Chapter 7- Invitation! (part 1)

Ava’s world seemed to crumble as Mrs. Elizabeth’s words sank in. *Bruce?* The name reverberated in her mind, disbelief clouding her thoughts. This was meant to be her moment, but now it was slipping away.

Daniel, standing beside her, mirrored her shock. “What?” he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Bruce, however, was basking in the spotlight, accepting congratulations and handshakes with smug confidence. Ava’s vision blurred as her heart sank. All her hard work had been for nothing. With tears threatening to spill, she turned and walked out of the room, her shoulders trembling.

Daniel watched her go, feeling a wave of frustration. This wasn’t fair. Ava had deserved this chance. He glanced at Maria, who was watching with a look of pity.

“If only the CEO of T.T.I. were here,” Maria said, her tone dramatic. “Maybe he could help Ava.”

Daniel’s eyes lit up. That was it. The CEO’s presence might turn things around. He excused himself from Maria and moved to a quiet corner, pulling out his phone. He dialed Priya urgently.

“Priya, cancel the contract with Johnson Family Holdings immediately,” Daniel said.

“Why the rush?” Priya asked, surprised.

“Just do it,” Daniel insisted. “It’s important.”

Priya complied, though she was puzzled. Meanwhile, Mrs. Elizabeth’s phone rang. She answered, her face growing concerned as Priya spoke.

“Mrs. Elizabeth, I’m sorry, but the contract with Johnson Family Holdings is canceled,” Priya said. “It was Ava’s name on the deal. She’s the only one we’ll work with.”

Mrs. Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “Why?”

Priya’s voice was firm. “Only if Ava is reinstated as the leader of the project will we consider renewing the contract.”

Bruce, overhearing, protested, “I have all the high degrees and experience. I’m more qualified!”

Priya was unyielding. “I don’t care. It’s Ava or nothing.”

Mrs. Elizabeth, stunned, quickly pleaded, “We’ll make Ava the CEO again. I promise.”

Priya’s response was curt. “I’ll consider it.” The call ended abruptly.

Daniel slipped his phone into his pocket, unaware that Maria was watching him intently. Her curiosity about him deepened.

Bruce’s confident smile faltered. “You’re joking, right?” he asked Mrs. Elizabeth. “You can’t seriously be thinking of making Ava the CEO again.”

Mrs. Elizabeth’s tone was resolute. “I’m not joking. Ava will be the new CEO of Johnson Family Holdings.”

She addressed the room, her voice firm. “There’s been a change. Ava will now be the CEO.”

The room buzzed with shock and surprise. Daniel watched with a satisfied smile. He quickly left to find Ava.

Outside, he saw Ava sitting alone on a bench, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. He approached and sat beside her, gently placing a hand on her back.

“Ava, don’t cry,” he said softly.

Ava looked up, tears streaking her face. “I can’t believe it. All my hard work… it felt like it was for nothing.”

Daniel’s voice was warm. “You’re going to be okay. They made you the CEO.”

Ava’s tears paused as she processed his words. “Are you serious?”

Daniel nodded. “They just announced it. You’re the new CEO.”

Ava’s eyes widened. She looked around, still unsure if it was a joke. Seeing Daniel’s sincere expression, a smile slowly spread across her face.

Daniel chuckled. “Now I get to see you smile. Congratulations, CEO.”

Ava laughed through her tears. “Thank you, Daniel.”

As they shared a light moment, a black car across the street sat silently. An old man with a wrinkled face watched them with a dark grin. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

“Send the invite,” he said, his voice dripping with malice. “I want to see the look on his face when everyone realizes his real identity.”

Hours later, Ava and Daniel celebrated her new role at home. They drank, their laughter mingling with the music. Ava, now quite drunk, leaned against Daniel, her head on his shoulder.

“I can’t believe it,” Ava slurred. “I’m the CEO… accepted by the biggest company. It feels like you’re the one doing everything.”

Daniel smiled, supporting her as she swayed. “It’s all you, Ava. You earned this.”

Ava looked at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. “How could I ever repay you?” She leaned in and kissed him softly. Daniel responded, deepening the kiss before guiding her gently onto the bed.

As things quieted down, Ava’s phone beeped from the nightstand. Daniel, curious, picked it up and saw an invitation to a T.T.I. gala. His heart raced. “What’s going on?” he muttered. Was there another CEO? He thought Priya was supposed to keep this secret.

The invitation was formal, including location and time, but no other details. Confusion and suspicion grew. Why would there be a gala if he was the CEO? Who could have sent this?

Ava, now snoring softly, was oblivious. Daniel took a deep breath, his thoughts racing. He needed to figure this out quickly.

He set the phone back on the nightstand and slipped out of the room. In the quiet hallway, he dialed Priya’s number, trying to keep his voice calm. “Priya, it’s Daniel. Ava received an invitation to a T.T.I. gala. I thought I was the CEO. What’s going on?”

Priya’s voice was calm but concerned. “Mr. Daniel, I’m not aware of any other CEO. The invitation might be a mistake or a prank. I’ll investigate and get back to you.”

“Please do it quickly,” Daniel urged. “I need to know what’s happening.”

“Understood,” Priya replied before ending the call.

Daniel waited, his mind racing with questions. He needed answers—fast.

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