up, his heart pounding.

Ava turned to her grandmother, anger and betrayal in her eyes. “I won’t marry him! I'm already married for Christ sake!.”

As Ava stood her ground, Maria sneered from her seat. “Who’s she calling husband?” Maria said loudly, her voice dripping with scorn. “Daniel? He’s never been accepted as part of this family. He’s just a charity case.”

Mrs. Elizabeth’s eyes flashed with anger. “Daniel, leave the room now,” she ordered sharply.

Realizing there was no point in staying, Daniel nodded and said to Ava, “I’ll wait for you outside.” He left the room, his heart heavy as he walked past Barry’s smirking face. If only he were rich like Barry, he thought bitterly.

Outside the building, Daniel noticed the black Rolls-Royce Phantom parked across the street. He approached it cautiously, trying to hide his unease. As he neared the car, Chen stepped out, a polite smile on his face.

“Chen, stop following me!” Daniel said, frustration in his voice.

“I’m sorry, Master Daniel,” Chen replied. “Your grandfather insisted I keep an eye on you and not let you out of sight.”

Daniel scowled. “I hate being followed.”

Chen nodded sympathetically. “I understand. Your grandfather wanted you to visit him because he has a surprise for you. He’s just bought Titantech Industries.”

Daniel’s interest piqued. “Titantech Industries? Really?”

“Yes,” Chen confirmed. “Your grandfather purchased it yesterday. He was hoping to give it to you as a gift.”

The news was a jolt of excitement for Daniel. This could be his chance to get back at Barry and prove himself. “Can you drive me to Titantech?”

Chen’s smile widened. “Of course. I’ll take you there right away.”

As they drove off, Daniel’s mind raced with possibilities. This unexpected gift could change everything.

As they arrived at Titantech Industries, Daniel’s eyes widened at the sight of the massive building. The towering structure, adorned with the abbreviation "TTI" in sleek, modern letters, was awe-inspiring.

Chen noticed Daniel’s reaction. “Is it too small, Master Daniel?” he asked with a hint of amusement. “I can call for a bigger one if you wish.”

Daniel chuckled, shaking his head. “No, this is just enormous.”

They entered the building, and the elevator, floating smoothly through the floors at high speed, quickly brought them to the top. Chen led Daniel to his new office, which was already prepared.

An Indian woman in a sharply tailored black suit entered the space. She looked at Daniel with a mix of curiosity and reverence. “Is this him?” she asked Chen.

Chen nodded. “Yes, this is Master Daniel.”

The woman, Priya, immediately bowed deeply. “I am Priya, the Advisor. I am here to serve you, Master Daniel.”

Daniel was taken aback but pleased. “What’s this about?”

Priya stood up, her posture respectful. “I am here to ensure that everything is to your satisfaction. I have already prepared your office.”

Daniel smiled. “I’m not quite ready to take over yet. There are two conditions. First, keep my role as CEO a secret for now. Second, I need to review the profile on Barry Higgins.”

Priya’s eyes sparkled with understanding. “Certainly, Master Daniel.”

She tapped her wristwatch, which projected a holographic screen. She scrolled through numerous folders until she found the one she was looking for. “Here is the profile on Barry Higgins,” she said, handing it to Daniel.

Daniel scanned the information and saw that Barry Higgins was indeed listed as a partner of TTI. A smile crept across his face. “Not bad,” he said. “I want TTI to cut all ties with Barry Higgins immediately.”

Priya looked surprised. “Are you sure, Master Daniel?”

“Yes,” Daniel said with a smirk. “It’s payback time.”

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