Chapter 6- Public Announcement 2

Barry paced back and forth in the lavish waiting area, his patience eroding with every tick of the clock. He checked his watch again, growing more frustrated by the minute. The sterile atmosphere of the T.T.I. lobby, with its cold glass walls and pristine floors, only amplified his irritation.

He had been here for over an hour, and no one had come to attend to him. Barry wasn’t used to being kept waiting. He wasn’t used to being dismissed. This place—this company—should be rolling out the red carpet for him, or so he thought.

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw a familiar figure approaching. It was Priya, the advisor he remembered from his previous dealings with T.T.I. Barry quickly straightened his suit and stood up, his irritation barely concealed behind a tight smile.

“Finally,” Barry snapped as Priya came within earshot. “I’ve been waiting here for ages. What’s the holdup? I need to see the CEO.”

Priya met his gaze with a calm, professional demeanor, though there was a glint of something more in her eyes—something Barry didn’t like. “Mr. Barry,” she began, her voice measured, “we’ve reviewed your recent activities, and the CEO has decided to cut ties with you. There’s nothing further we can offer you.”

The words hit Barry like a cold wave. For a brief moment, his mind went blank. Cut ties? He couldn’t let his parents find out about this—they’d be furious. His father might even disown him. But begging for another chance? That was beneath him, far below his reputation. He couldn’t let his pride crumble, not here, not now.

Barry forced a smile, trying to mask his panic. “This must be some kind of mistake. I’m not here to beg—I just want to have a conversation, maybe clear up a misunderstanding.”

Priya didn’t waver. “There’s no misunderstanding, Mr. Barry. The CEO was very clear—T.T.I. has no interest in continuing any form of business with you.”

Barry’s heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and anger boiling inside him. He knew he was walking a tightrope. One wrong move and everything could fall apart. But his pride wouldn’t let him back down so easily.

“Are you serious?” Barry shot back, trying to keep his tone even. “After everything I’ve done for this company? I deserve a chance to speak directly to the CEO.”

Priya sighed, her patience clearly thinning. “I’m sorry, Mr. Barry, but there’s nothing more to discuss. The CEO doesn’t want someone like you—a dumbass, I believe was the term he used—around.”

Barry’s eyes widened, his mind reeling. Those words—*a dumbass like you*—he had heard them before, just downstairs from Daniel, of all people. The realization was like a slap in the face. Had Daniel spoken to the CEO? Could he have somehow poisoned the well against him?

He opened his mouth to argue, but before he could, Priya gave a slight nod to the security guards nearby. “If you’re not leaving on your own, I’ll have to ask the guards to escort you out.”

Barry’s pride flared. The last thing he needed was to be thrown out like a common criminal, not in front of all these people. With a deep breath, he straightened his suit jacket and forced a smug expression back onto his face.

“No need for that,” Barry said, his voice dripping with false confidence. “I know when I’m not wanted.” He turned on his heel and walked out, his every step oozing with confidence. But inside, his stomach churned.


The evening had settled into a deep, inky darkness as Ava stood in front of her mirror, her reflection revealing a mixture of nerves and excitement. Tonight was the night—a night she had dreamed of for years. She would finally be announced as the CEO of Johnson Family Holdings. This was her chance to prove herself, to be something more in her family’s eyes. And none of this would have been possible without Daniel.

A soft knock at the door broke her thoughts. She turned to see Daniel step into the room, his presence grounding her. He wore a suit—cheap, but neatly pressed. The fabric was worn in places, but it was clear he had put in effort for tonight.

Daniel’s eyes lit up as he saw Ava. She looked stunning in a flowing gown that highlighted her elegance. He smiled, a warmth in his gaze. “You look beautiful, Ava.”

She returned his smile, though it was tinged with anxiety. “Thank you, Daniel. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

He stepped closer, gently taking her hand. “You earned this, Ava. You’ve worked hard, and tonight, everyone will see that.”

Ava’s smile widened, some of her nerves easing as she looked at the man who had been her rock. “Let’s go,” she said, determination lining her voice. Together, they left their home and headed to her grandmother’s mansion.

The mansion was grand, illuminated by soft lights that spilled out onto the driveway. As they stepped inside, Ava immediately spotted some of her family members gathered around, chatting and sipping on champagne. She squeezed Daniel’s hand and then made her way over to them, leaving him by the entrance.

Daniel stood quietly, observing the opulence around him. He was out of place here, and he knew it. But tonight wasn’t about him. It was about Ava, and he was determined to see her shine.

He picked up a glass of champagne from a nearby tray, the bubbles fizzing lightly. Just then, Bruce appeared, a smirk playing on his lips as he approached Daniel.

“Well, well,” Bruce said, a chuckle escaping him. He took a sip of his champagne and then added with a sneer, “I bet you’ve never tasted something this expensive before, have you?”

Daniel glanced at the glass in his hand, then back at Bruce. He could feel the condescension in Bruce’s tone, but he chose to remain calm. He offered a small, polite smile. “Whether you like it or not, Bruce, I’m part of this family. I’m here for one thing—to celebrate Ava becoming the new CEO of Johnson Family Holdings.”

Bruce nearly choked on his drink, a mocking laugh escaping him. “CEO? You think she’s got what it takes to run this company? That’s rich.”

Bruce eyed Daniel with a smug grin, leaning in just enough to make the conversation feel private, but not so much that it was secret. "You know," Bruce began, his tone dripping with false sincerity, "Ava's got spirit, I'll give her that. But spirit doesn't run a company, Daniel. Not this one."

Daniel frowned, not fully understanding the insinuation. "Ava’s worked harder than anyone else for this. She deserves it."

Bruce chuckled softly, almost pityingly. "Deserve? That’s a funny word around here. Things don’t work like that in our world. But you wouldn’t know, would you?"

Daniel stiffened, but before he could respond, Mrs. Elizabeth stepped into the room, her presence immediately commanding attention. She was dressed impeccably, her posture regal as she stood before the crowd. The murmurs of conversation quickly died down, and all eyes turned toward her.

Mrs. Elizabeth smiled warmly, though there was a sharpness to it that sent a ripple of tension through the room. "Thank you all for coming tonight," she began, her voice clear and steady. "As you know, I’m retiring. It’s time for a new era, and with that comes a new leader for Johnson Family Holdings."

Ava’s heart raced as she took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. This was it—her moment. She glanced at Daniel, who gave her an encouraging nod. She could feel the anticipation building within her, the years of hard work and sacrifice leading to this very moment.

Mrs. Elizabeth continued, her eyes sweeping over the crowd. "The decision to choose a successor has not been taken lightly. I’ve thought long and hard about who should take over, and I believe I’ve made the right choice."

Ava straightened up, readying herself. She could already feel the spotlight, the weight of the responsibility she was about to take on. This was her chance to prove to everyone, especially her family, that she was worthy.

"And so," Mrs. Elizabeth said, her voice ringing out, "the next CEO of Johnson Family Holdings will be… Bruce Johnson."

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