Daniel Walton: The Despised secret Trillionaire Son in law
Daniel Walton: The Despised secret Trillionaire Son in law
Author: D.twister
Chapter 1- $3 Millon ?

Daniel's heart raced as he stood before the imposing Johnson mansion. The grandeur of the house and the sleek, expensive cars lining the driveway made him feel small and out of place. He glanced down at the swollen envelope in his hand, its edges frayed from his anxious grip.

“Is this really the right thing to do?” he muttered to himself, shifting his gaze between the mansion and the envelope.

“Why won’t you just go in?” Ava asked, her voice a mix of concern and gentle frustration. She stood close, her hand warm on his arm.

Daniel forced a smile, though his nerves betrayed him. “It’s nothing. Just a bit of a… distraction, I guess.”

Ava’s gaze softened. She knew Daniel was struggling. Despite her efforts to support him, the Johnsons’ disdain was palpable, largely because he was unemployed and poor—two things the Johnson family held in contempt. Ava, however, seemed unfazed by his situation. She pressed the doorbell, and the heavy wooden doors swung open to reveal a woman who looked like an older version of Ava, with striking red hair.

“Welcome, Ava,” the older woman said warmly.

“Hi, Maria,” Ava replied, stepping inside. She turned to Daniel, her smile slightly faltering. “Come in, Daniel.”

Maria’s gaze swept over him, a hint of disdain in her eyes. “Daniel,” she said curtly, “leave your poverty at the door.”

Daniel swallowed hard, feeling the sting of her words. “Hi,” he managed, trying to keep his voice steady.

As they entered, the vibrant buzz of the birthday party hit Daniel. The room was filled with the elite of the Johnson family, their faces lit with laughter and conversation. The air smelled of expensive perfume and catered delicacies.

The centerpiece was a grand table stacked with gifts—luxury items that made Daniel’s modest contribution look pitiful in comparison. One son-in-law had gifted a rare vintage car, while another presented a diamond-encrusted watch. Daniel’s gaze fell to the floor, a lump forming in his throat.

Just then, an expensive-looking man entered, holding a huge fruit basket. The basket, though adorned with exotic fruits, had something else packaged within it, hidden from view. No one seemed to notice. Daniel looked at the man as Maria hugged him happily, her face lighting up with genuine affection.

“Welcome, Barry!” Maria exclaimed.

Barry, tall and impeccably dressed, walked toward Ava and Daniel. He smiled at Ava. “Hello, Ava,” he greeted smoothly.

“Hi, Barry,” Ava replied, her tone cool but polite.

Barry’s eyes shifted to Daniel, taking in his worn-out shoes and humble attire. He sneered. “So, you must be the poor rat she’s dating. You look so wretched.”

Daniel’s fists clenched involuntarily. His heart pounded, a chaotic mix of humiliation and rage surging through him. “Nice to meet you,” he said, trying to sound confident.

Barry’s smile widened, dripping with condescension. “What do you have to offer Ava? A future of scraping by? Hand-me-downs and secondhand dreams?”

Daniel’s face flushed with anger, but he forced himself to stay calm. He knew Barry was right; he couldn't just watch Ava do the work that he was supposed to do. “I... I love Ava.”

Barry let out a derisive laugh, loud enough to draw the attention of a few nearby guests. “Love doesn’t pay the bills, Daniel. It doesn’t keep the lights on or buy nice things. You’re a nobody, and you’ll always be a nobody. Ava deserves better than to waste her life on a dreamer with no means.”

Daniel’s fists tightened, his nails digging into his palms. “I have my plans,” he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. “I’m working hard to build a future for us.”

Barry’s smirk didn’t falter. “A plan? Dreams and plans are just fantasies without action. Face it, you’re out of your depth here. You don’t belong in this world.”

Before Daniel could respond, Ava stepped forward, her eyes blazing with anger. She stepped closer to Daniel, her fingers intertwining with his. “That’s enough, Barry,” she snapped. “Daniel is my husband, and I love him. He has more integrity and kindness in his little finger than you have in your entire body.”

Barry’s expression shifted from amused to annoyed. He had worked hard to rise above his own humble beginnings and couldn’t fathom why Ava would choose someone like Daniel. “Ava, you’re blinded by your feelings. You need to think about your future.”

Ava’s voice was firm and unwavering. “My future is with Daniel. He’s a good man, and I’m proud to be with him. Your money and status mean nothing to me if they come with cruelty and arrogance.”

At that moment, the room fell silent. Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Ava's grandmother and the matriarch of the family, entered the room. She wore a shiny black gown, her presence commanding respect and a hint of fear. She moved gracefully, every step purposeful, as she descended the grand staircase.

All eyes followed her as she approached her throne-like couch and sat with an air of authority. Barry seized the opportunity, carrying his fruit basket over to her. “Grandma Elizabeth, happy birthday,” he said, his voice dripping with charm.

He opened the gift box inside the basket, revealing a rare blue moon diamond, estimated to be worth $4.8 million. Gasps filled the room, and some guests cheered, impressed by the extravagant gift. Barry smirked, his eyes darting to Daniel and then back to Ava. He blew her a kiss, which she scoffed at and waved away.

Admiring the diamond, Mrs. Elizabeth's eyes gleamed. This is who she wanted as a son-in-law—wealthy, successful, and resourceful. Her gaze shifted to Daniel, her expression hardening. “I hope you brought a gift this time,” she said, her voice cutting like a knife.

Daniel felt the weight of her words. “I did, Mrs. Johnson,” he replied, his voice shaking slightly.

Barry’s eyes narrowed. He noticed the envelope Daniel had tried to hide and reached for it. “What’s this?” he demanded, yanking the envelope from Daniel’s hand. He tore it open and pulled out a letter.

Barry’s laughter filled the room. “Look at this! Daniel was planning to ask Grandma Elizabeth for money on her birthday!”

The guests erupted in laughter. Ava’s face turned pale, her eyes filled with disappointment. She had no idea Daniel was here to beg. “Daniel, why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Daniel looked down, his face flushed with shame. “I’m sorry, Ava. My foster mother, Aunty May, is in the hospital with a serious cancer. The doctor said we need $2.5 million for her treatment. I thought maybe grandma could help…”

More murmurs spread through the crowd. “How shameless,” someone whispered. “Begging on her birthday.”

Barry’s mockery was relentless. “So, you come here, humiliate yourself, and beg for money? How pathetic. You couldn’t even manage to get your wife to help you?”

The room was filled with laughter at Daniel’s expense. Mrs. Elizabeth’s gaze was icy. “I won’t lend you the money, Daniel,” she said coldly. “But I will give you $3 million—on one condition. You divorce Ava right now.”

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