

Kisha grieved with so much anger as Linda walked away from the stage. Murmurs filled the room from the guests.

“As the new director of….” Greg said but Kisha cut him off.

“Oh please! Shut the hell up Greg!” Kisha yelled furiously. 

“Uhmmm…enjoy the party everyone!” Greg faked a smile covering up the shame on his face.

“I can't believe Aunt Kisha did this to me…I was given that deal, babe.” Joyce cried leaning on Xavier's shoulder.

“Well, that's why the Berol corporation pulled the contract.” Xavier responded by patting her back.

She immediately looked up at him, wiping her tears immediately.

“What? How did that happen?” Joyce asked immediately, astonished.

Kisha walked to them and grabbed Joyce's hands pleading “Please my lovely niece, you have to convince the secretary of the Berol corporation not to cancel the deal…” 

“Me? Oh wow Aunt Kisha! Why would I help you? You lied to me!” Joyce responded, she wrapped her arms around Xavier, he held her tightly.

Greg ran directly to Kisha and whisper into her ears “As the new director of the Berol corporation…”

“Greg! Shut the hell up!!! Shut it! Lunatic!” Kisha yelled. Xavier's heart jumped for joy as she shouted at Greg.

“Now you guys listen, Joyce is the new director obviously.” Kisha announced without hesitation.

“I am?” Joyce asked, her jaw dropped from the new announcement.

“Of course sweetheart! Oh…please Joyce.” Kisha begged with her two palms against the other.

“Uhmm…fine.” Joyce said and out her phone, she dialed Linda's number.

“Hey, Linda..I was thinking you'd give us another chance.” She said over the phone.

Everyone stared steadily at her with higher hopes.

“Really! Thank you so much! Thanks to the CEO!” Joyce screamed with joy. She dropped the call and faced them.

“The deal is back on!” She shouted.

“Oh! Thank goodness! Let's party everyone and make a toast to our latest director and my lovely niece, Miss Joyce!” Kisha said happily.

“And a toast to my lovely husband!” Joyce added and everyone jammed their glasses of wine. Greg stormed off.

“Thank you so much for staying with me, my love.” Joyce said and kissed Xavier passionately.

“Now why don't we do this in a quieter place?” Xavier asked lustfully, biting his lower lips seductively.

“Sure!” Joyce giggles, Xavier swept her off her feet and carried her upstairs.


Sun rays penetrated into Xavier's eyes as he blinked them open, the shower was splattering, Joyce was in the shower. 

“Knock! knock!” A loud knock came on the door. Xavier immediately put on his boxer and rushed to the door, it was Mira.

“Xavier, please you have to help me, All my money is gone.” Mira said immediately in tears.

“What?” Xavier exclaimed, confused about what exactly she meant.

“Ok, I gave it to some guy to invest in and he stole it.” Mira rushed her words.

“And you think I can help you Mira?” He asked coldly and shocked.

“Probably not, but I can't tell Greg and Aunt Kisha would kill me! So…please?” Mira asked calmly.

Xavier walked into a basement with Mira behind him, his face was cold and furious as if a lion who's going to hurt its prey.

He rushed to a huge man who was fixing lots of money into his briefcase. Xavier quacked his shoulder against the car boot.

“Hey!” Xavier should grab his collar furiously.

“What the fuck! Piss off man!” The man scoffed, trying to get off his grip.

“You took money that didn’t belong to you! Give…it…back!” Xavier drawled his words.

“Really? You can't prove anything dude, so fuck off!” The man smirked.

Xavier strangled his neck strongly, he quickly grabbed his hair and smashed the stranger's head on the car. He groaned painfully.

“Do you know who I am!?” Xavier shouted coldly.

“No…I'm sorry please.” The man pleaded, holding his bleeding nose.

“I am Xavier McKinney, the CEO of the Berol corporation company! You just messed with the wrong man!” Xavier said furiously. Mira stood from a far trying to hear what they converse about.

“I…I'm sorry, I will return the money.” The man sobbed.

“Good! Now tell her. And get the hell out of here.” Xavier said, turning to Mira who ran straight to where they were in fear.

