Chapter 5- Public Announcement 1

As Daniel sat in the waiting area on the ground floor of the T.T.I. building, his patience was wearing thin. He glanced at his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, his eyes drifting over the sleek, modern design of the lobby. The polished floors and glass walls seemed to close in on him, amplifying his impatience

His thoughts were jolted when he saw Barry stepping out of a sleek red Ferrari. Barry’s impeccably tailored suit and confident stride stood in stark contrast to Daniel’s casual attire. Daniel’s eyes narrowed as Barry approached, the disdain in his expression unmistakable.

“Well, well, well,” Barry drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he spotted Daniel. “If it isn’t Daniel the useless. What’s a lowlife like you doing here at T.T.I.? Came to beg for scraps?”

Daniel’s jaw tightened. He tried to keep his voice steady, but his irritation was evident. “I’m tired of your face, Barry. I thought T.T.I. had cut ties with you.”

Barry’s smirk widened. “I’m here to meet the new CEO. I’ve got a conversation lined up to secure their biggest contract. I’m the only one who can handle it.”

Daniel’s lips curled into a smirk. “Good luck with that. If I were the CEO, I wouldn’t want a dumbass like you around.”

Barry chuckled, stepping closer with a dismissive air. “Looks like Daniel’s grown some balls. Maybe you’re just a janitor here now.”

Daniel’s eyes flashed with a mix of anger and challenge. “And if you don’t get the contract?”

Barry raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his smirk. “What about it?”

Daniel leaned in, his voice low and resolute. “If you don’t get it, you’ll have to apologize to me. On your knees. In public.”

Barry’s laughter was cold and dismissive, echoing through the lobby. “You think I won’t get it? That’s a joke. But sure, if I do get it, you’ll divorce Ava.”

Daniel’s expression hardened, the stakes now crystal clear. “Deal.”

Barry’s grin widened, his victory seemingly assured. Ava emerged from the elevator. She was radiant, her face lit up with excitement. Her eyes quickly found Daniel’s, and she made a beeline towards him.

Barry’s gaze shifted to Ava. His smile turned suggestive as he said, “Well, look who it is. Hi, baby.” He leaned in, his tone dripping with an insincere charm, ignoring Daniel entirely.

Ava’s face fell briefly, but she quickly masked it with a polite smile. “Barry,” she said curtly, barely acknowledging him. “I’m done here.”

Barry’s smile faltered slightly, but he maintained his composure looking at Daniel “bye loser .” He turned on his heel and walked out, his confidence unmistakable.

As Barry left, Ava hurried to Daniel, her face glowing with joy. She threw her arms around him, nearly lifting him off his feet. “Daniel! I got the job!” Her voice was a mix of relief and elation.

Daniel hugged her tightly, a smile spreading across his face. “I told you, you’d get it,” he said warmly.

Ava pulled back, her eyes sparkling. “And they even paid me double! The advisor didn’t even look at my CV. Can you believe it?”

Daniel’s grin widened. “That’s incredible! I knew you’d nail it.”

Ava beamed. “I can’t wait to tell Grandma. She’s going to be so proud!”

As Ava and Daniel arrived at Mrs. Elizabeth's home, a sleek black Tesla parked in the driveway caught Daniel’s eye. He raised an eyebrow, puzzled. “Who’s got a new car?”

Ava shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a visitor.”

They walked up the steps and into the house, where Mrs. Elizabeth was engaged in a lively conversation with a sharply dressed man. Daniel’s heart sank when he recognized Bruce, the same bully from his school days. Bruce’s smug demeanor and designer clothes only intensified Daniel's unease.

Bruce glanced up, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Daniel. He sneered, “So, Ava’s still with the beggar, huh? I can’t believe it.”

Ava’s face flushed with embarrassment. “Bruce, that’s not how you talk to your brother-in-law.”

Daniel forced a tight smile. “It’s fine, Ava.”

