John Smith

There was a stiff tension in the Imperial Hotel as every staff was informed of the mysterious John Smith's arrival.

Madame Aurora had given strict instructions: On no account must anyone offend John Smith.

A bad review from someone as wealthy as John Smith could ruin their reputation.

Madame Aurora was all about good reputation and five star reviews.

She values her reputation more than she values money.

John Smith was scheduled to arrive at the hotel by 9pm.

The Imperial Hotel was on standby to welcome this mysterious wealthy man.

Moses stood outside the entrance, dressed in an immaculate bellhop uniform.

Standing beside him was his ex-wife, Valeria.

"It's odd, isn't it?" Valeria began. "That John Smith would pick you to serve him."

Moses didn't say anything.

Valeria frowned. Moses haven't talked to her ever since their divorce papers were signed.

"I understand if you hate me now, but don't forget I'm still your superior in this establishment," she said, her voice at edge.

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