“Ok…ok…I'm so sorry ma'am, here.. here's the money and double for causing you trouble.” The man shivered, he handed her the bag of money and ran off immediately.

Mira smiled sheepishly, she unzipped the briefcase and found out that the money was completed.

“Uhmmm.. Xavier, what…what just happened? How come you retrieved the money so quickly?” Mira asked, stunned.

“Now listen to me Mira, don't you ever tell Joyce to divorce me again!” Xavier responded coldly and left.

“No, I won't Xavier! Thank you so much!” Mira shouted happily. 

“Now that's more like it.” Xavier smiles at himself.

Xavier got home and could hear voices of his wife talking with someone. He walked straight into the sitting room and found his wife with a beautiful woman with shiny blonde hair.

“Honey.” He said and kissed his wife.

“Babe, you're just in time! Meet Jenny.” Joyce introduced him to the lady sitting.

The lady stood up immediately and turned to Xavier smiling broadly. “Xavier, I've heard so much about you.” She said seductively and gave him a hand shake…she lustfully scratched his palms with her fingers.

“She's a friend and just moved to town, and guess what!? She is the Berol corporation company's new secretary…because the CEO decided to promote Miss Linda to the vice president of the Berol corporation company!” Joyce said happily.

“Hello.” Xavier responded and walked into the room, he paced around the room restlessly. He brought out his phone and dialed Linda's number.

“Why did you employ her? This could ruin everything!” He said as gently as he could.

“I swear I did not know she was friends with you wife sir, what do you want me to do now?” Linda asked restlessly.

“Ugh, don't worry Linda…I will handle it.” Xavier responded and hung up the call.

“Darling! I'm stepping out for a while, please help me show Jenny around!” Joyce shouted from downstairs.

“Ok sweetie, go ahead.” Xavier responded and breathe out.

Jenny drove Xavier to the company, they alighted from the car and stood right in front of the company. Xavier feels so uncomfortable around jenny.

“So. This is where I will be working?” Jenny ask flirtatiously.

“Yes. I guess.” Xavier responded uncomfortablely.

“Can’t wait to meet the CEO. I heard he's very mysterious.” Jenny said and Xavier shrugged.

“Look, he can't avoid us forever!” Mira said angrily, she walked out of the Berol corporation company with Greg behind her. They stopped halfway immediately when they saw Xavier.

“Still no luck with the CEO?” Xavier asked with a smirk.

“Oh shut up!” Greg fired and turned to face jenny.”And who are you?” He asked, and he gave her a handshake. He kissed her hand.

“I’m Jenny, the new secretary of the Berol corporation company.” Jenny smiled.

“ That's great! Maybe she can put a good word in for you Greg, to the CEO. I have a good idea!” Mira giggles.

“Ugh, why don't you come have lunch with us? Jenny?” Mira asked politely.

“I will, only if Xavier comes.” Jenny responded holding Xavier tightly.

“Xavier!? I won't be caught dead at the bar with Xavier McKinney.” Mira scoffed, rolling her eyes.

“Then, I guess I'm not hungry!” Jenny responded sharply.

“No, no of course he can come!” Greg smiled sheepishly. “What is wrong with you Mira!” He whispered harshly.

“Alright, he can have water.” Mira responded and they left.


They got to the bar and found two men arguing, they dropped their food and rushed over there. It was that same bulgar who stole Mira's money.

“You?” Mira shouted.

“No, Mr Xavier is not what you think. It is not what it looks like! Take it! All of it?” The man said fearfully and ran out of the bar.

“Wait, why is he so afraid of you Xavier?” Greg asked. Just then, Mira collapsed.

“Mira! What's happening to you! Hey Xavier, don't just stand there, do something!” Greg shouted, shaking Mira vigorously.

“I will call an ambulance.” Xavier said and walked A Bit far from the incident. Jenny ran after him.

“Xavier, everyone thinks you're a nobody, but I don't believe that.” Jenny said, hugging him from the back.

Xavier disengaged the hug and walked away.

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