

Soft music played in the background as everyone danced slowly, Xavier looked around the crowd and found James staring lustfully at his wife. He walked immediately and held her waist protectively.

His phone beeped and he saw a message from Linda “Everything is set sir.” He smiled inwardly.

“Mhm…attention everyone! I have an announcement to make, on behalf of the Berol corporation company. We've appointed a new director of the Berol corporation company…My in-law to be Greg!” Kisha announced, smiling broadly.

“What!? Aunt Kisha, you can't do this!” Joyce shouted in shock.

“Please step forward Greg.” Kisha added, she looked away from everyone's gaze.

“But she already did Joyce, By the way, thank you Aunt Kisha, I have a few words to make everyone…” Greg tried to say, stepping forward.

“Beep! Beep!” Everyone's phone beeped and all eyes turned on James.

“What? What's going on? Why are you all staring at me!?” James asked in shock.

“James, check the trending news! The…the value of your company has dropped 90% in the last 30 seconds!” Kisha dropped the bombshell. James Eyes widened in shock and awe. Xavier chuckled softly. James rushed off to Xavier and dragged his collar.

“You Xavier! You did this, didn't you!?” James yelled at him clenching his teeth.

“I told you to apologize.” Xavier responded nonchalantly, he yanked James hands off his collar.

“Me? Apologize? But how? You're a nobody! Worse than dirt!” James spat out.

“Even dirt is tired of being stepped on after a while!” Xavier responded confidently.

“How dare you!...” James yelled, his phone ringing noisily.

“Pick your calls James, those might be your angry shareholders calling you…ugh..who knows?” Xavier smiled sarcastically.

“Please stop this!” James warned.

“It's already done. Upset me again, and I will do more than bankrupt you!” Xavier said coldly.

“And who are you? I'm bankrupt!? I'm screwed! Completely screwed!” James said and stormed off. Greg stared steadily at Xavier, his eyes widened.

“Who are you Xavier McKinney?” Greg muttered as his jaw dropped. Greg walked immediately to Xavier.

“ Who are you really!?” He asked him straight to his face. 

“Greg! Come here please?” Kisha said immediately, Greg turned and walked up to her.

“ So everyone, as I was saying before the interruption…please let's welcome Greg the new director of the Berol corporation company!” Kisha announced smiling, Greg waved happily as claps filled the air.

“Aunt! But I got the contract!” Joyce interrupted and everyone faced her.

“Oh really! Such a vivid imagination my sweet niece.” Kisha giggles.

“You know I did.” Joyce said, tears already forming around her eyes.

“And would you care to explain how you did it?” Kisha asked immediately.

“What? What did you mean?” Joyce inquired, blinking repeatedly. Joyce drawed her long ball gown up and ran out in tears.

“Please never mind her, she must have taken too much champagne! Greg, go ahead with your speech.” Kisha smiled nervously.

“Thank you Aunt Kisha. As I was saying, I look forward to my new role as the director and working side by side with the CEO of the Berol corporation company.” Greg said with a smile.

“Yes! Speaking of the CEO of the Berol corporation company, He is with us tonight! Let's welcome him with generous applause.” Kisha said loudly. Loud applause filled the air.

Xavier walked charismatically and majestically out of the crowd with a long face, adjusting his suit. All eyes turned at him as the claps died down immediately.

“Xavier, you idiot! What the hell are you doing!?” Kisha asked in disgust.

“Calm down Aunt Kisha, I'd like to introduce the secretary of the Berol corporation company… Miss Linda!” Xavier said. Linda walked in with smiles to the stage.

“Wait, how does he know the secretary of the Berol corporation company!?” Mira asked, stunned, to no one in particular.

“Thank you Xavier. Unfortunately, my employer, the CEO of the Berol corporation company, had to step off for an urgent phone call. But, he has an important message for the family. Their contract…is terminated!” Linda said confidently sipping her wine.

“What? Miss Linda, we had a deal, remember?” Kisha pleaded, grabbing her hands.

“Yes, and we had a deal with Joyce. But it sounds like you went in a new direction, and placed a spoiled, incompetent nincompoop in her place! That is not allowed to be done, Miss Kisha?” Linda sparked, Greg's face bent down in shame.

“And, the CEO wants nothing to do with that man over there, he thought he made that very clear.” Linda added.

Linda rushed to her immediately grabbing her arms “ But…”

“I assure you Miss Kisha, I'm much stronger than you think you are.” Linda responded furiously. Kisha slowly let go of her arms.

“Good night, everyone.” Linda replaced her anger with a smile and left immediately.

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