Mrs. Elizabeth looked at Daniel with an air of disapproval. “I called Bruce in to help secure the contract at T.T.I. He has the right connections.”

Ava’s smile faltered. “But I got the contract,” she said softly, her voice laced with hurt. “They didn’t even look at my CV.”

Mrs. Elizabeth’s expression hardened. “That’s not possible. Bruce has the expertise. You must be mistaken.”

Ava’s eyes brimmed with disappointment. “No, Grandma. I really did get it.”

Bruce's chuckle hung in the air as he leaned back, arms crossed. “Where’s the proof?”

Ava, with a steady hand, reached into her bag and pulled out a neatly folded document. She handed it to Bruce, who took it with a smirk. He scanned the paper, his smirk fading as Mrs. Elizabeth snatched it from his hands.

“You were given the contract just like that?” Mrs. Elizabeth’s voice dripped with skepticism as she read over the document.

Bruce scoffed, crossing his arms again. “Maybe she printed a fake. Or perhaps her husband here helped create it. Isn’t that right, Daniel? After all, a loser like you probably spends all day finding ways to cheat the system.”

Daniel’s jaw tightened, but he held his tongue, choosing instead to keep his focus on Ava.

Mrs. Elizabeth frowned, doubt etched across her face. Just then, the sound of a news anchor's voice filled the room. They all turned toward the TV, where a breaking news segment flashed across the screen.

“…In a surprising move, T.T.I. has announced a new partnership with Ava Johnson of Johnson’s Family Holdings, mere hours after cutting ties with Live Corps. Sources say the new CEO was particularly impressed with Johnson’s proposal, marking a significant shift in the company’s strategy…”

Bruce’s expression twisted with shock. “So it’s true,” he muttered, his gaze flickering between the TV and Ava. He turned back to her, his disbelief palpable. “How did you do it? Did you—” His voice dropped to a venomous whisper, “Did you sleep with the CEO?”

Ava’s face tightened with anger at Bruce’s accusation, but before she could respond, Mrs. Elizabeth raised her hand, silencing her with a sharp gesture.

“Ava, that’s enough. Leave us,” Mrs. Elizabeth commanded, her voice cold and authoritative.

Ava hesitated, her eyes pleading for understanding, but Mrs. Elizabeth’s stern expression left no room for argument. Reluctantly, Ava turned to leave, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

Daniel, seething with frustration, shot a glare at Bruce. Every fiber of his being wanted to knock the smugness off his face, but he knew better. He clenched his fists, forcing himself to follow Ava out of the room.

Once they were gone, Mrs. Elizabeth turned her attention back to Bruce, her expression softening. “Well, the hardest part is done. Ava’s secured the T.T.I. deal.”

Bruce laughed, a cold, mocking sound. “Sure, she’s done well, but are you really going to let someone without a degree—someone with no real qualifications—lead Johnson Family Holdings? It’s going to be ridiculous. The board won’t take her seriously.”

Mrs. Elizabeth’s face hardened with concern. She had spent years building the company’s reputation, and the thought of it being tarnished by inexperience gnawed at her. “You’re right,” she murmured, more to herself than to Bruce.

Bruce stepped closer, his voice low and persuasive. “If you want to maintain the company’s prestige, you need someone with the right connections, the right education. Someone like me.”

Mrs. Elizabeth looked at him, her mind weighing the options. It was clear that her priority was the company’s success, and Bruce was making a compelling case. “And you’re certain you can handle it?” she asked, though her tone suggested she already knew the answer.

Bruce’s smile was full of confidence. “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. Just announce it tonight, in front of the family. I’ll take the reins, and you won’t have to worry about Ava messing things up.”

Mrs. Elizabeth nodded slowly, the decision solidifying in her mind. “Very well,” she said, her voice resigned. “I’ll make the announcement tonight.”

Bruce’s grin widened as he imagined the look on Ava’s face when she learned that her efforts had been in vain. He had won, and the company would be his.

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